What medical conditions require surveillance?
Applicants will be placed under medical surveillance if the results of their immigration medical examination for entry to Canada show that they have:
inactive tuberculosis (TB); or
evidence of a previous syphilis infection that has been treated prior to entering Canada.
Why is medical surveillance necessary?
Medical surveillance helps people with certain conditions maintain their own health, and protects their family members and people in Canada.
How is medical surveillance carried out?
People who require medical surveillance will receive a Medical Surveillance Undertaking form (IMM 0535) and a Medical Surveillance Handout that provides instructions and telephone numbers for contacting public health authorities. They must report to a public health authority within 30 days of entering Canada.
If they are already living in Canada, people who require medical surveillance are required to report to a public health authority within 30 days of receiving the medical surveillance handout.
Upon entry to Canada, Port of Entry staff will send copies of any IMM 0535 forms to the Medical Surveillance Unit (MSU) so that provincial and territorial health authorities are made aware of the arrival of individuals requiring medical surveillance.
There are specialized clinics in Canada for treating people who are HIV positive. All HIV positive migrants granted entry to Canada will receive a Health Follow-up Handout: HIV Infection to assist them in obtaining medical care in Canada.