
你这张Hunger Games的配图挺符合你想表达的意思的。没想到Passengers在烂番茄上评分那么低,我估计同等科幻爱情题材的The Equals比大表姐的这部新片要更受欢迎了。无论评分如何,只要我回去后电影院还看得到这部电影,我还是会去看一下的。
放眼如今的好莱坞,90后年轻女演员中能比得上大表姐的并不太多,就算Shaileen Woodley试图叫板大表姐,好像也没有大表姐那样成功。我看了Shaileen演的新片Snowden,很普通。所以,我觉得吧,大表姐目前仍然是好莱坞90后一姐:)

我的那段英文,就是引用President Snow在图片中的场景里祝酒的原话啊。

昨天晚上我们全家刚看完Rogue One。这个故事的创意其实挺好的,但觉得电影许多不重要的情节太啰里啰唆,而一些至关重要的情节却缺乏细节,给人一种制作粗糙的感觉。我看到IMDb上有个自称是《星战》的铁杆影迷发帖说,看这部影片的过程中他睡着了两次:D



不过这部片子在Rotten Tomatoes那里评分很高。我觉得美国那些所谓的评论家也就是娱记们,是不是也和他们的中国同行一样,拿钱写报道谁给钱就说谁好啊? Rogue One预算两亿,比Passengers多了一倍。这片子里又没什么知名的明星,估计全体演员的工资加在一起都没大表姐一个人高,多出那一亿都花哪儿去啦?不会是全给报纸交广告费了吧...:ROFLMAO:

在技术上,这部片子最有意思的地方,是用CGI,把第一部《星战》片《星战4:新希望》里演Governor Tarkin的已故老演员Peter Cushing以及演Princess Liea年轻时的Carrie Fisher给“复活”了。迪士尼请了另两位演员演这两个角色,然后用CGI把演员的脑袋修改成1977年New Hope里Peter Cushing和Carrie Fisher的脑袋。昨天我们看电影回来路上,老伴还和我说,新片里的Governor Tarkin和Princess Leia的演员和1977年片中的演员“长的太像了,不知道迪士尼从哪儿找来长得这么相似的演员?”回来一查原来是CGI的杰作----看来以后中国成语“牛头不对马嘴”的含义,应该重新改写了:cry:
最后编辑: 2016-12-26
Rogue One是星球大战的番外篇吧,Star Wars7也是迪斯尼拍的?迪斯尼公司是很大的文化娱乐集团,它的产业领域涉及广播电视台、电影、游乐园、游乐园度假村、游乐园衍生品,十分广泛。我蒙城商校毕业后,本想着回上海正好可以去上海迪斯尼上班,因为今年6月上海迪斯尼才刚刚开园,又是我的专业领域。后来我现在的单位很快就面试我并录取我。第一次面试的时候在电梯里遇见了著名指挥家陈燮阳,他朝我笑笑,我觉得很开心。我回上海后三个礼拜就开始在乐团上班了,十分顺利,运气比较好:)

我没时间在上海看电影Sully了,在上海看的最后一部电影就是新海诚的《你的名字。》回蒙城看Rogue One和Passengers好了。
昨天去看了Passengers。其实这部片子远没有评论界评价的那么差。视觉效果做得不错,两位主演的表演都很出色。不过按照大表姐的“平等”理论,如果演员的片酬也应该像我们付电费一样---电费是按照你使用多少KW的电器乘以使用的小时数,也就是kwh或“度”来付费的---那么演员的片酬也应该按表演出色程度乘以出场分钟数来付费,那么我看Chris Pratt应该拿2000万,大表姐拿一千万才对。


问题是在电影里,导演无法让Jim在影片开始后的头一分钟发生故障,5分钟后就让他唤醒Aurora。因为Jim知道,一旦她唤醒Aurora,她将和他一样,无法活着看到到达目的地的那一天。所以必然要花相当时间表现Jim在孤独的痛苦和道德良心之间挣扎的过程。而这段时间只能全是Chris Pratt一个人表演,大表姐偶尔露一面也只能是像死人一样躺在睡眠仓里睡觉。虽然Chris Pratt表演的非常出色,但观众老看他的“独角戏”,难免产生了boring的感觉。




