Need more Info about Saskatoon

I am interested in Saskatoon. I need more information about Saskatoon. Please help me. What's the current price for a single house about 1800 feet? How about the down payment? What's the mortgage? Which senior high school is the best one in Saskatoon and which area the senior high school located? And how about the single house's price in the area?

If you have any info related to my questions, please help me. Thanks in advance.:wdb2:
I am interested in Saskatoon. I need more information about Saskatoon. Please help me. What's the current price for a single house about 1800 feet? How about the down payment? What's the mortgage? Which senior high school is the best one in Saskatoon and which area the senior high school located? And how about the single house's price in the area?

If you have any info related to my questions, please help me. Thanks in advance.:wdb2:
What's the current price for a single house about 1800 feet? it highly depends on the house itself. for a two storey,newer house,about 200k to 250k.

How about the down payment? for new comers,30% or 35% downpayment is needed.

Which senior high school is the best one in Saskatoon ? it is in east side I think.

And how about the single house's price in the area?very expansive now.




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