貌似 Sidney Frank 还是北京的immigration program manager,北亚的地区director。2011-02-15,他才在house of common前做个听证会。
听证会的原文链接: http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublica...DocId=4965358&Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=40&Ses=3
大致扫了一下,Sidney说 ”80% of cases are completed within four months from when the sponsorship is received at the case processing centre in Mississauga.” NND,我老婆的case2010.11.29号就在Mississauga签收了,现在都3月底了,什么4个月结案,狗屁啊,面试都通过了,还拖,日。
下面是从canadian bar association上找来的更新联络方式,有点小的变化
http://www.cba.org/CBA/sections_Cship/main/Managers.aspxA) Individual-case inquiries related to the decision or decision making process
Visa office e-mail address
2. If no reply after 30 days or if you disagree with the reply: Case Management Branch, by e-mail to
case-review-im-enquiry@cic.gc.ca and copy the responsible Director for the geographic region by e-mail (preferred) or by fax to
* Natalie Smolynec (Africa-Middle East/Europe)
Africa-Middle East:
Nat-Africa-Middle-Ea@cic.gc.ca Europe:
* Mark Floyd (Americas/Asia-Pacific)
B) Local office procedures
1. Immigration Program Manager via the
visa office e-mail address.
2. If no reply after 30 days, Director for the geographic region by e-mail (preferred) or by fax to
(613)957 5802.
C) Quality of service complaints
1. Immigration Program Manager by e-mail. E-mail address format:
firstname.lastname@international.gc.ca and a copy should be sent to the
visa office e-mail address.
2. If no reply after 30 days, Director for the geographic region by e-mail (preferred) or fax to
D) Situations involving possible professional misconduct or malfeasance
1. Immigration Program Manager by e-mail. E-mail address format:
2. If no reply after 30 days, Director for the geographic region by e-mail (preferred) or by fax to
E) General procedures, procedural consistency between offices, operational policy, global processing times and Levels.
1. Carol Turner, Director, Operational Coordination (until Nov. 2010).
Johanne DesLauriers, Director, Operational Coordination (Nov. 2010)
If a reply from an International Region Director under B, C, D or E has not been received after 30 days, a follow up may be initiated to Erica Usher, Senior Director, Geographic Operations, by fax (613)957-5802.
F) Selection policy
Write to the appropriate Director within Immigration Branch
1. Family Class/H&C: Brenna MacNeil, Social Policy and Programs
2. Temporary Workers, Students: Maia Welbourne, Temporary Resident Policy and Programs.
3. Skilled Workers, Business Classes, Provincial Nominees, Canadian Experience Class: Heidi Smith, Permanent Resident Policy and Programs
4. Ministerial Instructions, Levels: James McNamee, Horizontal Immigration Policy