• be addressed to the principal applicant
• list the location (e.g. town/city) of your position in Saskatchewan
• be issued on the company’s letterhead and signed by the employer [/font]
2. SINP Confirmation of Job Approval letter from a Saskatchewan Employer (Copy)
Your job offer must be approved by the SINP before you apply to the SINP, or your application will be returned. Include a copy of the SINP Job Approval form in your application. The employer offering you a job received this form from the SINP when the job offer was approved.
[FONT=宋体]注:雇主首先要到移民局的网站注册并递交资料,由省移民局审批过[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体],并发出[/FONT]Job Approval letter[FONT=宋体],该[/FONT]letter[FONT=宋体]必须连同你的申请一起提交给省移民局,否则你的申请会被退回。如前所述,该[/FONT]letter[FONT=宋体]是由雇主直接交给中介的,所以大家都看不到,可以把关的只有雇主[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]本身。[/FONT]
2. Language Credentials If your first language is not English or French, you must prove your English/French language ability with one of the following:
• Education/training documents that demonstrate you have attended education institutions where the language of instruction was English/French and show the length of the program;
• Copies of internationally recognized International Language testing results such as International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL);
• Certificates of English/French Language training with a letter that shows the length of the program; or
• Employment references with English/French as the principal language of communication.
Organizational Structure ..................................................................................................... 2
Procedural Guidelines......................................................................................................... 3
I. Intake ............................................................................................................................... 3
II. Pre-Screening ................................................................................................................. 3
III. Basic Review ................................................................................................................ 3
IV. Criteria Assessment………………………………………………...…………………4
V. Recommendation Review............................................................................................. 4
VI. Post-Assessment……………………………………………………………………....4
Amendments to Certificate ......................................................................................... 4 VII.
Ineligible Applications............................................................................................... 5 VIII.
Reapplying Following an Ineligible Decision .............................................................. 6 IX.
These procedural guidelines apply to the SINP Skilled Worker, Family, Student, Health Professionals, Long Haul Truck Drivers Project and Hospitality Sector Project categories.
Updated November 2011
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) can provide an alternate and quicker means of entry into Canada. It allows Saskatchewan to nominate applicants, who qualify under criteria established by the province, to the federal government for landed immigrant status. The SINP offers:
• The ability to select applicants whose skills and abilities best fit the province's labour market needs;
• Application processing times that are faster than other federal immigration classes; and
• Assistance from provincial immigration officers who are available to explain program requirements and processes.
The SINP works through Government of Canada embassies and consulates around the world and does not engage the exclusive services of any agencies or representatives in any jurisdictions. SINP applicants may choose to engage the services of an immigration consultant or not, however, no immigration consultant has or will be allocated an immigrant quota from the Province of Saskatchewan.
Nominations are granted at the sole discretion of the Province of Saskatchewan.
• Applicants who believe they qualify under the program criteria may submit applications.
• Applicants are responsible for completing accurate applications including valid documentation required. Refer to the checklist of the category applied under.
• Applicants are assessed against established program criteria.
• Successful candidates are identified as SINP nominees in their application for permanent resident status with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
1) Assistant Deputy Minister, Immigration Services
2) Director, SINP Unit
3) Manager, SINP Unit
4) Immigration Officer
5) Employer Relations Officer
6) Information Verification Analyst (IVA)
7) Information Verification Clerk (IVC)
8) Administrative Support Staff
* These procedural guidelines apply to the SINP Skilled Worker, Family, Student, Health Professional, Long Haul Truck Drivers Project and Hospitality Sector Project categories.
Before applying to the SINP please review the application guide and checklist of the category for which you wish to apply to ensure you meet the criteria.
Receiving an Application
• Applications are date stamped by administrative support staff in the order that they are received in the SINP office. A file number is assigned to each application upon receipt.
• Administrative support staff send the applicant a receipt confirmation letter.
• To ensure up-to-date correspondence please provide a valid email address with your application.
