The deal, which recommended she be released, allowed her to formally deny guilt for key charges while also acknowledging the allegations laid out by the Americans.

Huawei's Meng Wanzhou flies back to China after deal with US
The row over Meng Wanzhou's detention in 2018 strained China's relations with Canada and the US.

孟在听证会上对指控不认罪。Meng pleaded not guilty to the charges in the hearing. When U.S. District Court Judge Ann Donnelly later accepted the deferred prosecution agreement, Meng sighed audibly.

Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou leaves Canada after agreement with US over fraud charges
Within hours of the news of the deal, two Canadians who were arrested shortly after Meng was taken into custody in 2018 were released from Chinese jails. Read more at