我于今年2月13号递交的跟媳妇团聚移民申请(魁北克,境外),到今天差不多40天左右后收到了UCI和Application number,但是尝试了好多次,都无法“link my application",一直提示未找到相关申请档案,是否因为刚收到档案号系统还没更新同步的原因么,我等两天再试就没问题了,还是有其他技巧或注意事项?望有经验的人不吝赐教,在此先谢过了!
update: 自己网上搜索了一下,问题解决了,原来是申请人数填错了,应该按这个规则填写:If you are applying for family sponsorship, enter the number of family members, including the primary applicant, the sponsor and the co-signer (if applicable) that are part of your application.
update: 自己网上搜索了一下,问题解决了,原来是申请人数填错了,应该按这个规则填写:If you are applying for family sponsorship, enter the number of family members, including the primary applicant, the sponsor and the co-signer (if applicable) that are part of your application.
最后编辑: 2018-03-26