老大:Mom, my calculator can't calculate how much I love you, are you going to love me back.
我:Definitely, I love you more & I love your brother the most (和他开玩笑)...
老大:You need to love yourself the most, just like when we travel by a plane, you need to put oxygen mask on your face first, then help us.
我: What if i love your brother more and help him first?
老大:It is ok, at least I am loved. I am older than him.
我:it was very nice of you saying it. you know i always love you two the same & can't calculate on any calculator.
老二問:mom, do you wish me become prime minister of Canada one day?
我愣了一下(想起他美國大選時他問我: 媽媽,如果每個人都投我,我是不是就可以成為總統?當時我的回答是不能,因為加拿大只有總理沒有總統...)
我:If you want to be prime minister one day, I will do my best to support you.
老大:I'm going to vote you! mom, you have to be a Canadian citizen to vote him.