在《饥饿游戏》第一部电影中,导演和剧本作者Gary Ross和billy Ray就采用了这种手法。在书中,开始花了很大篇幅描述Katniss小时候从父亲去世到参加游戏之间这些年的苦难人生以及Peeta给她面包的内容。但如果电影一开始就花许多时间演这些,观众肯定会不耐烦了。所以影片一开始只交代了Katniss和Gale的关系后,马上就让她进入Games,然后再通过Katniss一段一段的回忆,把前面的故事交代出来。这样整个影片的故事就很紧张紧凑,没有大段的平淡无聊的内容。
这两天太忙了,实在没时间去电影院看The passengers,我等我朋友今晚回多伦多以后,明天就去看,担心下线呢。

邓紫棋为这部电影唱了电影宣传曲,非常好听的歌曲,我猜电影也一样很美。估计The passengers很快就要在中国上映了:)

昨天去看了Passengers。其实这部片子远没有评论界评价的那么差。视觉效果做得不错,两位主演的表演都很出色。不过按照大表姐的“平等”理论,如果演员的片酬也应该像我们付电费一样---电费是按照你使用多少KW的电器乘以使用的小时数,也就是kwh或“度”来付费的---那么演员的片酬也应该按表演出色程度乘以出场分钟数来付费,那么我看Chris Pratt应该拿2000万,大表姐拿一千万才对。


问题是在电影里,导演无法让Jim在影片开始后的头一分钟发生故障,5分钟后就让他唤醒Aurora。因为Jim知道,一旦她唤醒Aurora,她将和他一样,无法活着看到到达目的地的那一天。所以必然要花相当时间表现Jim在孤独的痛苦和道德良心之间挣扎的过程。而这段时间只能全是Chris Pratt一个人表演,大表姐偶尔露一面也只能是像死人一样躺在睡眠仓里睡觉。虽然Chris Pratt表演的非常出色,但观众老看他的“独角戏”,难免产生了boring的感觉。




在《饥饿游戏》第一部电影中,导演和剧本作者Gary Ross和billy Ray就采用了这种手法。在书中,开始花了很大篇幅描述Katniss小时候从父亲去世到参加游戏之间这些年的苦难人生以及Peeta给她面包的内容。但如果电影一开始就花许多时间演这些,观众肯定会不耐烦了。所以影片一开始只交代了Katniss和Gale的关系后,马上就让她进入Games,然后再通过Katniss一段一段的回忆,把前面的故事交代出来。这样整个影片的故事就很紧张紧凑,没有大段的平淡无聊的内容。

终于在DT Cineplex看完了英文版3D,我很喜欢这部电影,visual effect一流,男女主角颜值高,演技也不错,我还喜欢船上的机器人Barman,他在Twilight里演意大利volturi吸血鬼家族的leader,让我有一种熟悉感。他很搞笑的对Jim说,你选Aurora选对了,她真是迷人。远离饥饿游戏里穿着制服的Katniss,大表姐的美丽在这部电影里展现得淋漓尽致,无论是小黑裙、红长裙、白衬衫、宝蓝色上衣还是白色游泳衣,穿在大表姐身上都十分好看。这个大大咧咧的美国妞自从成为法国高定品牌Dior的形象代言人以后,她的气质和品位都得到了全面的升华:)
看过电影上半部分更加Boring的The Equals,我不觉得Passengers一开始无聊。独自航行在漫漫宇宙中是孤独的,就像一位灯塔守护者独自在灯塔里与世隔绝的生活一样孤独。没有经历过这样的孤独又怎能体会到爱情的甜蜜呢。所以电影一开始的单调只是为后来的爱情故事做铺垫。
终于在DT Cineplex看完了英文版3D,我很喜欢这部电影,visual effect一流,男女主角颜值高,演技也不错,我还喜欢船上的机器人Barman,他在Twilight里演意大利volturi吸血鬼家族的leader,让我有一种熟悉感。他很搞笑的对Jim说,你选Aurora选对了,她真是迷人。远离饥饿游戏里穿着制服的Katniss,大表姐的美丽在这部电影里展现得淋漓尽致,无论是小黑裙、红长裙、白衬衫、宝蓝色上衣还是白色游泳衣,穿在大表姐身上都十分好看。这个大大咧咧的美国妞自从成为法国高定品牌Dior的形象代言人以后,她的气质和品位都得到了全面的升华:)
看过电影上半部分更加Boring的The Equals,我不觉得Passengers一开始无聊。独自航行在漫漫宇宙中是孤独的,就像一位灯塔守护者独自在灯塔里与世隔绝的生活一样孤独。没有经历过这样的孤独又怎能体会到爱情的甜蜜呢。所以电影一开始的单调只是为后来的爱情故事做铺垫。



