我感觉应该算家庭成员吧。you 不是妈妈的家庭成员
申请旅游签: 回答no.
我感觉应该算家庭成员吧。you 不是妈妈的家庭成员
申请旅游签: 回答no.
谢谢。 长见识了Family members
Your family members include your spouse or common-law partner, your dependent children and any children that are their dependent children.
你长大了 成家立业了,能够养活自己了, 不算做你父母的 dependent children
如果第一次办 旅游签证我觉得最好 按照定以应该回答NO, 没有家庭成员在加拿大,否则容易引起麻烦。
如果办探亲签证, 按照严格定以 其实也应该回答NO。
但是实际操作起来, 即使填yes, 最后也不影响大局。 灰色地带问题。
Lucy, another question for you
1. the applicants don't understand English, so I should choose "no" in "can you communicate in English"?
choose "no"
2. Both my parents in-law are farmers, have no jobs, how can I fill their employment, leave it blank?
profession: farmer (similar to self-employed)
3. If I validate the forms, can I still edit?
yes, you can still edit it. re-validate it , after you edit it.