加国政治 联邦上诉法院维持Trans Mountain管道的批准

The Federal Court of Appeal says the government’s decision to approve the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion a second time is reasonable and will stand.

In a unanimous, 3-0 decision today, the court dismissed four challenges to that approval launched last summer by First Nations in British Columbia.

The First Nations argued at a hearing in December the government went into consultations with Indigenous communities in the fall of 2018 having predetermined the outcome in favour of building the project.

But the three judges who decided the case say cabinet’s second round of consultations with First Nations affected by the pipeline was “anything but a rubber-stamping exercise.”

The judges say the government made a “genuine effort” to listen to and consider the concerns raised by the First Nations and introduced new conditions to mitigate them.

The expansion project would triple the capacity of the existing pipeline between Edmonton and a shipping terminal in Burnaby, B.C.

It has become a political football for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he insists Canada can continue to expand oil production and still meet its commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)坚称加拿大可以继续扩大石油生产,并且仍然履行其减少温室气体排放的承诺。

Trudeau’s government stepped up to buy the existing pipeline in 2018 after political opposition to the project from the B.C. government caused Kinder Morgan Canada to pull out from building the expansion.
在卑诗省政治反对该项目后,特鲁多政府于2018年加紧购买现有管道。政府促使金德摩根(Kinder Morgan)加拿大退出了扩建计划。

The government intends to finish the expansion and then sell both the existing pipeline and the expansion back to the private sector.

It has been in talks with some Indigenous communities about the sale, but Finance Minister Bill Morneau has said the project won’t be sold until all the risks to proceeding are eliminated. Those risks included this court case.
虽然一直在与一些原住民社区就出售事宜进行谈判,但财政部长比尔·莫诺(Bill Morneau)表示,除非消除所有进行中的风险,否则该项目不会出售。这些风险包括本法院案件。



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