我在8月26日写邮件给加拿大移民部部长康尼先生,询问目前香港进度缓慢的原因。此后一直没有回音。本想石沉大海也实属正常,然而今天早晨突然收到一封邮件,打开一看,原来是康尼大人手下的Mr.S. Duncan回复。他在信里谈到技术移民处理缓慢的原因,其中之一是:CIC 2008年共接收247000个新移民,目前的申请案例已经超过了他们年度移民计划;其二:CIC目前进度缓慢的原因是受限于增长的服务要求,大量积压的案例,延长的等待时间以及临时增长的(申请)数量等。关于38职业清单受优待的解释为:他们能更好地满足加拿大劳工市场的需要;同时能抑制积压案例的增长;2008年2月加拿大积压移民申请达600,000个,而自从38职业清单后,降至515,000个,降低了越15%左右。最后,他为CIC辩解说:(the backlog) will not be solved overnight. The amendments and resources in the Budget give CIC the tools to address the backlog.
CIC - Ministerial Enquiries Division/CIC - Service de renseignements ministeriels (Ministerial.Enquiries.Division@cic.gc.ca)
发送时间: 2009年9月10日 19:28:08
Dear Mr. XX:
I am replying to your e-mail of August 26, 2009, addressed to theHonourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration andMulticulturalism, concerning processing delays for skilled workerapplications received before February 27, 2008.
Canada is an attractive destination for immigrants. As a result, wereceive more applications than we are able to process within the annualimmigration levels plan.Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) admitted more than 247,000 newpermanent residents in 2008.
CIC's ability to deliver the most efficient immigration and citizenshipprograms possible is constrained by pressures such as increasing demandfor services, a large processing backlog, lengthening wait times andrising temporary volumes.
The Government's Action Plan for Faster Immigration allows CIC to screenFederal Skilled Worker applications based on a list of priorityoccupations, so that they will better meet Canada's labour market needs.This legislation helped us to keep the backlog from growing and itcomplemented our efforts to draw down the backlog. Canada's backlog ofskilled worker applications, which stood at approximately 600,000 whenwe introduced our plan last February, now stands at approximately515,000 - a significant drop of 15 percent. The backlog accumulatedover many years and it will not be solved overnight. The amendments andresources in the Budget give CIC the tools to address the backlog.
Thank you for taking the time to write. I trust that the informationprovided is of assistance.
S. Duncan
Ministerial Enquiries Division
This e-mail address is not available for response
CIC - Ministerial Enquiries Division/CIC - Service de renseignements ministeriels (Ministerial.Enquiries.Division@cic.gc.ca)
发送时间: 2009年9月10日 19:28:08
Dear Mr. XX:
I am replying to your e-mail of August 26, 2009, addressed to theHonourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration andMulticulturalism, concerning processing delays for skilled workerapplications received before February 27, 2008.
Canada is an attractive destination for immigrants. As a result, wereceive more applications than we are able to process within the annualimmigration levels plan.Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) admitted more than 247,000 newpermanent residents in 2008.
CIC's ability to deliver the most efficient immigration and citizenshipprograms possible is constrained by pressures such as increasing demandfor services, a large processing backlog, lengthening wait times andrising temporary volumes.
The Government's Action Plan for Faster Immigration allows CIC to screenFederal Skilled Worker applications based on a list of priorityoccupations, so that they will better meet Canada's labour market needs.This legislation helped us to keep the backlog from growing and itcomplemented our efforts to draw down the backlog. Canada's backlog ofskilled worker applications, which stood at approximately 600,000 whenwe introduced our plan last February, now stands at approximately515,000 - a significant drop of 15 percent. The backlog accumulatedover many years and it will not be solved overnight. The amendments andresources in the Budget give CIC the tools to address the backlog.
Thank you for taking the time to write. I trust that the informationprovided is of assistance.
S. Duncan
Ministerial Enquiries Division
This e-mail address is not available for response
最后编辑: 2009-09-10