
What's up? (sorry but I can only type in English on my computer)
自己买了无线路由器,在家里架VPN服务器给国内的朋友用。原来用access的,他们给换了个盒子,就是个纯cable modem,这样我的路由器的wan口就直接从access拿到个动态的公网IP, 配合路由器上的ddns设置,从外面可以直接访问vpn,及路由器的配置啥的。
我的路由器wan口接sasktel的actiontec v1000h的lan1,它的wan口接ONT,即使他们把v1000h配置成了bridge mode,我的路由器的wan口拿到的也只是172的内网地址,公网地址还是在v1000h的wan口上。家里相当于两个路由器级联了。(周五电话他们说,动态IP下做不了bridge,要bridge就要申请静态IP,whichmeans要extra$。臭LM!!!)

Actiontec v1000h is also called gateway. In a more general term, it is modem as on the copper xDSL high speed lines.
And the ONT is more like a signal converter that converts the optic fibre signal to the electric signal that goes to Actiontec.
In terms of your first question, it is not doable: connecting your router to ONT directly will not give you the public IP address you want.
However, if you connect your own router to the LAN port on Actiontec, and then configure Actiontec properly, your router should be able to use the modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address as its own. The modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address is a public IP that can be found from the Actiontec GUI, for example, 142....

Please follow the steps below to configure the Actiontec gateway from any of your computers that is connected directly to the Actiontec network either through wi-fi or ethernet:
1. Make sure your router is connected to an Actionac gateway LAN port;
2. From your computer, go to which will give you Actiontec GUI;
3. From the top right hand, there is a Password field that is supposed to be the default 10 character system password located at the bottom of the Actiontec gateway box. If you have never changed this login password, that default system password should let you login to Actiontec interface.
4. After you login, you will see a list of all the devices that are currently connected the Actiontec. One of those devices should be your router and router should be with a private IP like 172...
5. Next, click on Firewall.
6. From the left side, click on DMZ Hosting.
7. Go through the 3 steps under DMZ Hosting: Enable - Select a device (your router) - Apply

Your router should now be accessible by the Actiontec WAN IP Address (public IP) located at the top left side of the home page of the Actiontec GUI.
(This bypasses the firewall on Actiontec and exposes your router directly to the external network. Actiontec WAN IP address may change once Actiontec gets rebooted -- static IP won't change. So you need to know what you are doing.)

Hope the above will get you started toward the right direction.
Actiontec v1000h is also called gateway. In a more general term, it is modem as on the copper xDSL high speed lines.
And the ONT is more like a signal converter that converts the optic fibre signal to the electric signal that goes to Actiontec.
In terms of your first question, it is not doable: connecting your router to ONT directly will not give you the public IP address you want.
However, if you connect your own router to the LAN port on Actiontec, and then configure Actiontec properly, your router should be able to use the modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address as its own. The modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address is a public IP that can be found from the Actiontec GUI, for example, 142....

Please follow the steps below to configure the Actiontec gateway from any of your computers that is connected directly to the Actiontec network either through wi-fi or ethernet:
1. Make sure your router is connected to an Actionac gateway LAN port;
2. From your computer, go to which will give you Actiontec GUI;
3. From the top right hand, there is a Password field that is supposed to be the default 10 character system password located at the bottom of the Actiontec gateway box. If you have never changed this login password, that default system password should let you login to Actiontec interface.
4. After you login, you will see a list of all the devices that are currently connected the Actiontec. One of those devices should be your router and router should be with a private IP like 172...
5. Next, click on Firewall.
6. From the left side, click on DMZ Hosting.
7. Go through the 3 steps under DMZ Hosting: Enable - Select a device (your router) - Apply

Your router should now be accessible by the Actiontec WAN IP Address (public IP) located at the top left side of the home page of the Actiontec GUI.
(This bypasses the firewall on Actiontec and exposes your router directly to the external network. Actiontec WAN IP address may change once Actiontec gets rebooted -- static IP won't change. So you need to know what you are doing.)

Hope the above will get you started toward the right direction.
Actiontec v1000h is also called gateway. In a more general term, it is modem as on the copper xDSL high speed lines.
And the ONT is more like a signal converter that converts the optic fibre signal to the electric signal that goes to Actiontec.
In terms of your first question, it is not doable: connecting your router to ONT directly will not give you the public IP address you want.
However, if you connect your own router to the LAN port on Actiontec, and then configure Actiontec properly, your router should be able to use the modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address as its own. The modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address is a public IP that can be found from the Actiontec GUI, for example, 142....

Please follow the steps below to configure the Actiontec gateway from any of your computers that is connected directly to the Actiontec network either through wi-fi or ethernet:
1. Make sure your router is connected to an Actionac gateway LAN port;
2. From your computer, go to which will give you Actiontec GUI;
3. From the top right hand, there is a Password field that is supposed to be the default 10 character system password located at the bottom of the Actiontec gateway box. If you have never changed this login password, that default system password should let you login to Actiontec interface.
4. After you login, you will see a list of all the devices that are currently connected the Actiontec. One of those devices should be your router and router should be with a private IP like 172...
5. Next, click on Firewall.
6. From the left side, click on DMZ Hosting.
7. Go through the 3 steps under DMZ Hosting: Enable - Select a device (your router) - Apply

Your router should now be accessible by the Actiontec WAN IP Address (public IP) located at the top left side of the home page of the Actiontec GUI.
(This bypasses the firewall on Actiontec and exposes your router directly to the external network. Actiontec WAN IP address may change once Actiontec gets rebooted -- static IP won't change. So you need to know what you are doing.)

Hope the above will get you started toward the right direction.
Actiontec v1000h is also called gateway. In a more general term, it is modem as on the copper xDSL high speed lines.
And the ONT is more like a signal converter that converts the optic fibre signal to the electric signal that goes to Actiontec.
In terms of your first question, it is not doable: connecting your router to ONT directly will not give you the public IP address you want.
However, if you connect your own router to the LAN port on Actiontec, and then configure Actiontec properly, your router should be able to use the modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address as its own. The modem (Actiontec) WAN IP address is a public IP that can be found from the Actiontec GUI, for example, 142....

Please follow the steps below to configure the Actiontec gateway from any of your computers that is connected directly to the Actiontec network either through wi-fi or ethernet:
1. Make sure your router is connected to an Actionac gateway LAN port;
2. From your computer, go to which will give you Actiontec GUI;
3. From the top right hand, there is a Password field that is supposed to be the default 10 character system password located at the bottom of the Actiontec gateway box. If you have never changed this login password, that default system password should let you login to Actiontec interface.
4. After you login, you will see a list of all the devices that are currently connected the Actiontec. One of those devices should be your router and router should be with a private IP like 172...
5. Next, click on Firewall.
6. From the left side, click on DMZ Hosting.
7. Go through the 3 steps under DMZ Hosting: Enable - Select a device (your router) - Apply

Your router should now be accessible by the Actiontec WAN IP Address (public IP) located at the top left side of the home page of the Actiontec GUI.
(This bypasses the firewall on Actiontec and exposes your router directly to the external network. Actiontec WAN IP address may change once Actiontec gets rebooted -- static IP won't change. So you need to know what you are doing.)

Hope the above will get you started toward the right direction.

又发现了一个问题,之前看别人连telus/bell的经验,说要把自己路由器的wan mac改成和v1000h的一样,我也找着做了。刚才手欠把那个删了,结果现在从外面连不上了。看来还是需要的。




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