

现在卖出MONTHLY ABX $7 的 NAKED PUT, 价格0.75. 计划只要到期日股价没到7块, 我就一直ROLL 下去收PREMIUM。

比较一下我们的收益情况,你的 abx $7 的 NAKED PUT 这周五到期吧?

在你卖 ABX $7 的 NAKED PUT的期间,我持有股票,卖了0.27$-0.12$ + 0.40$ + 0.20$(本周五的6.5的covered call) = 0.75$, 股票7$买进,看这周五收的价格。
你的abx 0.75$的 naked put 也要看这周五的价格。

目前来看两种方法在股票下跌的情况下,差不多打平,但是我不确定prime你还持有你的naked put,如果是我,我肯定已经cut掉了,即使不cut掉也会因为超了margin被强迫cut掉,也就是说sell covered call能纠正我操作的缺陷

在股票上涨的情况下, sell covered call比较灵活,我觉得
要是只看收益率,不用比,option就是猜价格游戏,谁猜的最接近周五收盘价谁就收益最大,strike price一样的话,就比谁猜的方向正确,short call 7就是判断股价小于7,short put 7就是判断股价大于7。所以vicky在option上赚多一些,但是被股票缩水拽回去,结果背着抱着一边沉,因为两种策略delta值相同嘛。

我的观点是在手里有股票的情况下,short guts/straddle比单纯short call效果好。

不过首先应该尽量避免买入股票,所以short put没的说,挥一挥衣袖,不带走一丝云彩,只把利润带走就好,hehe。
最后编辑: 2015-09-18


primed, 恭喜你这一局胜出,不过更佩服你能一直拿到底,估计在中间的时候有一段对于option来说是-100%的收益,你都敢留着



买入feye股票 37.9$
卖出本周五的38的call 1.18$


primed,我记得以前我都是卖in the money的naked put, naked call才能有10%以上每周的收益,换成sell covered call 我都是做at the money的sell call,就可以做到10%以上每周的收益,你说哪个风险大,哪个风险小

我要是像你那样做abx, 肯定会输很多的,因为sell covered call这样的做法,虽然abx从8跌到6.5,没有输,反而有盈利

最后编辑: 2015-09-21


要是只看收益率,不用比,option就是猜价格游戏,谁猜的最接近周五收盘价谁就收益最大,strike price一样的话,就比谁猜的方向正确,short call 7就是判断股价小于7,short put 7就是判断股价大于7。所以vicky在option上赚多一些,但是被股票缩水拽回去,结果背着抱着一边沉,因为两种策略delta值相同嘛。

我的观点是在手里有股票的情况下,short guts/straddle比单纯short call效果好。

不过首先应该尽量避免买入股票,所以short put没的说,挥一挥衣袖,不带走一丝云彩,只把利润带走就好,hehe。

买股票后,再short guts和 short straddle 需要双倍的margin, 等我资金增多一点的时候,我会考虑这种策略,目前暂时不考虑
买入feye股票 37.9$
卖出本周五的38的call 1.18$


primed,我记得以前我都是卖in the money的naked put, naked call才能有10%以上每周的收益,换成sell covered call 我都是做at the money的sell call,就可以做到10%以上每周的收益,你说哪个风险大,哪个风险小

我要是像你那样做abx, 肯定会输很多的,因为sell covered call这样的做法,虽然abx从8跌到6.5,没有输,反而有盈利


你的理解有点问题. 你看看这一段,正符合你现在的思路。

I would say the biggest mistake made by the average covered call writer is that he makes his decision based on the return of the option. Now, if you’re looking to get a major big return, that’s a mistake. Covered call writing is a conservative strategy.

If you get more than a 6% one-month return for an at-the-money strike, that means that there’s a lot of implied volatility in that option. Stated differently, the market is anticipating a big price change in that stock prior to expiration. It doesn’t dictate which direction that price change is going to be. So if it’s down, one trade can wipe out your profits for the entire month. Selecting a position based on return is a mistake, absolutely.
你的理解有点问题. 你看看这一段,正符合你现在的思路。

I would say the biggest mistake made by the average covered call writer is that he makes his decision based on the return of the option. Now, if you’re looking to get a major big return, that’s a mistake. Covered call writing is a conservative strategy.

If you get more than a 6% one-month return for an at-the-money strike, that means that there’s a lot of implied volatility in that option. Stated differently, the market is anticipating a big price change in that stock prior to expiration. It doesn’t dictate which direction that price change is going to be. So if it’s down, one trade can wipe out your profits for the entire month. Selecting a position based on return is a mistake, absolutely.
A plethora of funds, most of them closed-end, have cropped up with covered calls in their portfolios. Among them: Invesco Powershares S&P 500 Buy-Write (PBP), Madison/Claymore Covered Call (MCN), Nuveen Equity Premium Income (JSN), Gamco Natural Resources Gold-Income (GNT), and Black Rock Enhanced Dividend Achievers (BDJ).

Does option-writing really enhance returns? Not in bull markets, that’s for sure. The Invesco Buy-Write fund, says Morningstar, has earned 9% a year over the past three years, to the S&P’s 15%. Perhaps this fund can catch up, if only we get a nice crash.


你的理解有点问题. 你看看这一段,正符合你现在的思路。

I would say the biggest mistake made by the average covered call writer is that he makes his decision based on the return of the option. Now, if you’re looking to get a major big return, that’s a mistake. Covered call writing is a conservative strategy.

If you get more than a 6% one-month return for an at-the-money strike, that means that there’s a lot of implied volatility in that option. Stated differently, the market is anticipating a big price change in that stock prior to expiration. It doesn’t dictate which direction that price change is going to be. So if it’s down, one trade can wipe out your profits for the entire month. Selecting a position based on return is a mistake, absolutely.

谢谢primed 的回复,我觉得是很有道理, 我确实喜欢IV比较高的股票,像abx, feye, amba, gpro, 即使是卖naked put, naked call我也是喜欢这样的股票,也经常在这样的股票上载跟头,经常觉得它该涨了,买了option, 花了不少钱,80%的情况下都赔掉,所以我换一种被动的方式试一下,也许像你说的,不一定管用,虽然到目前来看还比较满意,可能比较适合现在这种市场


最后编辑: 2015-09-21
买股票后,再short guts和 short straddle 需要双倍的margin, 等我资金增多一点的时候,我会考虑这种策略,目前暂时不考虑
换个角度,你可以把short guts/straddle看作是用相同的margin做双向投资,不管你的本意是看多还是看空,都可以把另外一半当作hedging,也就是说追求总体neutral,这样不管市场上涨还是下跌,都可以盈利,基本上这就有点对冲基金的意思了。
最后编辑: 2015-09-23
谢谢primed 的回复,我觉得是很有道理, 我确实喜欢IV比较高的股票,像abx, feye, amba, gpro, 即使是卖naked put, naked call我也是喜欢这样的股票,也经常在这样的股票上载跟头,经常觉得它该涨了,买了option, 花了不少钱,80%的情况下都赔掉,所以我换一种被动的方式试一下,也许像你说的,不一定管用,虽然到目前来看还比较满意,可能比较适合现在这种市场


我近来交易的时候都要看level2的数据,我现在还说不清楚,但是做市商在option上绝对占了散户很大的便宜(风险给散户,利润归他们),这个比较微妙,多看level 2就明白了。所以,玩单边就是给做市商抗雷呢。




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