请仔细读一下学校的声明,首先,在Fanshawe 是一个三年的program, 而不是你说的两年,并学校更优先考虑本科毕业生,而不是高中同学....
请问四年本科加三年program 比四年本科的项目哪个优势更明显?
This is a highly competitive program; the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of seats available. Post-secondary education may be required for successful admission to this program
学校的这种备注声明不必当真,更何况是“may be required”。事实是我孩子的同学今年就录了,均分稍过70分,好一点的大学或专业怕报不上,在学校counselor建议下申请Fanshawe该专业,很快拿到offer了。三年里有一年基本在实习,实际学习是两年,Advanced Diploma。这同学是国际生,Counselor告诉她毕业后找工作考执照,能留下来移民的机会很大。
OSSD with courses from the College (C), University (U),
University/College (M), or Open (O) stream WITH:
- Any Grade 12 English (C) or (U)
- Any Grade 12 Mathematics (C) or (U)
- Grade 11 or Grade 12 Physics (C) or (U)
- Grade 11 or Grade 12 Biology (C) or (U)
(Note: minimum final grade required for each course is 70)