
你怎么知道的呢?是自己编的还是看别人编的截图?证据没有胡乱说?英文Source在哪?Comirnaty 就是pfizer换了个名字而已
多说一点,在FDA的Pfizer认证中说到Comirnaty没有关于long-term health outcomes的Info. 风险自负(a warning about these risks ).


多说一点,在FDA的Pfizer认证中说到Comirnaty没有关于long-term health outcomes的Info. 风险自负(a warning about these risks ).


这和最终解释权归别人一样的,疫苗才出来一年你让人家怎么看长期后果?standard legal talk,蝇头小文写在clause里,完全不代表会有问题,给你说的危言耸听。antivaxxer黔驴技穷了只好拿这个说说事,之前气壮山河的散播谣言看不见了
这和最终解释权归别人一样的,standard legal talk,蝇头小文写在clause里,给你说的危言耸听。antivaxxer黔驴技穷了只好拿这个说说事,之前气壮山河的散播谣言看不见了




哪来的事实我辟谣一遍不够还得再来一遍?还无可否认笑死我了做梦醒不过来了。 不跟你说了,旁观者自清
那政府推的Vaccine Passport算什么🤔



“It’s just limiting the ability to participate in certain activities if they don’t have a vaccine. If, in fact, the government were forcing people to be vaccinated – like actually physically holding people down and giving them a vaccine – that would probably be a pretty clear charter breach.”

Mandates offer a choice: receive or decline the vaccine. Those who decline are instead presented with a different set of options.

“In the case of students, you can try to enroll in online classes, or you can take a term off. In the case of employees, you can try to seek accommodation or take a leave, These may be inconvenient and unwanted options, but they are options. Even if a claimant were to make out that there has been a violation of the liberty interest or security of person interest, they would also have to prove that the infringement was under circumstances that violated principles of fundamental justice. In other words, the mandate is arbitrary, overly broad or grossly disproportionate. <<<<<<这是宪法第七条

最后编辑: 2021-09-07

“It’s just limiting the ability to participate in certain activities if they don’t have a vaccine. If, in fact, the government were forcing people to be vaccinated – like actually physically holding people down and giving them a vaccine – that would probably be a pretty clear charter breach.”

Mandates offer a choice: receive or decline the vaccine. Those who decline are instead presented with a different set of options.

“In the case of students, you can try to enroll in online classes, or you can take a term off. In the case of employees, you can try to seek accommodation or take a leave, These may be inconvenient and unwanted options, but they are options. Even if a claimant were to make out that there has been a violation of the liberty interest or security of person interest, they would also have to prove that the infringement was under circumstances that violated principles of fundamental justice. In other words, the mandate is arbitrary, overly broad or grossly disproportionate. <<<<<<这是宪法第七条



“It’s just limiting the ability to participate in certain activities if they don’t have a vaccine. If, in fact, the government were forcing people to be vaccinated – like actually physically holding people down and giving them a vaccine – that would probably be a pretty clear charter breach.”

Mandates offer a choice: receive or decline the vaccine. Those who decline are instead presented with a different set of options.

“In the case of students, you can try to enroll in online classes, or you can take a term off. In the case of employees, you can try to seek accommodation or take a leave, These may be inconvenient and unwanted options, but they are options. Even if a claimant were to make out that there has been a violation of the liberty interest or security of person interest, they would also have to prove that the infringement was under circumstances that violated principles of fundamental justice. In other words, the mandate is arbitrary, overly broad or grossly disproportionate. <<<<<<这是宪法第七条


来多大法学院毕业的给围观群众上上课,土豆的强制联邦雇员接种疫苗怎么就不是 Force Vaccination


“It’s just limiting the ability to participate in certain activities if they don’t have a vaccine. If, in fact, the government were forcing people to be vaccinated – like actually physically holding people down and giving them a vaccine – that would probably be a pretty clear charter breach.”

Mandates offer a choice: receive or decline the vaccine. Those who decline are instead presented with a different set of options.

“In the case of students, you can try to enroll in online classes, or you can take a term off. In the case of employees, you can try to seek accommodation or take a leave, These may be inconvenient and unwanted options, but they are options. Even if a claimant were to make out that there has been a violation of the liberty interest or security of person interest, they would also have to prove that the infringement was under circumstances that violated principles of fundamental justice. In other words, the mandate is arbitrary, overly broad or grossly disproportionate. <<<<<<这是宪法第七条

还有个问题,你怎么证明持有Vaccine Passport的病毒感染者不传播病毒,没危害公共安全🤔




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