[FONT=宋体]注:接受申请资料后,行政助理会给资料注明接收日期并排序,[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]号码这时就已经编好到每份档案上了,之后行政助理会发出确认信给申请人。请注意第三句话“[/FONT]please provide a valid email address with your application[FONT=宋体]”,省移民局要求在申请材料中提供电子邮箱的目的就是为了及时发送项目进展及补料通知等,相信没有哪个中介敢不提供电子邮箱。省移民局会把通过邮寄接收的申请材料的[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]账户密码发送到该邮箱,邮箱的主人自然可以凭该账户密码到官网查询申请进度,所以中介说邮寄的资料不能网上查进度是不成立的。如何进行查询请看本人另一个帖子:萨省阶段移民进度网上查询详解[/FONT]http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=597799
[FONT=宋体]在申请发出后,网上的进度显示为:[/FONT]Application Submitted[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
• Applications are pre-screened by information verification clerks (IVC) to ensure that only those applications that are complete and that meet basic criteria are accepted for criteria assessment.
• If the application is deemed incomplete by an IVC, the application is returned to the applicant with a letter indicating what documents are needed to meet pre-screening standards.
Data Entry
• If the application is accepted for assessment, an IVC completes data entry of the documents provided.
[FONT=宋体]注:[/FONT]IVC[FONT=宋体]会把合格的案子的资料录入到系统中。我推测这时候网上的进度将会变成:[/FONT]Application Received[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
• Files that successfully pass pre-screening are randomly assigned to an Information Verification Analyst (IVA) for a basic review in order of the date received.
[FONT=宋体]注:通过初审后的案子是按接收日期的顺序随机分配给不同的[/FONT]IVA[FONT=宋体]进行进一步审核的,这时候网上的状态就会变成:[/FONT]In Process[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]2012[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月之前,萨省移民局的流程是先审核申请人的资料,再审核雇主(注意:这里的审雇主和审雇主[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]时的[/FONT]Job Approval[FONT=宋体]不是一回事);[/FONT]2012[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月后,萨省移民局流程调整为先审雇主,再审申请人的资料。根据我从中介了解到的信息,[/FONT]2012[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月之前,递交申请后基本上两周就收到[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]确认信,一个月左右状态变为[/FONT]IP[FONT=宋体];但[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月之后提交的所有申请,目前全都没有进入[/FONT]IP[FONT=宋体]状态。本人的雇主已经提交所有资料等待省移民局出审批结果,也就是说,必须等雇主审批结束后,我的案子才会[/FONT]IP[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
• The IVA completes a basic review to ensure that the applicant has provided sufficient documentation to meet the category's eligibility criteria and makes case notes on the file.
• If the application does not meet the basic review criteria, a letter is sent to the applicant requesting the necessary documentation to be provided within 45 days.
• When the SINP office receives additional documents, administrative staff will add case notes for receipt of additional documents and will distribute the documents to the appropriate IVA.
• A reminder letter will be sent at the half way point of the document deadline.
• If the documentation is not received within the 45 day timeframe the file will be distributed to an immigration officer for a final assessment as it was originally submitted.
• After a file is considered complete or incomplete at the basic assessment stage, the file is assigned to an immigration officer for criteria assessment.
[FONT=宋体]注:收到补料后,或者[/FONT]45[FONT=宋体]天内依然没有收到补料,这份案子都会交给移民官([/FONT]immigration officer[FONT=宋体]),进行终审。[/FONT]
• An immigration officer reviews the work done by the IVA, ensuring the application follows established policies.
• The immigration officer undertakes any further verification at his or her discretion.
• The immigration officer completes a final criteria assessment with detailed case notes and makes a final recommendation to a manager.
• The file is randomly assigned to a SINP manager for recommendation review.
[FONT=宋体]注:移民官会根据[/FONT]IVA[FONT=宋体]提交的所有材料对该申请作出终审建议,提交给[/FONT]SINP[FONT=宋体]经理([/FONT]SINP manager[FONT=宋体])。[/FONT]
• The manager reviews the recommendation made by the immigration officer.
• If the manager agrees with the recommendation he/she issues a nomination or returns the application as ineligible. This will be communicated to the applicant by email if a valid email address has been provided.
• The manager may request further verification or review from the immigration officer prior to making the final assessment of the application.
• The nomination package sent to the applicant or applicant’s representative includes:
o Approval Letter
o Work Permit Support Letter (if applicable)
o Information for proceeding with an application for Permanent Resident Status. • If the applicant’s nomination is successful the applicant must apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). CIC will consider your application after they receive the nomination certificate from the SINP. The nomination certificate is sent electronically to CIC’s Centralized Intake Office (CIO) and a copy should be included with your application.
• CIC will conduct a health, security and criminal record review before issuing visas to the applicant and accompanying family members. CIC may also request any additional information deemed appropriate at any time during the application process. This may include asking SINP nominees to submit International English Language Testing System test results.
