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[FONT=宋体]关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]希望大家踊跃讨论[/FONT]! [FONT=宋体]鉴于一个贴子中发表长篇大论[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]希望大家给加些[/FONT][FONT=宋体]声望[/FONT]:

1) [FONT=宋体]本人基本条件[/FONT]:
[FONT=宋体]北京[/FONT]07[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]FN, 12[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]13[FONT=宋体]日考雅斯[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]工程硕士[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]只有学位[/FONT],33[FONT=宋体]学分外加论文[/FONT])[FONT=宋体]不过[/FONT] => 22[FONT=宋体]分或[/FONT]25[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]
IELTS: L:7, R:6, W:5.5, S:6 => [FONT=宋体]根据旧条件:4,2,2,2;根据新条件:2,2,2,2[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]年龄:[/FONT]32 => 10[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]工作[/FONT]: 9[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT] => 21[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]老婆[/FONT]: 2[FONT=宋体]年全日大专[/FONT],3[FONT=宋体]年成人教育本科[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]有学位[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]有学历[/FONT]) => [FONT=宋体]估计[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]根据旧条件[/FONT]: 25+10+10+21+4=70
[FONT=宋体]根据新条件[/FONT]: 68[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]

(1) [FONT=宋体]搜索论坛发现所有关于学分转化学时的结论[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]一学分[/FONT][FONT=宋体]=18学时,
一年=35周×15学时/每周=525学时,一整年是大概30学分)都没有CIC 官方网站上的证据,也没有最近申请成功[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]不知道哪位大人可以帮我确认一下本人教育分是否一定可拿到[/FONT]25[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]如果可以[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]怎样提供补料[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]学位的清华认证[/FONT]+[FONT=宋体]学校的学分证明[/FONT]?? [FONT=宋体]学时证明怎么开[/FONT])??? [FONT=宋体]多谢了[/FONT]!!


2) [FONT=宋体]为了以防万一[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]我又报考了[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]月的雅斯考试[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]同时我也意识到万一再考不好[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]我还面临同样的雅斯新旧标准的问题[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]所以我仔细研究了一下[/FONT]:

(1) [FONT=宋体]现有结论[/FONT]:
[FONT=宋体]关于[/FONT]2008[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]27[FONT=宋体]日之前递交的申请,雅思的评分标准就按原来的标准,即:[/FONT]0-4.9[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]5.0-6.9[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]7.0-9.0 [FONT=宋体]来评分;[/FONT]


(2) [FONT=宋体]经过研究[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]本人认为两种情况都有可能[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]但第一个结论的可能性大些[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]详细分析如下[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]请朋友们讨论[/FONT].

op06e: [FONT=宋体]下载见其他贴子[/FONT]

(4)Details ([FONT=宋体]结论二根据[/FONT]10.8[FONT=宋体]很容易得出[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]以下只推理结论一[/FONT]):
(a) [FONT=宋体]根据[/FONT]op06e:
Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted before February 27, 2008 are to be processed by the visa office according to the legislation in effect at the time of application.

(b) [FONT=宋体]首先[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]尽管本人不一定满足[/FONT]8.1[FONT=宋体]中第六条的英语成绩提交要求[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]本人的[/FONT]application[FONT=宋体]应该在[/FONT]Feb 27, 2008[FONT=宋体]之前[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]因为根据[/FONT]8.2, [FONT=宋体]我已经拿到[/FONT]FN.

(c) regulation [FONT=宋体]属于[/FONT]legislation[FONT=宋体]的一部分[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]依据[/FONT]:
1. 8.1[FONT=宋体]中[/FONT]: R10 prescribes what constitutes “an application” under the Act. [FONT=宋体]其中[/FONT]R10: Regulaiton10
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation:
The Government of Canada and the various provincial governments have the power to enact secondary legislation known as regulations by Order-in-Council.

(d) Page7: Language proficiency is based on R79 (Regulation79)
The table in 10.3 is based on R79 according to the first line. So it’s directly related to “legislation”.
The tables in 10.8 are equivalency charts.

The relationship between 10.3 & 10.8 is:
Second-language experts established the equivalencies between the four levels of language proficiency indicated in the Regulations, and the results of the language tests listed above. Thus, officers should award points based on the appropriate equivalency chart.

[FONT=宋体]推论[/FONT]1: the tables in 10.8 can be viewed as one of the implementation of the table in 10.3, which is part of legislation. So if we follow the legislation, we may also follow the implementation of legislation at that time. => If we don’t follow the implementation of the legislation at that time, we don’t follow legislation at that time.

