我是申请孩子的,一月底签收,因为当年短登拿到枫叶卡就回国呆了很久,生了孩子后才来。一般ar1到dm1快的两周,慢的一个月,我当时整整审了两个多月,就是因为使馆对担保人的资格有疑虑。还好递件时写了一封解释信,解释了为何要在国内呆那么久,解释被使馆接受了,3月底终于DM1,转向香港使馆。由于香港使馆今年速度整体偏慢,之后我也没有太在意,心想慢慢等总是能批下来的。上周五看很多坛子里的朋友写信给香港使馆询问进度,闲极无聊也写了一封。今天半夜了刷手机看微博,邮箱提示收到了回信,原以为跟大家一样都是回复case is pending review或者is under review这种官方语言,打开一浏览发现信特别长,还有个附件,觉得不对劲赶紧起来打开电脑下载了附件好好琢磨。
附件里是一封procedural fairness letter,里面列举了sponsor跟principal applicant的法律定义,最后几段是签证官的意见,我贴上大家看下:
Following a review of your application, I am not satisfied that your sponsor has resided in Canada from the time her application to sponsor you was submitted until now. To be clear, for the purposes of processing this application and pursuant to sections R130(2) of the Regulations, it is necessary that your sponsor establish that she resides in Canada.
From the information provided on your application, I note that although your sponsor was granted permanent residence in Canada in 2010, she returned to China and remained in China until November 2013.(虽然回国很久,但是居住时间到换枫叶卡时可以满足五年住满2年的要求) Your sponsor has provided a month-to-month lease agreement, as well a learner’s permit and bank account statement. However, these are passive indicators of residence and are insufficient to satisfy me that she is normally residing in Canada.
I have reviewed your application and am not satisfied of your sponsor's continued and regular residential presence in Canada. You have 30 days to provide the following information, at which time a final decision will be made on your file:
- Credible evidence of your sponsor’s residence in Canada (i.e. proof of regular and ongoing residence in Canada such as bills/receipts for purchases in Canada);
- Credible evidence of your spouse’s employment in Canada such as evidence of employment or evidence of an active and ongoing job search;(我觉得这里的spouse应该是sponsor的笔误,因为这封信是写给principal applicant也就是我儿子的,他才一岁多,不可能有spouse。大家看呢?)
- Copies of all pages of your sponsor’s passport.
If there is any other relevant information which you believe should be taken into consideration before a final decision is made on this application, please send it to this office within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter. Please ensure that you quote the file number indicated at the top of this letter on any information you submit.
If you choose not to respond with additional information, a decision will be rendered in your application based on the information in your file.
搜了一下好像没有其他朋友收到 procedural fairness letter的先例,Mississauga的签证官复核了我的sponsor资格,但是从递料至今又半年以上了,香港签证官对我是否还在加拿大居住表示怀疑,因此要求我出具可信的材料证明我一直呆在加拿大。好在这些材料对一直住在加拿大的我来说挺容易,这周可以就补料去香港。按这个信上说的补料后应该就能出DM2了。早知道我就早点写信了!
附件里是一封procedural fairness letter,里面列举了sponsor跟principal applicant的法律定义,最后几段是签证官的意见,我贴上大家看下:
Following a review of your application, I am not satisfied that your sponsor has resided in Canada from the time her application to sponsor you was submitted until now. To be clear, for the purposes of processing this application and pursuant to sections R130(2) of the Regulations, it is necessary that your sponsor establish that she resides in Canada.
From the information provided on your application, I note that although your sponsor was granted permanent residence in Canada in 2010, she returned to China and remained in China until November 2013.(虽然回国很久,但是居住时间到换枫叶卡时可以满足五年住满2年的要求) Your sponsor has provided a month-to-month lease agreement, as well a learner’s permit and bank account statement. However, these are passive indicators of residence and are insufficient to satisfy me that she is normally residing in Canada.
I have reviewed your application and am not satisfied of your sponsor's continued and regular residential presence in Canada. You have 30 days to provide the following information, at which time a final decision will be made on your file:
- Credible evidence of your sponsor’s residence in Canada (i.e. proof of regular and ongoing residence in Canada such as bills/receipts for purchases in Canada);
- Credible evidence of your spouse’s employment in Canada such as evidence of employment or evidence of an active and ongoing job search;(我觉得这里的spouse应该是sponsor的笔误,因为这封信是写给principal applicant也就是我儿子的,他才一岁多,不可能有spouse。大家看呢?)
- Copies of all pages of your sponsor’s passport.
If there is any other relevant information which you believe should be taken into consideration before a final decision is made on this application, please send it to this office within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter. Please ensure that you quote the file number indicated at the top of this letter on any information you submit.
If you choose not to respond with additional information, a decision will be rendered in your application based on the information in your file.
搜了一下好像没有其他朋友收到 procedural fairness letter的先例,Mississauga的签证官复核了我的sponsor资格,但是从递料至今又半年以上了,香港签证官对我是否还在加拿大居住表示怀疑,因此要求我出具可信的材料证明我一直呆在加拿大。好在这些材料对一直住在加拿大的我来说挺容易,这周可以就补料去香港。按这个信上说的补料后应该就能出DM2了。早知道我就早点写信了!