我觉得你对margin的理解不对,margin只和股票的类别和strike price有关,assign的概率太复杂了,没法操作。
你的PUT @150, 价格 $2.40, margin=150*0.3-2.4=42.6
我的put @170,价格$18,margin=170*.3-18=33
1) my margin requirement: (20% of underlying security value instead of 30%)
Short Put
Initial margin requirement:
100% of option proceeds, plus 20% of underlying security value less out-of-the-money amount, if any
minimum requirement is option proceeds plus 10% of the put’s aggregate exercise price (number of contracts x exercise price x $100)
proceeds received from sale of puts(s) may be applied to the initial margin requirement
after position is established, ongoing maintenance margin requirement applies, and an increase (or decrease) in the margin required is possible
Short 1 Feb 150 puts(s) at $2.40
Underlying stock at $155.00
Put is out-of-the-money
Initial Margin
Margin requirement:
Proceeds from sale of short put(s): $240.00
Margin call (SMA debit): $2,600.00
2) your requirement: (20% of underlying security value instead of 30%)
Short Put
Initial margin requirement:
100% of option proceeds, plus 20% of underlying security value less out-of-the-money amount, if any
minimum requirement is option proceeds plus 10% of the put’s aggregate exercise price (number of contracts x exercise price x $100)
proceeds received from sale of puts(s) may be applied to the initial margin requirement
after position is established, ongoing maintenance margin requirement applies, and an increase (or decrease) in the margin required is possible
Short 1 Feb 170 puts(s) at $18.00
Underlying stock at $155.00
Put is in-the-money
Initial Margin
Margin requirement:
Proceeds from sale of short put(s): $1,800.00
Margin call (SMA debit): $3,100.00