但是在无法变线的情况下,是不是只有认罚?楼主的案例发生在安省。俺在魁省,魁省有自己的民法通则Le Code Civil du Québec,
其下的高速公路安全条例Highway Safety Code也给出了类似安省的规定:
406.1. When an emergency vehicle or tow truck with its flashing or rotating lights activated is stopped in a lane of a public highway, the driver of a road vehicle travelling in that lane must reduce speed to avoid endangering human life or safety or any property that is in that lane and, if necessary, stop the vehicle, and switch to the other lane after making sure it can be done safely. In the case of a two-way roadway, the driver must, before switching to the other lane, yield the right of way to any vehicle travelling in the opposite direction.
If the emergency vehicle or tow truck is stopped on the shoulder or on a lane contiguous to the lane in which the driver of the road vehicle is travelling, the driver must, in the following order,
(1)reduce speed to avoid endangering human life or safety or any property that is on the shoulder or in that other lane;
(2)change lanes, if there is another lane for travelling in the same direction and after making sure it can be done safely, so as to leave one free lane between the vehicle and the stopped vehicle or, otherwise, put as much distance as possible between the vehicle and the stopped vehicle while remaining in the same lane.
The second paragraph does not apply when the direction of traffic in the driver's lane is opposite that of the lane in which the emergency vehicle or tow truck is stopped.
This section also applies when a road vehicle with an activated yellow arrow light signal directing a lane change is stopped on a public highway. The lane change must be carried out in the direction indicated by the arrow.
1. Part X of the Highway Traffic Act is amended by adding the following section:
Approaching stopped emergency vehicle
159.1 (1) Upon approaching an emergency vehicle with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light that is stopped on a highway, the driver of a vehicle travelling on the same side of the highway shall slow down and proceed with caution, having due regard for traffic on and the conditions of the highway and the weather, to ensure that the driver does not collide with the emergency vehicle or endanger any person outside of the emergency vehicle.
(2) Upon approaching an emergency vehicle with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light that is stopped on a highway with two or more lanes of traffic on the same side of the highway as the side on which the emergency vehicle is stopped, the driver of a vehicle travelling in the same lane that the emergency vehicle is stopped in or in a lane that is adjacent to the emergency vehicle, in addition to slowing down and proceeding with caution as required by subsection (1), shall move into another lane if the movement can be made in safety.
当时超车道车速很快且车距过近,左后方的车又不愿减速让自己的车(如果楼主当时曾试图打并线灯但没办法并进超车道就更有说服力了),表明当时变道的movement can NOT be made in safety.在这样的被动情况下为了不危及自身安全只有选择不变线减速驶过。
(4) Every person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable,
(a) for a first offence, to a fine of not less than $400 and not more than $2,000; and
(b) for each subsequent offence, to a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $4,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both.
401近温莎附近,本人开车一贯谨慎,在右侧行车道按限速100公路行驶,过了一个坡,突然看见紧急停车道有货车和两辆警车,警车警灯闪烁。当时超车道有车,且速度很快,加速并到超车道已来不及,只好在行车道减速从警车边驶过,结果悲催。一辆警车撵上叫停我,开了罚单,490元。理由是:遇见警车,如果安全的情况下,应该并道到超车道。罚单引用的法律条款如下:HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT section 159.1(2)
159. (1) The driver of a vehicle, upon the approach of a police department vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light or red and blue light, or upon the approach of an ambulance, fire department vehicle or public utility emergency vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light, shall immediately bring such vehicle to a standstill,
(a) as near as is practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection; or
(b) when on a roadway having more than two lanes for traffic and designated for the use of one-way traffic, as near as is practicable to the nearest curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection. 2009, c. 5, s. 49.
Slow down on approaching stopped emergency vehicle
(2) Upon approaching an emergency vehicle with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light or red and blue light that is stopped on a highway, the driver of a vehicle travelling on the same side of the highway shall slow down and proceed with caution, having due regard for traffic on and the conditions of the highway and the weather, to ensure that the driver does not collide with the emergency vehicle or endanger any person outside of the emergency vehicle. 2009, c. 5, s. 49.
(3) Upon approaching an emergency vehicle with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light or red and blue light that is stopped on a highway with two or more lanes of traffic on the same side of the highway as the side on which the emergency vehicle is stopped, the driver of a vehicle travelling in the same lane that the emergency vehicle is stopped in or in a lane that is adjacent to the emergency vehicle, in addition to slowing down and proceeding with caution as required by subsection (2), shall move into another lane if the movement can be made in safety. 2009, c. 5, s. 49.
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停下来后,警察到副驾驶窗口,叽叽咕咕讲了一通,要罚我590刀,扣6分。我sorry,警察说不是sorry的事情,是危险的事情,警察问我第二辆警车你为什么变道,我这辆警车你为什么不变道,我灵机一动,说我没有看见你,第二辆警车我看见了 所以........(此处省去许多sorry),警察想了想,让我以后注意,放我走了!乖乖,惊出了一身汗。之后想想,这么严重的事情,驾校的500题咋没有呢,这不是中国人害中国人吗!