请问 这样航空公司是要求出示加拿大签证吗? 加拿大官方指定的24小时过境免签航空公司没有说明一定要联程机票呀,能否指点?
If you plan to travel to the United States
To be eligible, you need to:
have these documents:
a valid U.S. visa
a valid passport from People’s Republic of China
(Note: not issued by Hong Kong or Macao Special Administrative Regions) and
a confirmed airline ticket to the U.S. that leaves Canada the same day you arrive
travel with an airline that takes part in the program
depart from certain cities in Asia
travel through specific Canadian airports
not leave the Canadian airport during your stopover, except to board your flight
arrive during business hours (hours may vary at each airport) for the preclearance area run by United States Customs and Border Protection
if you arrive outside of these hours, you will no longer qualify under this program. You will have to go to the Canada Border Services Agency to be screened. You should check your flight connections with the airline.