Will the glorious era of J-Law soon comes to its bitter end?

Don't worry J-Laws fans. We will still see J-Law on big screen for many years.

I mean, will Passengers be the turning point from where the glorious era of J-Law comes to its bitter end?

There is nothing about J-Law's ability of performance. I have watched Passengers, her performance in the film is OK, and it is only OK because Aurora is a simple character so there isn't more room for performing.

But the studio paid her 20 million, obviously not for buying her acting ability but for her star power. The studios paid her only 1 million for casting her in The Hunger Games and American Hustle, and that was the price for her ability of acting, which had been proved by Winter's Bone prior the casting, and because she wasn't as popular in audience as today the star power wasn't included in the prices then.

Ironically, the weak/flawed/boring screenplay of Passengers gives the studios an opportunity to observe how much star power J-Law truly has.

And according to the data of box office, I guess they are disappointed. Though I also guess they aware that it could be far worse if Sony didn't cast popular stars like J-Law and Pratt in.

So, the conclusion should be:

J-Law isn't a box office bomb, but she just can't save the box office from being bombed by other causes either, just like the Superman can't save the congress being bombed in Batman v Superman.

So, we will still see J-Law on big-screens for many years, but maybe only the on-sale priced J-Law, comparing to the price of 2016-2017 of course.


Will the glorious era of J-Law soon comes to its bitter end?

Don't worry J-Laws fans. We will still see J-Law on big screen for many years.

I mean, will Passengers be the turning point from where the glorious era of J-Law comes to its bitter end?

There is nothing about J-Law's ability of performance. I have watched Passengers, her performance in the film is OK, and it is only OK because Aurora is a simple character so there isn't more room for performing.

But the studio paid her 20 million, obviously not for buying her acting ability but for her star power. The studios paid her only 1 million for casting her in The Hunger Games and American Hustle, and that was the price for her ability of acting, which had been proved by Winter's Bone prior the casting, and because she wasn't as popular in audience as today the star power wasn't included in the prices then.

Ironically, the weak/flawed/boring screenplay of Passengers gives the studios an opportunity to observe how much star power J-Law truly has.

And according to the data of box office, I guess they are disappointed. Though I also guess they aware that it could be far worse if Sony didn't cast popular stars like J-Law and Pratt in.

So, the conclusion should be:

J-Law isn't a box office bomb, but she just can't save the box office from being bombed by other causes either, just like the Superman can't save the congress being bombed in Batman v Superman.

So, we will still see J-Law on big-screens for many years, but maybe only the on-sale priced J-Law, comparing to the price of 2016-2017 of course.

