i just read through your past posts. They answered some of my questions. Just as what I figured out, you do have high quality of a commercial bank account manager. The Canadian employer has an eye for hiring you. Congratulations!
i just read through your past posts. They answered some of my questions. Just as what I figured out, you do have high quality of a commercial bank account manager. The Canadian employer has an eye for hiring you. Congratulations!
Thanks! It is more complicated than imagined. it takes more than an attractive CV and the best score in paper test to compete these MBAs from local universities, some local professionals.
tipsyyuca : 2012-06-21#9
回复: 找到工作了
Thanks for quick response! One of your posts revealed that you still have a good memory. That's great! I am wondering how you find the new employer? online or referral via friends?
Unfortunately, I haven't one as yet, let me try it later.you may leave message here.
The background and referral channel play more significant roles.
tipsyyuca : 2012-06-21#12
回复: 找到工作了
Speaking of Canadian local banks, none of them is classified as a systemically important global bank. Their good fame mainly comes from their conservative operating style as a whole.
tipsyyuca : 2012-06-21#13
回复: 找到工作了
I had a try to send you email or a message a while ago but failed. Since I registered my skype account in real name, I'd better not tell it here. I have a personal email address though: yucayuca65@gmail.com
tipsyyuca : 2012-06-21#14
回复: 找到工作了
i strongly recommend you register a skype account. it's really convenient and economic when you make contacts with families and friends esp. when you are abroad.
i strongly recommend you register a skype account. it's really convenient and economic when you make contacts with families and friends esp. when you are abroad.