[FONT=宋体]注:[/FONT]CIC[FONT=宋体]负责体检、背调和犯罪记录调查。最后一句很重要:“[/FONT]This may include asking SINP nominees to submit International English Language Testing System test results[FONT=宋体]”[/FONT] CIC[FONT=宋体]有可能要求申请人补充提交语言成绩。[/FONT]
1. Change of Individuals Included – Applicants must notify the SINP and their Visa Office of any changes of family status that may effect his or her permanent resident application (non-accompanying family members wishing to accompany, new births, marriage, divorce).
i) The applicant must provide the request in writing with any necessary supporting documents to include or remove the person from the application.
ii) An immigration officer will review the request to determine whether sufficient documentation and reason exists to add/remove an individual to the application for permanent residency.
iii) The officer may confer with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to determine what stage of assessment the application is at and whether a change can be made at that time.
2. Time Extension – Each nomination may receive one nomination extension of three months. If a second extension is requested the SINP will review the request on a case by case basis.
3. Change of Employer - Please note that changing employers may affect an applicant’s eligibility under the SINP.
i) The applicant must provide the request in writing with the new job offer and the required employer forms. The request must clearly indicate why a new job offer is in the best interest of the applicant.
ii) An immigration officer will review the request to determine whether the new offer will meets SINP criteria under the category that he or she originally applied through.
iii) Any changes to the conditions of a nomination will be communicated to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
iv) If the applicant is already working in the province on a temporary work permit that specifies which employer he or she may work for, he or she must apply for and obtain a new work permit before beginning to work for a new employer.
4. Withdrawal of Certificate by SINP
i) If the SINP immigration officer or manager receives notice of misrepresentation from the visa office the application is returned to the SINP for reassessment.
ii) If the SINP agrees with findings from the visa office, the SINP will withdraw the nomination certificate and document the reasons in the file notes.
iii) If the immigration officer decides to maintain the nomination, this is communicated to the visa office.
The SINP will not nominate or approve an application if the applicant fails to demonstrate the following:
i) Adequate proof of meeting the criteria for the category applied to; and/or
ii) Proof of the ability and intention to settle permanently in Saskatchewan.
iii) If approval would affect any labour dispute or would negatively effect the employment of Canadian citizens;
i) Any documentation is found to be fraudulent;
ii) Deadlines for submitting requested documentation are not met; and/or
iii) The application is a resubmission without a significant change in content or circumstances.
If your application was not approved and you wish to request a secondary review you must provide the following:
o Send a signed letter to the SINP requesting a secondary review within 45 days of the date on the refusal letter you received indicating your application was not approved.
o In your letter, you must clearly state your grounds for review. You will not be able to add new documents or information to support your application at this stage.
o The second review is based on the information contained in your completed application. If you have new documents or information, you will have to submit a new application to the SINP.
o If the SINP receives your letter within the 45 day period and the letter contains the required information, then your application will be reviewed by a different manager and you will be notified of the final decision by email.
i) Applicants may reapply only when the applicant has addressed the reasons for the ineligible decision. The resubmitted application will be subject to the same processing times and procedures as all incoming applications.
ii) Applicants who were refused by the SINP may still apply to CIC under a federal immigration class if they feel they meet the criteria.
iii) Applicants who have been suspended cannot reapply until the suspension has been lifted.
觉得好的同学记得送个花什么的啊!![吼吼 :wdb23: :wdb23:](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/vbb/wdb23.gif)
1. Offer of Permanent Employment from a Saskatchewan Employer
Letter of Offer and SINP Confirmation of Job Approval (must be provided to you by the Saskatchewan Employer, to be submitted with your SINP application):
[FONT=宋体]注:萨省雇主开出的[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]和萨省移民局开出的[/FONT]Job Approval[FONT=宋体]必须包含在你的申请材料里。[/FONT]Job Approval[FONT=宋体]是移民局发给雇主的,雇主只会交给中介,所以申请人是看不到的;但[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]是雇主开给申请人的,建议大家拿到后要仔细看看是否符合萨省移民局的以下要求[/FONT]
1. Letter of offer for Full-time, permanent employment from a Saskatchewan employer. (copy)
You must have an letter of offer for full-time, permanent employment in Saskatchewan. All positions must offer wages and working conditions that match Canadian standards in that occupation.
