回复: 有在蒙城,准备怀孕的姐妹吗?
![吼吼 :wdb23: :wdb23:](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/vbb/wdb23.gif)
![吼吼 :wdb23: :wdb23:](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/vbb/wdb23.gif)
abnormal uterine contraction 异常宫缩
uterine inertia 子宫无力
hypotonic contraction 低张性宫缩
hypertonic contraction 高张性宫缩
tetanic contraction 强直性宫缩
constriction ring 缩窄环
pathologic retration ring 病理性缩窄环
impending of rupture of uterus 先兆子宫破裂
rupture of uterus 子宫破裂
history of previous cesarean section 前次剖宫产史
primipara with floating head 初产头浮
cephalo-pelvic disproportion 头盆不称
cervical dystocia 宫颈难产
abnormal presentation 胎位异常
persistent occiput posterior 持续性枕后位
persistent transverse arrest 持续性枕横位
breech presentation 臀位
frank breech 伸腿臀
footling 足先臀
incomplete breech 不完全臀位
transverse (shoulder) presentation 横位(肩先露)
face presentation 面先露
brow presentation 额先露
compound presentation 复合先露
prolapse of umbilical cord 脐带脱垂
shoulder dystocia 肩难产
locked twin 交锁双胎
conjointed twin 联体双胎
prolonged labor 产程延长
prolonged second stage 第二产程延长
obstetric shock 产科休克
antenatal hemorrhage 产前出血
placenta previa 前置胎盘
central (complete) 中央型
partial 部分型
low implantation 低置
abruption plancentae (premature separation of planceta) 胎盘早剥
concealed hemorrhage 隐性出血
revealed hemorrhage 显性出血
uteo-placental apoplexy 子宫胎盘卒中
amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 弥漫性血管内凝血
early postpartum hemorrhage 早期产 后出血
late postpartum hemorrhage 晚期产后出血
puerperal hemorrhage 产祷期出血
retention of placenta 胎盘滞留
retention of placenra fragment 部分胎盘滞留
retention of fetal membranes 胎膜滞留
adherent placenta 胎膜粘连
placenta accreta 胎盘植入
placenta percreta 胎盘穿透
Sheehan's disease 席汉氏征
pueperal morbidity 产褥病率
pueperal infection 产褥感染
pueperal sepsis 产后败血症
puperal endometritis 产褥期子宫内膜炎
pelvic cellutitis 盆腔蜂窝质炎
frozen pelvis 冰冻骨盆
septic thrombophlebitis 感染性血栓性静脉炎
puerperal tetanus 产褥期破伤风
placenta duplex 双胎盘
placenta bipartita 双叶胎盘
placenta circumvallata 轮状胎盘
infarction of placenta 胎盘梗死
rupture of marginal sinus 边缘窦破裂
marginal insertion of umbilical cord 脐带边缘附着
velamentous insertion of umbilical cord 脐带帆状附着
vasa previa 血管前置
pregnacy test 妊娠试验
radioimmunoassay for hCG hCG放免测定
ultrasonography (ultrasound scanning) 超声波检查
B-scan B型超声波扫描
ultrasonic estimation of fetal weight and maturity 超声波估价胎儿体重及成熟
ultrasonic localization of placenta 超声波定位胎盘
amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺
chorionic villi sampling 绒毛标本采取
chromosome analysis 染色体分析
fetoscopy 胎儿镜检查
fetoscope 胎儿镜
pelvimetry 骨盆测量
fetal heart monitoring 胎心监测
tocography 宫缩描记术
tocograph 宫缩描记
baseline fetal heart rate 胎心基线
variability 可变性
deccleration 减速
acceleration 加速
early deceleration 早减速
late deceleration 晚减速
prolonged deceleration 延长减速
varial deceleration 可变减速
non stress test (NST) 非应力试验
oxytocin challenge test (OCT) 催产素刺激试验
estimation of fetal lung maturity 胎儿肺成熟度估价
lecithin/sphimgomyelin ratio 卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值
amnioscopy 羊膜镜检查
amnioscope 羊膜镜
fetal scalp blood sampling 胎儿头皮血取样
blood gas analysis 血气分析
termination of pregnancy 终止妊娠
therapeutic abortion 疗病流产
suction abortion 吸引流产
hysterotomy 子宫切开术
vaginal hysterotomy 经阴道子宫切开术
cerclage of cervix 宫颈环扎
intra-amniotic transfusion 羊膜腔内输血
artificial rupture of membranes (amniotomy) 人工破膜
manual stripping of membranes 人工剥膜
indution of labor by pitocin 催产素引产
indution of labor prostaglandin 前列腺素引产
oxytocin stimulation for uterine contraction 催产素刺激宫缩
manual rotation of fetal head 手转胎头
episiotomy 会阴切开术
medio-lateral episiotomy 会阴中侧切
median episiotomy 会阴正中切开
cervicotomy 宫颈切开术
obstetric forceps 产钳
midforceps delivery 中位产钳助产钳
lowforceps delivery 低位产钳助产钳
outlet forceps delivery 出口产钳助产钳
piper's forceps 后出头产钳
vacuum extractor 吸引器
vacuum extractor of fetal head 胎头吸引术
external version 外倒转
breech extraction 臀牵引
delivery of aftercoming head 后出头分娩
internal podalic version 内倒转
destructive operation 毁胎术
craniotomy 穿颅术
decapitation 断头术
cleidotomy 锁骨切断术
evisceration 去脏术
Cesarean section (C.S) 剖宫产
classical C.S 古典剖宫产
lower segment C.S 下段剖宫产
extraperitoneal C.S 腹膜 外剖宫产
Cesarean hysterectomy (Porro's operation) 剖宫子宫切除术
manual removal of placenta 手取胎盘