Catch-22, 非常著名的一本书, 读了几章, 确实与众不同, 比《围城》幽默辛辣得多, 但对我来讲,难度较大, 主要是我的词汇量不够,读起来有挫败感。
下面的段子仅是一例, 书中类似的段子比比皆是, 有网友读过这本书的吗? 有和我同感的吗?
Lieutenant Scheisskopf unveiled his epochal surprise that Sunday with all the aplomb of an experienced impresario. He said nothing while the other squadrons ambled past the reviewing stand crookedly in their customary manner. He gave no sign even when the first ranks of his own squadron hove into sight with their swingless marching and the first stricken gasps of alarm were hissing from his startled fellow officers. He held back even then until the bloated colonel with the big fat mustache whirled upon him savagely with a purpling face, and then he offered the explanation that made him immortal.