我查了service Canada的网站,发现老人金(OAS)只要住满10年65岁以上的永久居民或公民就可以申请,这个和担保期没有关系。但是和老人金相关的一个低收入补贴(Guaranteed income supplement)是属于social assistance,担保期内不能申请,service Canada原文如下:
Sponsored immigrants
If you are a sponsored immigrant and you have resided in Canada less than 10 years after age 18, you are not eligible to receive an OAS income-tested benefit (i.e. GIS, the Allowance or the Allowance for the Survivor) during your sponsorship period unless your sponsor:
- suffers personal bankruptcy
- is imprisoned for more than six months
- is convicted of abusing you
- dies
因为担保期内不能申请政府的social assistance,而这个低收入补贴属于social assistance,所以担保期内不能申请。而老人金不属于social assistance,所以只要符合住满10年65岁以上的条件就可以申请。本来老人金加上低收入补贴一个月一个人有大约1200加币,但是如果在担保期内不能申请低收入补贴,只有老人金一项,所以一个月就要少很多。