家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


自6月26日递交申请,没有收到任何Email 和平信,今天用收据查到担保人和申请人状态都是in process. 打电话给移民局告诉我八月二十八号已经decision made tranferred to HK. 难以想象这么快吗?
自6月26日递交申请,没有收到任何Email 和平信,今天用收据查到担保人和申请人状态都是in process. 打电话给移民局告诉我八月二十八号已经decision made tranferred to HK. 难以想象这么快吗?


CIC 网站状态更新滞后,我的担保人状态也还是在审理中,我打电话给移民局才知道已经通过了并转到香港了,申请人状态今早多了一行:Sept8 开始审理。你可以让中介打电话问一下。我在Edmonton.
CIC 网站状态更新滞后,我的担保人状态也还是在审理中,我打电话给移民局才知道已经通过了并转到香港了,申请人状态今早多了一行:Sept8 开始审理。你可以让中介打电话问一下。我在Edmonton.

CIC 网站状态更新滞后,我的担保人状态也还是在审理中,我打电话给移民局才知道已经通过了并转到香港了,申请人状态今早多了一行:Sept8 开始审理。你可以让中介打电话问一下。我在Edmonton.
楼主,你好。我收到了这个,但还没有收到HK office email的IMM1017B。还要等。

我想问一下,是不是要带着带着IMM1017B UPFRONT 去体检?如果是的话,可以把IMM1017B UPFRONT 发给我吗?谢谢啦。

You have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor. Accordingly, the Application for Permanent
Residence for your relative has been forwarded to the visa office in Hong Kong for further processing.
This visa office was selected based on your relative’s home address and the requirements of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Should you need to submit additional information or make any further enquiries regarding the
Application for Permanent Residence for your relative, you may find contact information for that visa
office at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-where.asp.
If you received this communication via email, please note that another copy will not be mailed to you.
Provincial Requirements for Residents of Quebec
If you are a resident of the province of Québec, you must submit an undertaking application to the
Provincial Government. To download the required forms, please consult the Ministère de l'immigration,
de la diversité et de l'inclusion (MIDI) website at www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca (Sponsors and
Sponsored Persons section). Complete the required forms and promptly submit them to the MIDI at the
address provided in the provincial guide. Do not submit any of the MIDI forms to this office as they will
only be returned to you.
You must enclose a copy of this correspondence with your undertaking application to MIDI. If you
received this communication via email, you may print a copy to be enclosed with your undertaking
application to MIDI.
For further information regarding provincial requirements, please contact the Province of Québec
General Inquiries Services at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191.
Requirement for Medical Examination
If your sponsored relative(s) has (have) not already done so, your relative(s) must provide an original
Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B UPFRONT) signed by a Panel Physician or an E-Medical Upfront
Medical Notification information sheet. Your relative(s) must complete the medical examination
and, once completed, forward this information directly to the visa office noted above along with a copy
of this letter. Your application has been transferred to the visa office noting this deficiency. Your relative
must forward the medical information directly to the visa office to allow continued processing of his/her
application. Failure to do so will result in delays and possible refusal of your relative's application.

请教一下, 这是今天收到的电子邮件截屏。


我5月份提交团聚移民申请的时候, 没有让国内的太太做体检, 主要是考虑到目前的过程比较长, 估计要过期了。那么现在如何办呢? 是立刻去做体检呢? 还是等香港领事馆发补体检邮件后再去体检? 因为以前看到其他帖子说CIC的邮件里面有些内容只是个通则, 并不是让立刻补资料的。 请指点,谢谢。
最后编辑: 2017-07-04
刚打电话给Shanghai Eaton,说,非upfront的体检,要预约体检,要一个MER No.,而这个No.在IMM 1017E 上面,所以让我再等等,拿到了IMM 1017E 再来预约体检。


