昨天看到 @minialu22 “Work from home趣事”的贴子,想起前几天政府因为疫情的关系,简化了在报税时有关“home office expenses for employees working from home”的手续,但只限今年(2020)的报税。
home office expenses for employees working from home 这个Credit,历年来都有的,但需要雇主提供T777。
home office expenses for employees working from home 这个Credit,历年来都有的,但需要雇主提供T777。
Simplifying the process for claiming a deduction for home office expenses for employees working from home due to COVID-19 - Canada.ca
As a result of the unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, many people have been working at home and using their kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms as their work space.