我们社区上诉了市政府的 zoning bylaw,主要的争执点就是沥青厂那个 property 的 zoning,目前这个地区只有一个 property 是在 EH zoning,就是沥青厂那个 property,而 EH zoning 也是唯一的一个可以用于沥青厂的 zoning, 换句话来说,就是一个 EH zoning 的
property 在一群非 EH zoning 的 properties 中间,争执点就是这样划分 zoning 是否合适。我们的想法是一旦我们能够把它的 zoning 改了,那么沥青厂就得离开。但是市政府有一个 legal non-conforming use 的说法,即使我们把 zoning 改了,沥青厂还可以继续,直到它自愿离开,否则没有人可以强迫它离开。
下面是例子,他们用来说明什么是 legal non-conforming use:
A legal non-conforming use occurs when the use of one's land, building or structure is not permitted by the current zoning by-law, but was permitted by a previous by-law that was in effect when the use began.
(这个我们是不同意它开始是合法规的,我们的观点是它从来就不合法规。这个我已经提交了我们的法律依据,对方还没有答复,如果这一点我们能赢,这个 legal non-conforming use 就不能成立了)
While the Act authorizes the City to amend zoning by-laws and remove permitted land uses, municipalities are not able to zone users and therefore are not able to require businesses to stop operating on their land by way of a rezoning. Section 34(9) of the Act states that a zoning by-law cannot be passed by a municipality to prevent the continued use of a property or building if that use was legally established when the new zoning comes into effect. Should permitted uses under the zoning by-law change, the Act allows these legal non-conforming uses to continue on the lands.
The use would stop being permitted if a new use is introduced on the site.
Examples to further explain what the effect of rezoning the site at 103-111 Ingram Drive such that the current use is no longer permitted under the zoning, making the site legal non-conforming:
Scenario 1:
The asphalt plant leaves and a carpenter shop opens up. The carpenter shop then closes and someone wants to open a new asphalt plant on the site. This would not be permitted because there was an intervening use (i.e. the carpenter shop) to the legal non-conforming use (i.e. the asphalt plant).
Scenario 2:
The asphalt plant closes down and the site remains vacant. Sometime later, another company wants to run an asphalt plant on the site. This would be permitted under the Act because although the site was vacant, there was never a change in the use so the legal non-conforming status stands.
(这个很难接受,特别是环境科学发展了很多,越来越多的保护环境的法规的出现,不能接受一个地块以前做过沥青厂,即使空置一段时间而且现在的 zoning 不适于沥青厂,还能用作沥青厂)
For properties that are considered legal non-conforming, any time they want to make a change that would require a building permit, they would have to submit an application to the Committee of Adjustment which is a public process in which the community could participate in and object. For example, if the asphalt plant becomes legal non-conforming and they end up applying to the city to construct something new on the site, they would have to apply to the Committee of Adjustment and we could all rally against it.
(这个有点骗人,因为沥青厂那么大的一个机器,像一栋楼那么大,市政府居然说那个是 equipment,不需要 permit )
虽然社区也有另外的一个方法把沥青厂迁走,就是征地建路,这个项目早就批了,但迟迟不动,原因说是没有钱,市政府有人公开说 10 年 20 年也建不起来。我是不是该建议市政府在民间放贷款,专款专用,就这个项目,市政府保证还钱,本地的商户也许能凑一些钱出来,很多人希望沥青厂走。
property 在一群非 EH zoning 的 properties 中间,争执点就是这样划分 zoning 是否合适。我们的想法是一旦我们能够把它的 zoning 改了,那么沥青厂就得离开。但是市政府有一个 legal non-conforming use 的说法,即使我们把 zoning 改了,沥青厂还可以继续,直到它自愿离开,否则没有人可以强迫它离开。
下面是例子,他们用来说明什么是 legal non-conforming use:
A legal non-conforming use occurs when the use of one's land, building or structure is not permitted by the current zoning by-law, but was permitted by a previous by-law that was in effect when the use began.
(这个我们是不同意它开始是合法规的,我们的观点是它从来就不合法规。这个我已经提交了我们的法律依据,对方还没有答复,如果这一点我们能赢,这个 legal non-conforming use 就不能成立了)
While the Act authorizes the City to amend zoning by-laws and remove permitted land uses, municipalities are not able to zone users and therefore are not able to require businesses to stop operating on their land by way of a rezoning. Section 34(9) of the Act states that a zoning by-law cannot be passed by a municipality to prevent the continued use of a property or building if that use was legally established when the new zoning comes into effect. Should permitted uses under the zoning by-law change, the Act allows these legal non-conforming uses to continue on the lands.
The use would stop being permitted if a new use is introduced on the site.
Examples to further explain what the effect of rezoning the site at 103-111 Ingram Drive such that the current use is no longer permitted under the zoning, making the site legal non-conforming:
Scenario 1:
The asphalt plant leaves and a carpenter shop opens up. The carpenter shop then closes and someone wants to open a new asphalt plant on the site. This would not be permitted because there was an intervening use (i.e. the carpenter shop) to the legal non-conforming use (i.e. the asphalt plant).
Scenario 2:
The asphalt plant closes down and the site remains vacant. Sometime later, another company wants to run an asphalt plant on the site. This would be permitted under the Act because although the site was vacant, there was never a change in the use so the legal non-conforming status stands.
(这个很难接受,特别是环境科学发展了很多,越来越多的保护环境的法规的出现,不能接受一个地块以前做过沥青厂,即使空置一段时间而且现在的 zoning 不适于沥青厂,还能用作沥青厂)
For properties that are considered legal non-conforming, any time they want to make a change that would require a building permit, they would have to submit an application to the Committee of Adjustment which is a public process in which the community could participate in and object. For example, if the asphalt plant becomes legal non-conforming and they end up applying to the city to construct something new on the site, they would have to apply to the Committee of Adjustment and we could all rally against it.
(这个有点骗人,因为沥青厂那么大的一个机器,像一栋楼那么大,市政府居然说那个是 equipment,不需要 permit )
虽然社区也有另外的一个方法把沥青厂迁走,就是征地建路,这个项目早就批了,但迟迟不动,原因说是没有钱,市政府有人公开说 10 年 20 年也建不起来。我是不是该建议市政府在民间放贷款,专款专用,就这个项目,市政府保证还钱,本地的商户也许能凑一些钱出来,很多人希望沥青厂走。