保守党失败, 俺有些难过!

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
EI 的这件事情 俺不知道, 不过关于东部海洋四省的人的性格特征, 俺是很清楚的, 因为俺曾经在那里呆过好一阵子,海洋四个省份经济不好, 所以就看钱, 谁给钱, 谁就是大爷!就听谁的。。。。。那边的人比较懒惰, 教育素质比较低。。。。喜欢依靠福利。。。
Here's the explanation:
Trudeau promises sweeping changes to EI system

The federal Liberals are promising sweeping changes to the employment insurance system, including a reduction in premiums that won’t cut as much as what the Conservatives have promised.

The policy announced Tuesday would reduce EI premiums, increase spending to the provinces for skills training by $500-million per year and reduce wait times for recipients to receive their first payment.

The change in EI premiums would see them drop to $1.65 per $100 earned from $1.88.

That’s less than the $1.49 rate that the Tories promised in the 2015 budget, but the Liberals argue the extra $2-billion in revenue between the two figures would be reinvested under their plan.

The Liberals are also promising that if elected on Oct. 19, they would eliminate a rule that requires new workers or those re-entering the workforce after a two-year absence to work at least 910 hours before they become eligible for EI. Instead, the threshold would be set regionally.

All the changes would come into effect in the 2017 calendar year.

The Liberals unveiled the plan in New Brunswick as Justin Trudeau campaigns in the Maritimes, an area of the country where EI changes have angered many small communities that depend on the social safety program to help seasonal workers.

Earlier in the day, Trudeau spoke briefly about EI and jobs at a rally in Amherst, N.S., where he was peppered with questions about the possibility of a coalition government should no party win a majority next month.

Trudeau said Canadians don’t want a coalition if a party wins a minority government after the election.

“We will always be open to working with others,” Trudeau said.

“But the fact is Canadians aren’t interested in formal coalitions. Canadians want a clear government with a strong plan and come Oct. 19, that’s exactly what they’re going to get if they vote for the Liberal party.”

Talk of the possibility of a coalition government has grown in recent days.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper was asked Tuesday whether he thought it would be legitimate for parties with the majority of seats to form a government.

“My view is that the party that wins the most seats in our system forms the government,” he said while in Mississauga, Ont.

“I’ve always lived by that and I hope that party is us.”

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe said Monday he would be open to supporting a coalition with the New Democrats or the Liberals, but not the Conservatives.

Trudeau was campaigning alongside Bill Casey, the Liberal candidate for the Nova Scotia riding of Cumberland-Colchester.

Casey is a former Conservative MP who was expelled from the party in 2007 when he voted against the federal budget. At the time, Casey said he felt the budget would harm his province’s ability to secure revenues from the oil and gas sector.

His decision to stand up to Harper earned him cult-like status in the province. In 2008, he won the riding as an Independent, taking almost 70 per cent of the votes.



最后编辑: 2015-10-20
Here's the explanation:
Trudeau promises sweeping changes to EI system

The federal Liberals are promising sweeping changes to the employment insurance system, including a reduction in premiums that won’t cut as much as what the Conservatives have promised.

The policy announced Tuesday would reduce EI premiums, increase spending to the provinces for skills training by $500-million per year and reduce wait times for recipients to receive their first payment.

The change in EI premiums would see them drop to $1.65 per $100 earned from $1.88.

That’s less than the $1.49 rate that the Tories promised in the 2015 budget, but the Liberals argue the extra $2-billion in revenue between the two figures would be reinvested under their plan.

The Liberals are also promising that if elected on Oct. 19, they would eliminate a rule that requires new workers or those re-entering the workforce after a two-year absence to work at least 910 hours before they become eligible for EI. Instead, the threshold would be set regionally.

All the changes would come into effect in the 2017 calendar year.

The Liberals unveiled the plan in New Brunswick as Justin Trudeau campaigns in the Maritimes, an area of the country where EI changes have angered many small communities that depend on the social safety program to help seasonal workers.

Earlier in the day, Trudeau spoke briefly about EI and jobs at a rally in Amherst, N.S., where he was peppered with questions about the possibility of a coalition government should no party win a majority next month.

Trudeau said Canadians don’t want a coalition if a party wins a minority government after the election.

“We will always be open to working with others,” Trudeau said.

“But the fact is Canadians aren’t interested in formal coalitions. Canadians want a clear government with a strong plan and come Oct. 19, that’s exactly what they’re going to get if they vote for the Liberal party.”

Talk of the possibility of a coalition government has grown in recent days.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper was asked Tuesday whether he thought it would be legitimate for parties with the majority of seats to form a government.

“My view is that the party that wins the most seats in our system forms the government,” he said while in Mississauga, Ont.

“I’ve always lived by that and I hope that party is us.”

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe said Monday he would be open to supporting a coalition with the New Democrats or the Liberals, but not the Conservatives.

Trudeau was campaigning alongside Bill Casey, the Liberal candidate for the Nova Scotia riding of Cumberland-Colchester.

Casey is a former Conservative MP who was expelled from the party in 2007 when he voted against the federal budget. At the time, Casey said he felt the budget would harm his province’s ability to secure revenues from the oil and gas sector.

His decision to stand up to Harper earned him cult-like status in the province. In 2008, he won the riding as an Independent, taking almost 70 per cent of the votes.


其实Harper 在这方面做的是对的, 我个人不太喜欢东部四个省份不劳而获的个性, 总希望靠联邦政府救济, 其实都是纳税人的钱。。。
但是那里的人素质低, 没办法。。。

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
但是问题是, 现在自由党上台, 自由党的好多观点做法俺都是不太喜欢。。。。
对俺看来, 前面都是雾。。。。

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
其实Harper 在这方面做的是对的, 我个人不太喜欢东部四个省份不劳而获的个性, 总希望靠联邦政府救济, 其实都是纳税人的钱。。。
但是那里的人素质低, 没办法。。。

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
明摆着对加拿大不好,为什么还能得胜 ?难道他们希望加拿大走向灭亡?
其实Harper 在这方面做的是对的, 我个人不太喜欢东部四个省份不劳而获的个性, 总希望靠联邦政府救济, 其实都是纳税人的钱。。。
但是那里的人素质低, 没办法。。。



年轻人支持娱乐大麻合法化, 这个我很理解, 东部省份抽大麻的年轻人很多多, 即使在大学里也很多, 还主动跟我说; 抽过大麻, 感觉不错!




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