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今年6月发生一起碰撞事故,对方印度人,索要1500刀,没能私了,找了保险公司,然后做了在保险公司的CLAIM department 做了REPORT, 因为本人车没有任何损伤,所以也没有让保险公司赔,就去BODY SHOP拍了照。今天收到了一封信说题目如下 subject: claim file closed without payment.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are confirming that no payment has been made in connection with this claim. Your file is now closed. If you have any questions or concerns, please...省略
Closing reason: no damages.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are confirming that no payment has been made in connection with this claim. Your file is now closed. If you have any questions or concerns, please...省略
Closing reason: no damages.