我理解你的意思。另外你所谓的主流媒体是指大多数人看的媒体吗?小道消息我是不关注的。你认为川普不是白人至上,那他那么喜欢Proud boys是因为什么呢?他的一言一行无不透露着自私和自大,这都是从他的讲话里很容易得出的结论。兼听则明,适用于我们每一个人。
请问对于您stand back and stand by和Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids这两句相比,哪句听上去更有白人至上倾向呢?
对不起我特意google了下,我没有找到关于特朗普喜欢proud boys的新闻报道,如果您能找到,烦请将信息给我分享一下.
我找到的他关于proud boys的评论是在第一场辩论上,他对此团体的评论是stand back and stand by。反川普媒体the guardian对于proud boys的描写是:“The group is tiny and not very powerful”,“Yet the Proud Boys and other white power groups are not considered a criminal street gang by many police agencies and are generally absent in gang databases.”
维基写到:In late November 2018, an internal memo from the
Clark County Sheriff's Office showed that the
FBI had designated the Proud Boys an extremist group, but it later clarified that
only certain members were extremist threats with ties to white nationalism.In 2019, two Proud Boys were sentenced to four years in prison for attempted gang assault, attempted assault and other charges for a 2018 New York incident where they attacked individuals who prosecutors said were members of
antifa。 目前报道出来的Proud boys参与的暴力活动主要都与反极左活动有关,他们对平民没有暴力倾向,这是川普对于此团体的态度比较温和的原因,但是我仍然没有找到他“喜欢”这个团体的评论。对于川普来说,对社会更大的威胁是radical left Antifa。