[FONT=宋体]注:雇主提供的职位必须是全职、永久的工作,所谓全职是相对兼职而言,即一周要工作[/FONT]40[FONT=宋体]小时;所谓永久,是相对临时工(中国新闻的敏感词)而言。打个比方,某个女员工生小孩了,产假期间老板请你来干她的活,但请你的时候已经说明了只要她回来上班你就得走人,这就是加拿大的临时工。一般而言,[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]上面都会注明提供给你的是[/FONT]Full-time, permanent employment[FONT=宋体],否则恐怕也拿不到[/FONT]Job Approval[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
The offer of full-time, permanent employment must:
• be addressed to the principal applicant
• state the job title, duties and responsibilities, wage, benefits, and company contact information
• list the location (e.g. town/city) of your position in Saskatchewan
• be issued on the company’s letterhead and signed by the employer [/font]
2. SINP Confirmation of Job Approval letter from a Saskatchewan Employer (Copy)
Your job offer must be approved by the SINP before you apply to the SINP, or your application will be returned. Include a copy of the SINP Job Approval form in your application. The employer offering you a job received this form from the SINP when the job offer was approved.
[FONT=宋体]注:雇主首先要到移民局的网站注册并递交资料,由省移民局审批过[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体],并发出[/FONT]Job Approval letter[FONT=宋体],该[/FONT]letter[FONT=宋体]必须连同你的申请一起提交给省移民局,否则你的申请会被退回。如前所述,该[/FONT]letter[FONT=宋体]是由雇主直接交给中介的,所以大家都看不到,可以把关的只有雇主[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]本身。[/FONT]
2. Language Credentials If your first language is not English or French, you must prove your English/French language ability with one of the following:
• Education/training documents that demonstrate you have attended education institutions where the language of instruction was English/French and show the length of the program;
• Copies of internationally recognized International Language testing results such as International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL);
• Certificates of English/French Language training with a letter that shows the length of the program; or
• Employment references with English/French as the principal language of communication.
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)
SINP Procedural Guidelines
Table of Contents
Program Objectives & Overview........................................................................................ 2 Table of Contents
Organizational Structure ..................................................................................................... 2
Procedural Guidelines......................................................................................................... 3
I. Intake ............................................................................................................................... 3
II. Pre-Screening ................................................................................................................. 3
III. Basic Review ................................................................................................................ 3
IV. Criteria Assessment………………………………………………...…………………4
V. Recommendation Review............................................................................................. 4
VI. Post-Assessment……………………………………………………………………....4
Amendments to Certificate ......................................................................................... 4 VII.
Ineligible Applications............................................................................................... 5 VIII.
Reapplying Following an Ineligible Decision .............................................................. 6 IX.
These procedural guidelines apply to the SINP Skilled Worker, Family, Student, Health Professionals, Long Haul Truck Drivers Project and Hospitality Sector Project categories.
Updated November 2011
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) can provide an alternate and quicker means of entry into Canada. It allows Saskatchewan to nominate applicants, who qualify under criteria established by the province, to the federal government for landed immigrant status. The SINP offers:
• The ability to select applicants whose skills and abilities best fit the province's labour market needs;
• Application processing times that are faster than other federal immigration classes; and
• Assistance from provincial immigration officers who are available to explain program requirements and processes.
The SINP works through Government of Canada embassies and consulates around the world and does not engage the exclusive services of any agencies or representatives in any jurisdictions. SINP applicants may choose to engage the services of an immigration consultant or not, however, no immigration consultant has or will be allocated an immigrant quota from the Province of Saskatchewan.
Nominations are granted at the sole discretion of the Province of Saskatchewan.
• Applicants who believe they qualify under the program criteria may submit applications.
• Applicants are responsible for completing accurate applications including valid documentation required. Refer to the checklist of the category applied under.
• Applicants are assessed against established program criteria.
• Successful candidates are identified as SINP nominees in their application for permanent resident status with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
1) Assistant Deputy Minister, Immigration Services
2) Director, SINP Unit
3) Manager, SINP Unit
4) Immigration Officer
5) Employer Relations Officer
6) Information Verification Analyst (IVA)
7) Information Verification Clerk (IVC)
8) Administrative Support Staff
* These procedural guidelines apply to the SINP Skilled Worker, Family, Student, Health Professional, Long Haul Truck Drivers Project and Hospitality Sector Project categories.