I agree with a large part of your points of view. However, it seems that you forget about the market. Sony may not be willing to pay Jen 20 millions but Jen's value on the market deserves it. Don't forget the film industry is full of competition, even in Hollywood. If the film <Passengers > hadn't chosen Jennifer Lawrence and < The Equals> hadn't chosen Kristen Stew, who would have gone to the cinema for the science fiction love story films?
One more time, my point of view is that box office is not everything. The film industry is part of artistic industry. We'd better take the artistic accomplishment into consideration when we make the critics about one certain film. <Passengers> and < The equals> are already successful in terms of the innovation of the story since they mix the science fiction type and love story type. Who dare say it's not original?
Jen plays an important role in this film not in terms of the role itself but in terms of her own influence. Of course, this beautiful charming American girl will be on big screen for a long time. She is still young, isn't she? LOL.
I agree with a large part of your points of view. However, it seems that you forget about the market. Sony may not be willing to pay Jen 20 millions but Jen's value on the market deserves it. Don't forget the film industry is full of competition, even in Hollywood. If the film <Passengers > hadn't chosen Jennifer Lawrence and < The Equals> hadn't chosen Kristen Stew, who would have gone to the cinema for the science fiction love story films?
One more time, my point of view is that box office is not everything. The film industry is part of artistic industry. We'd better take the artistic accomplishment into consideration when we make the critics about one certain film. <Passengers> and < The equals> are already successful in terms of the innovation of the story since they mix the science fiction type and love story type. Who dare say it's not original?
Jen plays an important role in this film not in terms of the role itself but in terms of her own influence. Of course, this beautiful charming American girl will be on big screen for a long time. She is still young, isn't she? LOL.


How and when Sony made the decision is its commercial confidence. I can only make some guesswork:

1. When the screenplay was written, it seemed like an interesting story and would make a profitable film, so the studio rushed into the auction to buy its right;

2.After the right was required, they found the story maybe good for a low budget film or a TV soap opera, but for a high budget film, it lacked enough excitement in the plot to draw large amount of audience in to generate enough box office.

3.At this point, they could choose to rewrite the screenplay, or discard it. But instead they chose to hire two most popular actors to draw audience in.

Maybe a lot of people think the decision was stupid, but from their point of view, it may be a wise choice.

If they chose to hire someone to rewrite the screen play, it would still cost them a lot of money, and there was no guarantee of box office success.

If they chose to hire a pair of popular actors, it would cost them large amount of money but they at least had some guarantee of the lowest box office. Even if the number might not make the project profitable(The highest expectation of box office was profitable of course), it would still reduce the risk of suffering heavy lose. So they chose to this option.

Too many signs showed that Sony had no confidence on the movie's success before it was released. There was almost no advertisement, only 1 trailer and no planed sequel. Obviously the studio was saving every penny to cut the cost to make the project profitable, or reduce the possible lose.

So far, the film has made 185 million and it still has many weeks run to make more. The film hasn't been released on Hollywood's largest foreign market, China, where Guardians of The Galaxy grossed 96 million. If Pratt still has a faction of star power like that, the studio may still be able to earn their investment back or even make it profitable.

So, perhaps they did have made a wise choice.

另外还有一个大表姐谈pay gap的笑话:

It seems like J-Law not only failed to understand what pay gap was, but also failed to understand the film which made her popular.

If the CEOs of those hollywood studios could speak to J-Law as freely as Haymitch to Katniss in that attic in Catching Fire, they would have told J-Law:

You (like us:D) are a highest paid employee in this industry now. That means everyday, the tabloids are gonna dig your out and broadcast the details of your blunders. Every day, your private life becomes theirs. From now on, your job is to be a distraction, so people forget what the real problems (like pay gap) are.....:p

How and when Sony made the decision is its commercial confidence. I can only make some guesswork:

1. When the screenplay was written, it seemed like an interesting story and would make a profitable film, so the studio rushed into the auction to buy its right;

2.After the right was required, they found the story maybe good for a low budget film or a TV soap opera, but for a high budget film, it lacked enough excitement in the plot to draw large amount of audience in to generate enough box office.

3.At this point, they could choose to rewrite the screenplay, or discard it. But instead they chose to hire two most popular actors to draw audience in.

Maybe a lot of people think the decision was stupid, but from their point of view, it may be a wise choice.

If they chose to hire someone to rewrite the screen play, it would still cost them a lot of money, and there was no guarantee of box office success.

If they chose to hire a pair of popular actors, it would cost them large amount of money but they at least had some guarantee of the lowest box office. Even if the number might not make the project profitable(The highest expectation of box office was profitable of course), it would still reduce the risk of suffering heavy lose. So they chose to this option.

Too many signs showed that Sony had no confidence on the movie's success before it was released. There was almost no advertisement, only 1 trailer and no planed sequel. Obviously the studio was saving every penny to cut the cost to make the project profitable, or reduce the possible lose.

