加国政治 血腥凶杀(一)-23人死亡,不断更新


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最后编辑: 2020-04-20
据环球邮报的报道,死亡人数最少是19人,包括凶手。凶手的假警车是从旧警车拍卖买来的。环球邮报的报道说凶手先放火烧屋,然后开枪射击从屋子里跑出来的人。有目击者说被杀害的女警是在烧毁警车现场被杀的,我猜测女警是司机,凶手把他们截停,然后射杀。报道说凶手在路上截停一辆银色的SUV, 射杀车上的人,然后开车逃跑。有一位屋主对环球邮报说大约在星期天早上10点20分左右,凶手穿着警服,避弹衣,开到他家车道,他当时躲在地下室,并报警。屋主说他认识凶手,但与他已没有联系超过10个月。屋主并说毫无疑问凶手是来杀他,凶手并不是在杀他的敌人,而是在杀他所认识的人和朋友。

Victims of the Nova Scotia shooting, clockwise from top left: Sean McLeod and Alanna Jenkins; Emily Tuck, Jolene Oliver and Aaron (Friar) Tuck; Jamie and Greg Blair; Gina Goulet; Heather O'Brien; RCMP Constable Heidi Stevenson; and Lisa McCully.::cry::wdb14:
Nova Scotia RCMP expect the death toll of Canada’s deadliest mass shooting to rise in the coming days.

At a news conference in Dartmouth Monday afternoon, Chief Superintendent Chris Leather said at least 19 innocent people lost their lives in a 12-hour rampage that started in Portapique and ended in Enfield on Sunday.

Leather said RCMP officers were investigating 16 crime scenes in Portapique and other communities in central and northern Nova Scotia.

“We’ve identified all the crime scenes, however, we’ve been unable to fully examine the crime scenes because, for instance, we have had five structure fires, most of those being residences, and we believe there may be victims still within the remains of those homes,” he said.
“So that part of the investigation is still very much ongoing, and again, speaks to why we don’t have a final total because we expect that to rise in the coming days.”
“So that part of the investigation is still very much ongoing, and again, speaks to why we don’t have a final total because we expect that to rise in the coming days.”

All of the victims identified so far are adults.
Leather said some of the victims were known to the shooter, while others appeared to be chosen at random.

“Until we have confirmation from the medical examiner that certain victims have been identified, we’re unable to formally release the names and information of the deceased and that would include family members,” Leather said when asked why some family members who haven’t heard from those in the Portapique area haven’t been contacted.
RCMP have also been notified that some people may have been injured during the 12-hour event, but haven’t yet confirmed the information.

A mock police car and RCMP uniform allowed the suspect “to move around the province undetected” and be “steps ahead of our investigators,” Leather said. Lucki said investigators are working to track the origin of “every piece” of the car and uniform, but so far all the items examined appear to be replicas.

In a news release Monday evening, SIRT( Serious Incident Response Team)said it is investigating "the discharge of firearms by two members of the RCMP."
Lucki said wherever there is a use of force by police an investigation must occur, but confirmed that no innocent civilians were harmed.





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