1. Canada`s symbol-----beaver
楼主你肯定吗?? 这题好像有点奇怪?
Canada's symbol, 有很多, 有crown, 有rcmp, 有maple leaf.
什么时候轮得到beaver ??
Canadian Symbols
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Mace of the House of Commons, Ottawa
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Canada has many important symbols — objects, events, and people that have special meaning. Together they help explain what it means to be Canadian and express our national identity. Important Canadian symbols appear throughout this booklet.
The Canadian Crown
The Crown has been a symbol of the state in Canada for 400 years. Canada has been a constitutional monarchy in its own right since Confederation in 1867 during Queen Victoria’s reign. Queen Elizabeth II who has been Queen of Canada since 1952, marked her Golden Jubilee in 2002, and celebrates her Diamond Jubilee (60 years as Sovereign) in 2012. The Crown is a symbol of government, including Parliament, the legislatures, the courts, police services and the Canadian Forces.
The Maple Leaf
The maple leaf is Canada’s best-known symbol. Maple leaves were adopted as a symbol by French-Canadians in the 1700s, have appeared on Canadian uniforms and insignia since the 1850s, and are carved into the headstones of our fallen soldiers buried overseas and in Canada.
The Beaver
The beaver was adopted centuries ago as a symbol of the Hudson’s Bay Company. It became an emblem of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, a French-Canadian patriotic association, in 1834, and was also adopted by other groups. This industrious rodent can be seen on the five-cent coin, on the coats of arms of Saskatchewan and Alberta, and of cities such as Montreal and Toronto.
唉, 不过话又说回来, 既然在书的那章里面出现了, 那应该统统都算作symbol吧, 哪怕文字没明说.