(e) Based on words in 10.4: Pursuant to R79(1), the points indicated above are awarded for proficiency in English and French based on either: a) language test results, submitted at time of application from an approved organization……

[FONT=宋体]推论[/FONT]2: [FONT=宋体]分数的计算也是根据[/FONT]R79, [FONT=宋体]即根据[/FONT]legislation.

(f) [FONT=宋体]推论[/FONT]3: The op06e is not as strict as code. Contradiction can be seen elsewhere. So the tables in 10.8 can be viewed only for applicants after Feb 27th, 2008. I guess the table for applicants before Feb 27th, 2008 is either missing in 10.8 or:
From update history in page 3 & 4, we can see there is no change between Sep 1st, 2006 and Feb 27th, 2008. Based on the rule in (a) showed everywhere in op06e, we may assume that for applicants before Feb 27th, 08, the older version of the same document should be referred to, where 7 is 4 points. Due to update history, we may also assume the reader for 10.8 is only for applicants after that date.

(g) [FONT=宋体]根据[/FONT]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-after.asp
If you applied before February 27, 2008, the visa office where you applied will contact you and ask you to provide the required documentation about four months before your application is to be processed. When they have verified your completed application, they will send you a letter to tell you what you need to do and what happens next.
Your application will always be processed according to the rules in place when you applied.
According to American Heritage Dictionary:
1. An authoritative, prescribed direction for conduct, especially one of the regulations governing procedure in a legislative body or a regulation observed by the players in a game, sport, or contest.
2. A generalized statement that describes what is true in most or all cases
3. A usual, customary, or generalized course of action or behavior:
4. A standard method or procedure for solving a class of problems.
[FONT=宋体]推论[/FONT]4: So we can understand in this way: Second-language experts established rules for mapping of the equivalency charts. And we will use these rules when we submit application.
(h) [FONT=宋体]根据[/FONT]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-after.asp
For applicants after Feb, 2008, CIC officer will make a final decision on your application based on the requirements for immigration to Canada at the time your application was submitted. The decision will be based on several selection factors, as well as the results of your medical examination and the criminal and security checks.
[FONT=宋体]推论[/FONT]5: Here the requirements should certainly include the mapping of equivalency charts. By using common sense, we can infer this is also true for applicants before Feb, 2008.

Points for the applicant’s language proficiency are generally awarded according to evidence provided at the time the application is made. However, if further study, training, or testing is completed and documentation submitted between the time of application and the time of assessment, officers will use the most current results to determine point allocations. In terms of designated language test results, officers will NOT select the highest score for each language
ability from a variety of test score submissions. It is always the most recent group of tests that will be considered by officer as it is the most current assessment of the applicant’s four language
回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

本人也是4年全日制本科, 所以关键是3年的在职硕士(只有学位,33学分, 论文时间另算)能否折算为1整年的全日制学习. 如果可以, 怎么办证明, 只有学校的学分能行吗? 怎么开学时证明?

如果按旧的雅斯标准, 我的总分70, 就算是工程硕士算22分, 总分也有67.
但按新标准,工程硕士算22分, 总分只有65了.

回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

1)在op06e的3,4页, 有历史更新记录. 我们可以看到从而2006,9到2008,2月没有任何更新. 11月28日关于雅斯的更新是227新证的. 从这里,我们也可以推理出来227以前, op06e的老内容. 即现在内容减去更新的内容,就是老内容,老版本.
计算机领域的版本控制就是类似思想, 复杂版本控制存储每个版本,简单只是个历史记录.
2)另外, op06e不像软件代码写的严谨,有多处前后矛盾的地方,您的8.1那段话,不是关键的句子,有可能是漏改.

希望跟使馆沟通的朋友(比如yilehuli,fish0526,冬之青...)分享一下真实的沟通结果,以便大家进一步分析. 多谢!
回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

如果同时寄两份成绩单,分别是28日之前的 和 28日之后的,VO会选出评分高的吗?op06e中21页说,只接受最新的成绩单?
回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考


回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考



我也是91新政的,本月刚考完,用旧标准才够分呢! 如果不能用旧标准,得赶快去复议成绩或者重新考 :wdb14:
回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考

回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考


BTW, 如果提交两次成绩,一定是按第二次取。但标准可能按以前标准
回复: 关于教育分的两个问题请教和关于雅斯新标准的适用范围的深入思考


啥也没收到呢! :wdb21:






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