Before applying to the SINP please review the application guide and checklist of the category for which you wish to apply to ensure you meet the criteria.
Receiving an Application
• Applications are date stamped by administrative support staff in the order that they are received in the SINP office. A file number is assigned to each application upon receipt.
• Administrative support staff send the applicant a receipt confirmation letter.
• To ensure up-to-date correspondence please provide a valid email address with your application.
[FONT=宋体]注:接受申请资料后,行政助理会给资料注明接收日期并排序,[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]号码这时就已经编好到每份档案上了,之后行政助理会发出确认信给申请人。请注意第三句话“[/FONT]please provide a valid email address with your application[FONT=宋体]”,省移民局要求在申请材料中提供电子邮箱的目的就是为了及时发送项目进展及补料通知等,相信没有哪个中介敢不提供电子邮箱。省移民局会把通过邮寄接收的申请材料的[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]账户密码发送到该邮箱,邮箱的主人自然可以凭该账户密码到官网查询申请进度,所以中介说邮寄的资料不能网上查进度是不成立的。如何进行查询请看本人另一个帖子:萨省阶段移民进度网上查询详解[/FONT]http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=597799
[FONT=宋体]在申请发出后,网上的进度显示为:[/FONT]Application Submitted[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
• Applications are pre-screened by information verification clerks (IVC) to ensure that only those applications that are complete and that meet basic criteria are accepted for criteria assessment.
• If the application is deemed incomplete by an IVC, the application is returned to the applicant with a letter indicating what documents are needed to meet pre-screening standards.
Data Entry
• If the application is accepted for assessment, an IVC completes data entry of the documents provided.
[FONT=宋体]注:[/FONT]IVC[FONT=宋体]会把合格的案子的资料录入到系统中。我推测这时候网上的进度将会变成:[/FONT]Application Received[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
• Files that successfully pass pre-screening are randomly assigned to an Information Verification Analyst (IVA) for a basic review in order of the date received.
[FONT=宋体]注:通过初审后的案子是按接收日期的顺序随机分配给不同的[/FONT]IVA[FONT=宋体]进行进一步审核的,这时候网上的状态就会变成:[/FONT]In Process[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]2012[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月之前,萨省移民局的流程是先审核申请人的资料,再审核雇主(注意:这里的审雇主和审雇主[/FONT]offer[FONT=宋体]时的[/FONT]Job Approval[FONT=宋体]不是一回事);[/FONT]2012[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月后,萨省移民局流程调整为先审雇主,再审申请人的资料。根据我从中介了解到的信息,[/FONT]2012[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月之前,递交申请后基本上两周就收到[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]确认信,一个月左右状态变为[/FONT]IP[FONT=宋体];但[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]月之后提交的所有申请,目前全都没有进入[/FONT]IP[FONT=宋体]状态。本人的雇主已经提交所有资料等待省移民局出审批结果,也就是说,必须等雇主审批结束后,我的案子才会[/FONT]IP[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
• The IVA completes a basic review to ensure that the applicant has provided sufficient documentation to meet the category's eligibility criteria and makes case notes on the file.
• If the application does not meet the basic review criteria, a letter is sent to the applicant requesting the necessary documentation to be provided within 45 days.
• When the SINP office receives additional documents, administrative staff will add case notes for receipt of additional documents and will distribute the documents to the appropriate IVA.
• A reminder letter will be sent at the half way point of the document deadline.
• If the documentation is not received within the 45 day timeframe the file will be distributed to an immigration officer for a final assessment as it was originally submitted.
• After a file is considered complete or incomplete at the basic assessment stage, the file is assigned to an immigration officer for criteria assessment.
[FONT=宋体]注:收到补料后,或者[/FONT]45[FONT=宋体]天内依然没有收到补料,这份案子都会交给移民官([/FONT]immigration officer[FONT=宋体]),进行终审。[/FONT]
• An immigration officer reviews the work done by the IVA, ensuring the application follows established policies.
• The immigration officer undertakes any further verification at his or her discretion.
• The immigration officer completes a final criteria assessment with detailed case notes and makes a final recommendation to a manager.
• The file is randomly assigned to a SINP manager for recommendation review.
[FONT=宋体]注:移民官会根据[/FONT]IVA[FONT=宋体]提交的所有材料对该申请作出终审建议,提交给[/FONT]SINP[FONT=宋体]经理([/FONT]SINP manager[FONT=宋体])。[/FONT]
• The manager reviews the recommendation made by the immigration officer.