So far, the film has made 185 million and it still has many weeks run to make more. The film hasn't been released on Hollywood's largest foreign market, China, where Guardians of The Galaxy grossed 96 million. If Pratt still has a faction of star power like that, the studio may still be able to earn their investment back or even make it profitable.

So, perhaps they did have made a wise choice.

另外还有一个大表姐谈pay gap的笑话:

It seems like J-Law not only failed to understand what pay gap was, but also failed to understand the film which made her popular.

If the CEOs of those hollywood studios could speak to J-Law as freely as Haymitch to Katniss in that attic in Catching Fire, they would have told J-Law:

You (like us:D) are a highest paid employee in this industry now. That means everyday, the tabloids are gonna dig your out and broadcast the details of your blunders. Every day, your private life becomes theirs. From now on, your job is to be a distraction, so people forget what the real problems (like pay gap) are.....:p

Cool!Your critics regarding Sony's investissement in the film <Passengers> are brilliant. As a matter of fact, the screenplay of <Passengers > was written in 2007. At that time, no producer or film company was interested in it. Therefore, the screenplay had been put on the black list of Hollywood. You can check out more details of this famous black list:).
It was Sony who finally decided to produce this film and invested in this project. Before the final decision, Sony's management team must've analyzed in terms of the budget and the cost of producing this film. Moreover, Sony has changed a little bit the story. In the original screenplay, when the Avalon suffered the accident , the 5000 crew and passengers would have been automatically released out of the Avalon and into the space. Result: All dead. So, in the original screenplay, Aurora is very grateful that Jim has waken her up and thus saved her life. Jim is a big hero who saved 5000 lives on the spaceship. However, in the film, Aurora is too angry to break up with Jim. The love story in original screenplay is far more sweet than that of the actual film.
Cool!Your critics regarding Sony's investissement in the film <Passengers> are brilliant. As a matter of fact, the screenplay of <Passengers > was written in 2007. At that time, no producer or film company was interested in it. Therefore, the screenplay had been put on the black list of Hollywood. You can check out more details of this famous black list:).
It was Sony who finally decided to produce this film and invested in this project. Before the final decision, Sony's management team must've analyzed in terms of the budget and the cost of producing this film. Moreover, Sony has changed a little bit the story. In the original screenplay, when the Avalon suffered the accident , the 5000 crew and passengers would have been automatically released out of the Avalon and into the space. Result: All dead. So, in the original screenplay, Aurora is very grateful that Jim has waken her up and thus saved her life. Jim is a big hero who saved 5000 lives on the spaceship. However, in the film, Aurora is too angry to break up with Jim. The love story in original screenplay is far more sweet than that of the actual film.


剧本作者Jon Spaihts也是Prometheus剧本的原作者。在他的剧本里,Prometheus本来是作为《异形》的前传来写的。但《异形》的导演Ridley Scott并不希望Prometheus成为《异形》的直接前传,而是希望它成为一个与《异形》有联系的独立的电影。于是又请了Damon Lindelof改写剧本。结果Prometheus上映后,片商发现大部分观众来自《异形》影迷。于是在续集Alien:Covenant里又把异形给搬了回来。从不久前刚推出的trailer看,这部今年5月上映的续集,真成了Xenomorph today, Xenomorph tomorrow, Xenomorph forever了:D:p

这两部作品出自同一剧本作家啊,以前我很少留意剧本作家。如果是小说改编成电影的,那么剧本作家自然就是小说的作家,电影Harry Potter, Twilight,Hunger Games,Divergent,都是如此。
《异形》看样子盛久不衰啊:)我估计男影迷多吧。2004年法国电影院上映的Alien VS Predator, 到现在都有13年了呢。今年我去电影院看看。
上次看Passenger时,看到今年情人节上映Fifty shades of grades的续集Fifty shades darker, 我1没看,2准备去电影院看一下,音乐很赞!Fifty shades of grade这套blue stories红的很诡异,欧洲和北美都很畅销,我没看过小说,先看电影好了。

