今天我国内的一个同学给我发了一条消息,他説他感觉许渊冲翻译的诗读起来没有诗味,问我怎么看,我説我不评论别人,我马上把这首诗翻译一下发给你,你对照一下,看看是不是不一样。 现在我把艾青原诗,许大翻译家的诗以及我自己的移诗都贴在这里,欢迎家园网英语大咖多提意见。我同学英语毕竟是在国内学习,所以,和在国外接触实地(语境)学习不同。他和我一样笨,不认识的字词都标出来,他这次的疑问是感觉 breath是不是用错了。我没回答他这个词是否用错,我是用这个词组成的idiom来告诉他这里的打击用英语表达的含义。
I love this land
Ai Qing
Translated by David Du
If I were a bird,
I would sing in my cracked voice to
The earth, where the storms have been whipping, and
The river always flow with its anger
And the wind never stops
And it has ruffled our feathers,
In the incomparable soft dawn in the forests.
Then – I passed away.
But even if my feathers decomposed in the earth,
Why should I always have tears in my eyes?
— I love this land deeply, deeply.
我在翻译这首诗时是按英语诗的节拍来翻译的,而且我用了三个 idioms 来表达。
嘶哑的喉咙, cracked voice。
打击: 我用了whip鞭打这个词
激怒:ruffle someone's feather
我选用Feather是双关语, 和下面的feather正好暗合。
bird, and anger,
feathers ,forests, earth, eyes,
away deeply
我用 to 带出4个诗象
The earth,
The river
The wind
and dawn