Who’s at fault in left-turn accidents?
When a collision happens during a left turn, whoever has made the left turn is at fault. The oncoming vehicle has the right-of-way. But there are exceptions to this rule, which can be difficult to prove in court. If the other driver was not visible but decided to increase their speed to pass the intersection or failed to stop at a red light and hit you, they are at fault. However, there must be eyewitnesses, video, or other evidence to prove the other driver was negligent.
There may, however, be exceptions to the general rules outlined above. For example, if it can be established that the straight-through driver was speeding, ran a red light, or could have safely stopped when faced with the yellow light, then that driver may bear some portion of fault for the accident. Establishing that any of the above occurred will typically require evidence from witnesses to the accident, police reports, and reports from other professionals trained in accident reconstruction.