楼主,你好。我收到了这个,但还没有收到HK office email的IMM1017B。还要等。

我想问一下,是不是要带着带着IMM1017B UPFRONT 去体检?如果是的话,可以把IMM1017B UPFRONT 发给我吗?谢谢啦。

You have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor. Accordingly, the Application for Permanent
Residence for your relative has been forwarded to the visa office in Hong Kong for further processing.
This visa office was selected based on your relative’s home address and the requirements of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Should you need to submit additional information or make any further enquiries regarding the
Application for Permanent Residence for your relative, you may find contact information for that visa
office at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-where.asp.
If you received this communication via email, please note that another copy will not be mailed to you.
Provincial Requirements for Residents of Quebec
If you are a resident of the province of Québec, you must submit an undertaking application to the
Provincial Government. To download the required forms, please consult the Ministère de l'immigration,
de la diversité et de l'inclusion (MIDI) website at www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca (Sponsors and
Sponsored Persons section). Complete the required forms and promptly submit them to the MIDI at the
address provided in the provincial guide. Do not submit any of the MIDI forms to this office as they will
only be returned to you.
You must enclose a copy of this correspondence with your undertaking application to MIDI. If you
received this communication via email, you may print a copy to be enclosed with your undertaking
application to MIDI.
For further information regarding provincial requirements, please contact the Province of Québec
General Inquiries Services at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191.
Requirement for Medical Examination
If your sponsored relative(s) has (have) not already done so, your relative(s) must provide an original
Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B UPFRONT) signed by a Panel Physician or an E-Medical Upfront
Medical Notification information sheet. Your relative(s) must complete the medical examination
and, once completed, forward this information directly to the visa office noted above along with a copy
of this letter. Your application has been transferred to the visa office noting this deficiency. Your relative
must forward the medical information directly to the visa office to allow continued processing of his/her
application. Failure to do so will result in delays and possible refusal of your relative's application.
最后编辑: 2017-07-08
今天检查CIC网站, 终于显示收到了。

Permanent Residence
1.We received your application for permanent residence on May 8, 2015.
2.We started processing your application on July 20, 2015.
3.Medical results have been received.

今天检查CIC网站, 终于显示收到了。

Permanent Residence
1.We received your application for permanent residence on May 8, 2015.
2.We started processing your application on July 20, 2015.
3.Medical results have been received.




但是,我参照的是3903e备料,递料到CIC-Mississauga 的时候,只去公证处做了出生证,结婚证的公证。没有公证户口和身份证。我有复印户口和身份证,然后自己翻译的。

现在要求户口复印,accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French。请问,我需要重新公证吗?

还有,我换了工作,需要更新IMM5669 - 8 表格,然后寄到hongkong吗?我问过老橡树,他说不需要。但是看到palmer 说需要通知CIC。请教。

¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet.
¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport.

Dear XXX:

This message is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the family class. Your file has now been transferred to the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong for further processing.

This letter is comprises two parts: the first part is a request for documentation that requires your immediate action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.


In order to prepare your application for further processing, the following documentation must be received by our office within 30 days from the date of this letter:

For the principal applicant and all dependants, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:
¨ You are required to do a medical exam if you have not yet done so or your medical exam results will expire within the next 120 days. Medical instruction forms will be sent to you separately if required.
¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet.
¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport.

For the principal applicant and all dependants 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:
¨ Updated Schedule A: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm5669E.pdf. You must declare your personal history from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).
¨ If not yet submitted: Original police certificates from each country in which you or your dependants (whether accompanying you to Canada or not) have spent 6 consecutive months or more since the age of 18. For instructions on how to obtain police certificates for specific countries, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp. If you are unable to submit police certificate(s) within the 30 day deadline, submit proof of having applied for the certificate with your package.
For the principal applicant:
¨ If not yet paid and not exempt: Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. For information regarding fees and exemptions, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp.

For all dependant children:
¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted).

Please submit all the requested documents with a copy of this letter in a single package. If there are any documents you are unable to submit in your package, please include a detailed explanation.

All documents must be in either English or French. Any documents not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation.

The above documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to comply with this requirement, a decision concerning your application will be made based upon the information already submitted with this application. This may result in the refusal of your application.


Dear XXX:

This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Your application has been received at the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.

This letter is comprised of two parts – the first is a document request which requires your immediate action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.

If you have an updated email correspondence address, please provide it.


You are requested to review your application and submit the following within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to facilitate the processing of your application.

For you, the principal applicant, and for any dependants, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please submit:
• Complete medical examinations • If you have not already, you will receive medical instructions from our office.

五月份提交申请的时候, 没做体检。 不知道香港使馆多久能寄来体检表格啊。
那我跟你情况差不多,我老公也是转到香港后被要求补户口本。然后我本来工作,后来full time上课去了,我是让移民公司办的,然后移民公司说,让我跟学校要一份在读证明给移民局Update。


For the principal applicant and all dependants, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:
¨ You are required to do a medical exam if you have not yet done so or your medical exam results will expire within the next 120 days. Medical instruction forms will be sent to you separately if required.
¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet.
¨ If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport.
xiaozhuang,MR results have been received后,有什么消息或者通知吗?




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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