最后编辑: 2017-01-15
昨天外国闺蜜来我家玩,她和她先生用法文说,你家怎么没有Radio?结果我们开车出去吃完饭的时候,去超市买了Radio-CD Player。老实说,我们在上海也只有开车时听Radio啊,西方人还挺传统的呢。现在我天天早上起来就听Radio Canada法语台新闻,FM95.1,我朋友说要听就听Radio Canada,品位啊:)


这周4《生化危机》最后一部Resident Evil: The Final Chapter上映,我准备去看看。


昨晚在外国闺蜜家看了电影The dark knight rises,法语版,这是第三部,前两部是Batman,The Dark Knight,我前两部没看过,直接看第三部。总的来说,第三部话比较多,啰哩啰嗦,我倒是喜欢里面两个女演员,Marion Cotillard,法国女演员,Anne ,美国人。

The Dark Knight rises

Marion Cotillard访谈,她说法文,英文字幕

The dark knight trailer 2008
最后编辑: 2017-01-22
昨晚在外国闺蜜家看了电影The dark knight rises,法语版,这是第三部,前两部是Batman,The Dark Knight,我前两部没看过,直接看第三部。总的来说,第三部话比较多,啰哩啰嗦,我倒是喜欢里面两个女演员,Marion Cotillard,法国女演员,Anne ,美国人。

The Dark Knight rises

Marion Cotillard访谈,她说法文,英文字幕

这个片子就是Interstellar的导演Christopher Nolan拍的超人片“蝙蝠侠三部”曲中的第三部。第一部Batman Begins我在评论Interstellar时提到过。另外华纳兄弟还把另一部超人片Man of Steel里的超人同Batman里的超人合并到一部影片里拍了Batman v Superman。



Why do you still like her?

She has proven time and time again over the last couple years that she is a loathsome, vile person. Her "It Girl" factor withered away years ago. The facade has been lifted. She isn't the girl next door, she's a pretentious, entitled, rude human being and deserves to fade for a while.

To think I once loved her...sad!


The question is---like her what?

To most of fans or haters, some of them like to adore her, some of them like to kiss her, some of them like to kill her, some of them like to be her....and some, I mean, not all but in several of them, just like to f**k her.

For me, since she is still considered a talented and promising young actress, I like to watch her movies to find out what and how much she can do, and what she can't do very well.

So far, what I have found out is:

1. When she played a vile, scheming, calculative or precocious role like Rosalyn Rosenfeld, Ree Dolly, Tiffany Maxwell, the party girl in X-Men:DOFP and Katniss Everdeen in the first 2 The Hunger Games movies of course, the so-called "J-Law power" shined on the big screen like the brightest star in the sky.

2. When she played a simple and plain role like Elissa Cassidy in The house at the End of the Street and Norah in Beaver, her performance was quite mediocre and J-Law power had gone to nowhere. She also played poorly as instigator or inspirator in Mockingjay and X-Men: Apocalypse when the role was after common good.

Maybe you are correct. Maybe she played Rosalyn Rosenfeld, Ree Dolly, Tiffany Maxwell and Katniss Everdeen so well, not only because she was a talented actor but also because she just showed what she truly was when she played these roles.

LOL, just joking. I wish J-Law is what that her fans believe she is.

But even if my joke is true, I think I will still watch her films if she does a good job in the film. Do we still pay tips to a waiter if he serves us well, without caring what he truly is when he isn't before us ? So, why not J-Law?
这个片子就是Interstellar的导演Christopher Nolan拍的超人片“蝙蝠侠三部”曲中的第三部。第一部Batman Begins我在评论Interstellar时提到过。另外华纳兄弟还把另一部超人片Man of Steel里的超人同Batman里的超人合并到一部影片里拍了Batman v Superman。


我是害怕僵尸的,胆子小,Maze Runner第二部好像里面突然有僵尸出来,我当时赶快把眼睛闭上,不敢看。《异形》是有一点点恶心的,想起那些黏糊糊的唾液我就要吐了,最恶心的是异形都是通过正常人类女性的身体来繁衍后代的。
Fifty shades darker我会去看的,我买好了第一部电影Fifty shades of grey的碟片,补课一下,同时买了正版的Allegiant收藏。




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