斯坦福 IT


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例







part time 读书可以申请贷款吗?有英语的要求吗?

新人,问题多多.先在此谢谢了.给LZ 送上花花!

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

请教一个问题,我正在领EI(13周了), 得到一个offer, 有三个月的试用期,不知道能干多久,如果干了三个月给laid off 掉。还可以拿EI吗?
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

我08年6月至8月拿过疾病EI,不知能否申请EI培训补贴和SEB?本人确实有Self Employment Business要做。再次感谢!
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


我08年11、12月拿了parental benefits,09年1月又开始继续原来的工作。
现在,公司要开始workshare program(就是每周工作2~4天,其余时间拿EI的那种)
在填网上的EI申请时,不知道我是应该选择reactivate原来的claim呢,还是start a new claim。

Service Canada的FAQ里有如下说法:

7. Is it always the best option to reactivate an existing claim?

In certain situations it may be to your advantage to cancel or end your old claim and start a new one instead. If you are interested in doing so, please contact us within 30 days. To know more on the duration of a benefit period...

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


我08年11、12月拿了parental benefits,09年1月又开始继续原来的工作。
现在,公司要开始workshare program(就是每周工作2~4天,其余时间拿EI的那种)
在填网上的EI申请时,不知道我是应该选择reactivate原来的claim呢,还是start a new claim。

Service Canada的FAQ里有如下说法:

7. Is it always the best option to reactivate an existing claim?

In certain situations it may be to your advantage to cancel or end your old claim and start a new one instead. If you are interested in doing so, please contact us within 30 days. To know more on the duration of a benefit period...


是呀。重新激活不一定是最好的选择。那就要比较一下,之前的EI Credit是否已用完和金额多少。作个比如,如果之前的Credit只剩下2周,重新激活那就不合算;相比之下,如果你新的EI又符合了基本的资质要求,那重新申领将得到更长的EI周数。
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

是呀。重新激活不一定是最好的选择。那就要比较一下,之前的EI Credit是否已用完和金额多少。作个比如,如果之前的Credit只剩下2周,重新激活那就不合算;相比之下,如果你新的EI又符合了基本的资质要求,那重新申领将得到更长的EI周数。


1. 如果重新激活,金额应该是跟上次拿的一样多;申请新的,就要按最近6个月的收入重新计算。这样的理解对吗?

2. 如果重新激活,就还是算做parental benefits; 申请新的,就是regular benefits。这样的理解对吗?

3. 上次的parental benefits我申请的是35周,但拿了9周后我就提前结束,回去工作了。这么说,Credit应该剩下26周?如果重新激活了,那么在我拿了26周EI后,能否再申请新的呢?

4. 计算了一下,似乎重新激活和新申请拿到的钱都差不多,都应该能达到EI上限。在这种情况下,我应该选择哪个呢?parental benefits比regular benefits好,是否有这样的说法呢?

5. 另外,这次申请EI,因为是公司搞workshare,每周至少还能拿到2天的工资。按workshare program的说法,就是剩下的3天拿EI。但如果按上次那种parental benefits的规矩,每周我拿两天工资的话,EI肯定是没资格拿了。这么说来的话,我又应该是申请新的,而不是激活原来的了?
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


1. 如果重新激活,金额应该是跟上次拿的一样多;申请新的,就要按最近6个月的收入重新计算。这样的理解对吗?

2. 如果重新激活,就还是算做parental benefits; 申请新的,就是regular benefits。这样的理解对吗?

3. 上次的parental benefits我申请的是35周,但拿了9周后我就提前结束,回去工作了。这么说,Credit应该剩下26周?如果重新激活了,那么在我拿了26周EI后,能否再申请新的呢?

是剩下26周,但parental EI要在小孩出生后52周内有效,所以还得考虑这个有效期的问题;拿完了26周EI,如果你在新的申请前,亦满足了所申请EI种类的基本要求,是可以的。

4. 计算了一下,似乎重新激活和新申请拿到的钱都差不多,都应该能达到EI上限。在这种情况下,我应该选择哪个呢?parental benefits比regular benefits好,是否有这样的说法呢?
选择哪个,在这说不准。因为不知道你之前拿的是否只有parental EI 9周,亦不知你之前EI的起止日期,更不知你之后工作的小时数等等。

5. 另外,这次申请EI,因为是公司搞workshare,每周至少还能拿到2天的工资。按workshare program的说法,就是剩下的3天拿EI。但如果按上次那种parental benefits的规矩,每周我拿两天工资的话,EI肯定是没资格拿了。这么说来的话,我又应该是申请新的,而不是激活原来的了?
17.Can I work while I'm receiving maternity, parental or sickness benefits?If you work while on maternity or sickness benefits, your earnings will be deducted from your benefits, dollar for dollar.
If you work while on parental benefits you can earn $50 per week or 25% of your weekly benefits, whichever is higher. Any monies earned above that amount will be deducted from your benefits, dollar for dollar.



I received EI benefits in the past. Do I need to submit a new application?

f you submitted an application for benefits that was approved in the last 52 weeks, you may be able to reactivate your previous EI claim. However, in some cases, it may be to your advantage to cancel or end your old claim earlier and start a new claim, because this may increase the amount of your benefits or the length of your benefit period.
You must decide whether or not to cancel or renew a claim based on your own personal situation.
Julie’s first claim for benefits started the week of February 1, 2009. In the previous 26 weeks, she worked 26 weeks, at 40 hours a week, for a total of 1,040 hours. She earned $10,400. She lives in a region for which the unemployment rate was 13.1% at the time she submitted her application. She will receive $220 a week in benefits, and she is eligible to receive benefits for a maximum of 40 weeks. She received 10 weeks of EI benefits and then returned to work. After her return to work, Julie worked for 30 weeks, at 40 hours a week, for a total of 1,200 hours. She earned $18,000 over the last 26 weeks. On November 22, 2009, Julie submits another application for EI benefits. The unemployment rate remains at 13.1%. Here are Julie’s two options:
First option: Since Julie’s first benefit period ends on January 30, 2010, and she has already served the two-week waiting period, Julie may receive the remaining 10 weeks of benefits, which total $220 per week, as part of her old claim. She can then start a new claim that will be based on the hours of employment and the insurable earnings of her second job. Therefore, she could receive 10 weeks of benefits at $220 a week and, after serving the two-week waiting period on the new claim, she could receive 42 weeks of benefits at $381 a week.
Second option: Julie could ask to end the claim that started in February and start a new claim, which would be based on the hours of employment and the insurable earnings of her second job. Her benefit rate would then be $381 a week, and she would be able to receive benefits for a period of up to 42 weeks, once she has served the two-week waiting period.
To reactivate your old claim, you should visit our Web site at www.servicecanada.gc.ca. Click on “Apply for Employment Insurance Benefits” in the menu on the right-hand side of the home page. On the page “Application for Employment Insurance Benefits online,” you will be asked if you wish to reactivate an existing claim or start a new claim. If you indicate that you wish to reactivate an existing claim, you will be presented with a shorter version of the application so that you can then proceed to reactivate your old claim.

  • For information about your previous claim, call 1-800-206-7218 (TTY: 1-800-529-3742) or visit our Web site at www.servicecanada.gc.ca and click on “Access My Service Canada Account.”
  • If you asked to reactivate your old claim and you later decide to cancel or end your old claim so you can start a new claim, please contact us within 30 days of the date on which you reactivated your claim.
最后编辑: 2010-07-27




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