我刚刚给自己riding 的MP 写了一封信,列举了一些事实询问为什么投Yes,大家感兴趣可以给自己的MP写信.
我写的一些事实, 大家可以看看, 写的不好请指正:
- The population of permanent residents in Xinjiang increased by 13.99 percent from 2010 to 2018, among which the Uygur population increased by 25.04 percent.
- Growth rate of the Uygur population is nearly twice that of the overall residents and is way higher than that of the Han population.
- The Uygur population has increased by more than 2.5 million people in merely eight years. Where Canadian population grows 3 million in the same period, remember every year we also welcome 20,000 new immigrants.
- People in Xinjian live peacefully without war and are very less affected by extreme groups like in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Remember nearly 500,000 – 1,000,000 people have been killed in the serials of post-9/11 wars and at least 37 million people have forcibly displaced.
- Canada is doing a great job to prevent COVID-19 at this difficult moment, yet our south neighbor is vigorously propagating Sinophobia to remove responsibility and failure, why would Parliament makes this proposal to fuel and spread this anti-Chinese sentiment In Canada to hurt Chinese-Canadians? Will Our neighbor treats us more kindly if we follow them? Like reconsider Keystong XL project?