• If the manager agrees with the recommendation he/she issues a nomination or returns the application as ineligible. This will be communicated to the applicant by email if a valid email address has been provided.
• The manager may request further verification or review from the immigration officer prior to making the final assessment of the application.
• The nomination package sent to the applicant or applicant’s representative includes:
o Approval Letter
o Work Permit Support Letter (if applicable)
o Information for proceeding with an application for Permanent Resident Status. • If the applicant’s nomination is successful the applicant must apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). CIC will consider your application after they receive the nomination certificate from the SINP. The nomination certificate is sent electronically to CIC’s Centralized Intake Office (CIO) and a copy should be included with your application.
• CIC will conduct a health, security and criminal record review before issuing visas to the applicant and accompanying family members. CIC may also request any additional information deemed appropriate at any time during the application process. This may include asking SINP nominees to submit International English Language Testing System test results.
[FONT=宋体]注:[/FONT]CIC[FONT=宋体]负责体检、背调和犯罪记录调查。最后一句很重要:“[/FONT]This may include asking SINP nominees to submit International English Language Testing System test results[FONT=宋体]”[/FONT] CIC[FONT=宋体]有可能要求申请人补充提交语言成绩。[/FONT]
1. Change of Individuals Included – Applicants must notify the SINP and their Visa Office of any changes of family status that may effect his or her permanent resident application (non-accompanying family members wishing to accompany, new births, marriage, divorce).
i) The applicant must provide the request in writing with any necessary supporting documents to include or remove the person from the application.
ii) An immigration officer will review the request to determine whether sufficient documentation and reason exists to add/remove an individual to the application for permanent residency.
iii) The officer may confer with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to determine what stage of assessment the application is at and whether a change can be made at that time.
2. Time Extension – Each nomination may receive one nomination extension of three months. If a second extension is requested the SINP will review the request on a case by case basis.
3. Change of Employer - Please note that changing employers may affect an applicant’s eligibility under the SINP.
i) The applicant must provide the request in writing with the new job offer and the required employer forms. The request must clearly indicate why a new job offer is in the best interest of the applicant.
ii) An immigration officer will review the request to determine whether the new offer will meets SINP criteria under the category that he or she originally applied through.
iii) Any changes to the conditions of a nomination will be communicated to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
iv) If the applicant is already working in the province on a temporary work permit that specifies which employer he or she may work for, he or she must apply for and obtain a new work permit before beginning to work for a new employer.
4. Withdrawal of Certificate by SINP
i) If the SINP immigration officer or manager receives notice of misrepresentation from the visa office the application is returned to the SINP for reassessment.
ii) If the SINP agrees with findings from the visa office, the SINP will withdraw the nomination certificate and document the reasons in the file notes.
iii) If the immigration officer decides to maintain the nomination, this is communicated to the visa office.
The SINP will not nominate or approve an application if the applicant fails to demonstrate the following:
i) Adequate proof of meeting the criteria for the category applied to; and/or
ii) Proof of the ability and intention to settle permanently in Saskatchewan.
iii) If approval would affect any labour dispute or would negatively effect the employment of Canadian citizens;
i) Any documentation is found to be fraudulent;
ii) Deadlines for submitting requested documentation are not met; and/or
iii) The application is a resubmission without a significant change in content or circumstances.
If your application was not approved and you wish to request a secondary review you must provide the following:
o Send a signed letter to the SINP requesting a secondary review within 45 days of the date on the refusal letter you received indicating your application was not approved.
o In your letter, you must clearly state your grounds for review. You will not be able to add new documents or information to support your application at this stage.
o The second review is based on the information contained in your completed application. If you have new documents or information, you will have to submit a new application to the SINP.
o If the SINP receives your letter within the 45 day period and the letter contains the required information, then your application will be reviewed by a different manager and you will be notified of the final decision by email.
i) Applicants may reapply only when the applicant has addressed the reasons for the ineligible decision. The resubmitted application will be subject to the same processing times and procedures as all incoming applications.
ii) Applicants who were refused by the SINP may still apply to CIC under a federal immigration class if they feel they meet the criteria.
iii) Applicants who have been suspended cannot reapply until the suspension has been lifted.
[FONT=宋体]第四章 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]萨省提名项目的签证配额[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]第五章 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]登陆后的生活[/FONT]
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最后编辑: 2012-12-17