斯坦福 IT


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

今周领到了人生第一份EI。按领EI要求要记录找工过程,请教如何记录?网上找不到现成的表格,自己用Excel把招聘公司等信息记录下来,可以吗?其实现在很少合适工作post出来, 用来应付的。有没有朋友被要求提供过找工记录(申请读书的除外)?据说被抽查到而不能提供找工记录的,会被停止EI。恳望知情者提供信息,多谢了!
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

今周领到了人生第一份EI。按领EI要求要记录找工过程,请教如何记录?网上找不到现成的表格,自己用Excel把招聘公司等信息记录下来,可以吗?其实现在很少合适工作post出来, 用来应付的。有没有朋友被要求提供过找工记录(申请读书的除外)?据说被抽查到而不能提供找工记录的,会被停止EI。恳望知情者提供信息,多谢了!


Hiring a family member or a related person

Under the Employment Insurance Act, employees who are related to their employer (individual or corporation) might not be in an insurable employment. This means that they would not have EI premiums deducted from their pay and would not be able to get EI benefits.
There are several ways employees are considered to be related to the employer. They can be related by marriage (including common-law relationship), adoption, or by blood (for example, parents, brothers, sisters, or children). They can also be related to a corporation if they are related to a person or group of persons that control the corporation.
This does not mean the employment of a family member is automatically not insurable.
An employee that is related to the employer can be in an insurable employment if it is reasonable to conclude that the employer would have hired a non-related person under a similar agreement (contract of employment).
You have to look at all the circumstances of the employment to see if someone else would have been hired under a similar contract of employment. The circumstances that are looked at include:

  • remuneration;
  • terms and conditions of the employment, such as the hours of work;
  • length or duration of the employment;
  • nature of the work being done by the employee; and
  • importance of the work being done.
If you are still not sure if you should deduct EI premiums, you can request a ruling up until June 30 of the year following the year in which the employment occurred.
If you have already deducted EI premiums and you think you shouldn't have, you can request a refund of the EI premiums. Normally this requires that we complete a ruling. You must make your request for a refund no later than three years after the end of the year in question.
You deducted EI premiums in 2007 and the employment was not insurable, you could get the premiums refunded up until the end of 2010.

关键看雇主与雇员之间的工作间隔关系(arm's length relationship)是怎样的?再看看:
Meaning of "not dealing at arm's length" for purposes of the Employment Insurance Act (EIA)
Related persons
When the employer (individual or corporation) and the employee are related to each other (related persons), they are deemed not to deal with each other at arm's length according to the ITA. Therefore, any employment between related persons is considered to be not insurable. However, the EIA contains a provision (paragraph 5(3)(b)) to make such employment insurable if the CRA is satisfied (when considering all the circumstances of the employment) that it is reasonable to conclude that the parties would have entered into a substantially similar employment if they had been dealing with each other at arm' length. In that case, the CRA will determine that the parties are dealing at arm's length and the employment is insurable (unless it is non-insurable or excluded under another provision of the EIA).

How is it decided that an employee and an employer are not dealing with each other at arm's length
Generally, the following four factors are examined when looking at all the circumstances of employment:
Remuneration Paid
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Duration of Work Performed
Nature and Importance of the Work Performed
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

ALLOWABLE EARNINGS就是允许你在EI期间每周去做工的收入限额,而不会扣EI的钱,现在是EI的40%或75元。详见其释义:

Allowable Earnings

If you are receiving regular, fishing, parental or compassionate care benefits, you can earn 40% of your weekly benefit rate or $75, whichever is higher, without affecting the amount of EI benefits you will receive for that week.

If you are claiming maternity or sickness benefits, your earnings are subtracted dollar for dollar from benefits payable to you. You must always declare your total gross earnings. Any monies earned above your allowable amount are deducted dollar for dollar from your benefits. Example: Your benefit rate is $300. Your allowable is $120. For a two-week report, you worked and declared $50 in the first week and $145 in the second week. We would not deduct anything for the first week of the report because you earned less than your allowable. However, for the second week of that report we would deduct $25 because although you earned a total of $145, you were allowed to earn $120, and we only deduct the difference.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


一般学校都有提供CO-OP的呀!?如果它不提供可向原先的Case counselor提出。







回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

万分感谢,慢慢每一个每一个看看再说.thanks again




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