As a result of the unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, many people have been working at home and using their kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms as their work space.
As a result of the unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, many people have been working at home and using their kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms as their work space.
As a result of the unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, many people have been working at home and using their kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms as their work space.
昨天看到哈法的链接,没有仔细阅读,部分内容领会错了。今天再学习了一遍,总结在下面。马上要到报税季了,或许有用。 1. 此减税性质:
Deductions reduce the amount of income you pay tax on。所以如上几贴讨论的,减掉的是应税额,不是税款。 2. 申请条件:
a. 2020年间,因为疫情而在家工作过
b. 在至少连续四周的时间里,在家工作的时间超过50%
c. 如果选择detailed方式申请,雇主要提供T2200S或者T2200表
d.申请减税的花费是直接用于工作的 3. 申请办法:
a. 新的临时flat rate办法
b. detailed办法
另外:添加home internet费用类别