Citizenship and Immigration Canada
[FONT=宋体]非陪伴父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监护人[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]同意小孩移民加拿大的声明表格[/FONT]
Send this fully completed Declaration and a photocopy of a valid and legible identity document to the Canadian Embassy/Canadian Consulate.
[FONT=宋体]提交[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]完整填写的声明和有效的合法身份证件的复印件[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]给加拿大大使馆[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]领事馆[/FONT]
This form must be: [FONT=宋体]此表格必须是:[/FONT]
filled out by the non-accompanying parent/guardian, former spouse or former common-law partner and;
[FONT=宋体]由[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]非陪伴的父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监 护人,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]前配偶[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]或前[/FONT] common-law[FONT=宋体]伴侣填写[/FONT]
witnessed by a notary public.
[FONT=宋体]并且被公共公证[/FONT][FONT=宋体]员[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 见 证。[/FONT]
A copy of this form must be completed for each child travelling to Canada.
I,______________ , declare that I have no objections to my child: ____________________ (Child's full name ) ____________ (Child's date of birth) immigrating to Canada with his/her parent/guardian:
[FONT=宋体]我,[/FONT]______, [FONT=宋体]申明:我不反对我的子女[/FONT]____([FONT=宋体]全名[/FONT])_______([FONT=宋体]出生日期[/FONT]) [FONT=宋体]和他的[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]她的父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监护人一同移民 加拿大。[/FONT]
________________________Parent/Guardian name __________________ Relationship to child
________________________Parent/Guardian name __________________ Relationship to child
________________________[FONT=宋体]父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监护人[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]名字[/FONT]_______________________[FONT=宋体]和孩子的关系[/FONT]
________________________[FONT=宋体]父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监护人[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]名字[/FONT]_______________________[FONT=宋体]和孩子的关系[/FONT]
Fill out this section if this child is travelling to Canada with someone other than the parent/guardian listed above.
[FONT=宋体]如果孩子将[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]和某个其他人(非孩子的父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监护人)一同旅行到加拿大,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]填写此部分[/FONT][FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]
________________________ name __________________ Relationship to child
________________________ [FONT=宋体]名字[/FONT] _______________________[FONT=宋体]和孩子的关系[/FONT]
I have read and understand the contents of this letter and by signing and returning this letter, I am confirming that I fully understand that I may be permanently separated from my above-named child.
I further understand that if I wish to enter Canada, as a temporary resident or a permanent resident, I must comply with all requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations in force at the time of my application.
[FONT=宋体]此外,我也明白如果我将来想要以访问者或永久居民身份前往加拿大,在申请时我必须满足届时[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]移民法中所规定的全部要求。[/FONT]
To be completed by the non-accompanying parent/gardian, former spouse or former common-law partner, in front of the witness. Present your original Identification Card to the witness*
[FONT=宋体]以下由非陪伴的父母[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]监护人,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]前配偶[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]或前[/FONT] common-law[FONT=宋体]伴 侣,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]在见证人面前填写。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]向见证人出示你的身份证件的 原件[/FONT]*
I ,………………………………………………………………………….
Hereby state that I fully understand that should I be granted admission to Canada, this action on the part of the Government of Canada does not oblige the said Government to grant admission to my wife / husband/ common law partner / son/ daughter/ grandchild
I further state that I understand that should the above person(s) desire to go forward to Canada at a future date, they must fully comply with the Canadian immigration requirements effective at that time.
>>I _________________________________________ declare that I have no
>>objections to my child:
>>Full name: _______________________________ Date of birth (day/month/year):
>>going to live permanently in Canada with his/her (mother/father):
>> (provide full name)
>>I have read and understood the contents of this letter and, by signing and
>>returning this letter, I am confirming that I fully understand that I may
>>be permanently separated from my above-named child. I further acknowledge
>>that if I wish to enter Canada, as a visitor or a permanent resident, I
>>must comply with all requirements of the Immigration Act and Regulations in
>>force at the time of my application.
>>Signature (before Witness) *: _________________________________________
>>Date and Place: _________________________________________________________
>>Witness (must be a Chinese notary public*) Title and professional chop:
>>Signature of Witness: _______________________________
>> Please present your original Chinese Identification Card to the Witness.
>>Please attach a photocopy of your Chinese Identification Card to this
>>Declaration then send both documents back to the Canadian Embassy.