2014, 2015 入籍的Timeline

look this 最新消息,希望也给大家增添点喜气:今天收到了考试信(昨天,即2月2日寄出从Scarb.的),通知2月24日下午1点30分在Scarb. Town Center考试。从寄申请入籍资料到考试,刚好4个月。

look this 最新消息,希望也给大家增添点喜气:今天收到了考试信(昨天,即2月2日寄出从Scarb.的),通知2月24日下午1点30分在Scarb. Town Center考试。从寄申请入籍资料到考试,刚好4个月。
Caca 好热心啊!很高兴能有这么个帖子,同是卡城的,握爪!
  1. We received your application formonarchy Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on March 3, 2014.
  2. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on March 3, 2014. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
  3. We started processing your application on April 11, 2014.
  4. We sent you a letter on May 8, 2014. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
恭喜恭喜!可以分享一下你的 local office 吗?




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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