秋雨杂想: 选举. 网课. 登陆. 江湖. 好声音


雨哥华可不是白叫的,一连几天的狂风暴雨,终于明白告诉老温哥华人,温哥华湿淋淋的秋天来了。伴随的还有比较肯定的新冠二次爆发,昨天新冠确诊再处高点新增148例!深秋冬来临, 确诊数字会不会惨不忍睹?想到BCNDP还要急推省选,不知道说什么好。


家里某家长最终给儿子选择了网课(distributed learning), 虽然我个人有一点保留意见,因为说是网课,其实基本上靠学生自己自学,如果想网课效果更加好一点的话,就是父母要经常陪同上课了。反正,针没有两头利,疫情不由己,选择在个人,愿意冒一些风险的回校上课,想要安全上网课就得牺牲一部分父母的时间精力。


Thank you for contacting IRCC regarding your expired/expiring Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and/or Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) and those of your accompanying dependent family members.

We are responding to your Webform request where you self-identified as being a holder of a CoPR and PRV issued on or before March 18, 2020. In order for us to assess and respond to your request, we require additional information for you and any accompanying family members included on your application.

Please reply to this email by providing the information/documents requested.

Answer the following questions:

1. Are you and any accompanying family members ready to travel to Canada within the next 60 days, to settle and become a permanent resident?

2. Is there any reason preventing you or your accompanying family members from departing your current location to travel to Canada within the next 60 days?

3. Are you able to book a flight to Canada from your current location for yourself and your accompanying family members?

4. Do you have a proposed and feasible travel plan with a single transit point to Canada? (If yes, attach proof such as plane tickets.) If not, are you willing to book and confirm such travel plans as soon as approved?

Attach documents/information to demonstrate the following:

· Proof of your plan to settle and remain in Canada such as;

o address where you will stay,

o lease agreement,

o home ownership document,

o employment plans in Canada (location of work, letter from employer), and

o any other relevant information to demonstrate arrangements for your arrival.

· Proof of an acceptable plan to quarantine for 14 days in Canada, including;

o proof of funds (bank or credit card statements), and

o plan to show how you will obtain groceries, access medical care and other essential services.

Important Notes:

· While in quarantine, you and your accompanying family members will not be able to leave your place of quarantine for any reason. This is mandatory even if you have no COVID-19 symptoms.

· Canadian authorities do not provide you a place to quarantine when you arrive. You must make your own arrangements in advance.

In order to continue processing your request, we must receive your response within 10 days of receipt of this email. If we do not hear from you within 10 days, we will assume that you are not able to travel to Canada within the next 60 days. Your application will remain open and placed on hold until after the travel restriction pause is lifted or until you demonstrate that you meet the criteria above.

To find out more, visit our website at Approved permanent residence applications (with a COPR and PRV issued to clients outside Canada)

Thank you,


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada




《书剑恩仇录》中陈家洛结局具有一些传奇色彩。香香公主以死告诫陈家洛,皇帝没有诚意与他结盟。 但是,陈家洛与皇帝结盟的结果保全了帮会,致使红花会无人伤亡,只有公主丧命,红花会的人也都在这大漠中隐姓埋名过着平淡的生活。



最后编辑: 2020-09-25




踏实做事 有趣做人

雨哥华可不是白叫的,一连几天的狂风暴雨,终于明白告诉老温哥华人,温哥华湿淋淋的秋天来了。伴随的还有比较肯定的新冠二次爆发,昨天新冠确诊再处高点新增148例!深秋冬来临, 确诊数字会不会惨不忍睹?想到BCNDP还要急推省选,不知道说什么好。


家里某家长最终给儿子选择了网课(distributed learning), 虽然我个人有一点保留意见,因为说是网课,其实基本上靠学生自己自学,如果想网课效果更加好一点的话,就是父母要经常陪同上课了。反正,针没有两头利,疫情不由己,选择在个人,愿意冒一些风险的回校上课,想要安全上网课就得牺牲一部分父母的时间精力。


Thank you for contacting IRCC regarding your expired/expiring Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and/or Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) and those of your accompanying dependent family members.

We are responding to your Webform request where you self-identified as being a holder of a CoPR and PRV issued on or before March 18, 2020. In order for us to assess and respond to your request, we require additional information for you and any accompanying family members included on your application.

Please reply to this email by providing the information/documents requested.

Answer the following questions:

1. Are you and any accompanying family members ready to travel to Canada within the next 60 days, to settle and become a permanent resident?

2. Is there any reason preventing you or your accompanying family members from departing your current location to travel to Canada within the next 60 days?

3. Are you able to book a flight to Canada from your current location for yourself and your accompanying family members?

4. Do you have a proposed and feasible travel plan with a single transit point to Canada? (If yes, attach proof such as plane tickets.) If not, are you willing to book and confirm such travel plans as soon as approved?

Attach documents/information to demonstrate the following:

· Proof of your plan to settle and remain in Canada such as;

o address where you will stay,

o lease agreement,

o home ownership document,

o employment plans in Canada (location of work, letter from employer), and

o any other relevant information to demonstrate arrangements for your arrival.

· Proof of an acceptable plan to quarantine for 14 days in Canada, including;

o proof of funds (bank or credit card statements), and

o plan to show how you will obtain groceries, access medical care and other essential services.

Important Notes:

· While in quarantine, you and your accompanying family members will not be able to leave your place of quarantine for any reason. This is mandatory even if you have no COVID-19 symptoms.

· Canadian authorities do not provide you a place to quarantine when you arrive. You must make your own arrangements in advance.

In order to continue processing your request, we must receive your response within 10 days of receipt of this email. If we do not hear from you within 10 days, we will assume that you are not able to travel to Canada within the next 60 days. Your application will remain open and placed on hold until after the travel restriction pause is lifted or until you demonstrate that you meet the criteria above.

To find out more, visit our website at Approved permanent residence applications (with a COPR and PRV issued to clients outside Canada)

Thank you,


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada






对现实有所妥协,可能是无数人的宿命(everything is destiny )。

最后编辑: 2020-09-25




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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