家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


The undertaking is a binding promise of support, meaning that it is your( 担保人)responsibility to support the applicant(s) for the length【三年】 of the undertaking period even if your situation changes. The undertaking will stay in effect for the length of the undertaking period, even if your situation changes. The undertaking won’t be cancelled, even if:
1,the person (你本人)you sponsor becomes a Canadian citizen
2,you【担保人】 become divorced, separated or your relationship with the sponsored breaks down
3,you or the person you sponsor move to another province or country
4,you have financial problems

The undertaking is a binding promise of support, meaning that it is your( 担保人)responsibility to support the applicant(s) for the length【三年】 of the undertaking period even if your situation changes. The undertaking will stay in effect for the length of the undertaking period, even if your situation changes. The undertaking won’t be cancelled, even if:
1,the person (你本人)you sponsor becomes a Canadian citizen
2,you【担保人】 become divorced, separated or your relationship with the sponsored breaks down
3,you or the person you sponsor move to another province or country
4,you have financial problems





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