
2007年移民加拿大,然后回国照顾母亲, 2010年母亲去世,自此开始在加拿大生活。2017年个人英文诗集Journey出版。2019年王维翻译诗集 the pulse of Wang Wei 出版。 2020年哈法诗人合集将出版,其中有我的一首诗life needs more poetry。 这就是我移民加拿大的收获!说了20多年的日语,然后改説英文,佛说一切有为法如梦如幻影,如露也如电,应作如是观!人生没有结果,人生只是一个又一个的过程,好好享受每一个过程,就是活在当下!
2007年移民加拿大,然后回国照顾母亲, 2010年母亲去世,自此开始在加拿大生活。2017年个人英文诗集Journey出版。2019年王维翻译诗集 the pulse of Wang Wei 出版。 2020年哈法诗人合集将出版,其中有我的一首诗life needs more poetry。 这就是我移民加拿大的收获!说了20多年的日语,然后改説英文,佛说一切有为法如梦如幻影,如露也如电,应作如是观!人生没有结果,人生只是一个又一个的过程,好好享受每一个过程,就是活在当下!
能否show 几首您的英文诗欣赏一下?谢谢!:)
Life Needs More Poetry
Poem by David Du
You have been here a long time,
Watching the blue sky standing,
The dove walking, the green lawn sparking,
Or the baby smiling,
And you have a feeling that you should write poetry
To express it.
As life is very hard for you, you need this poetry
For relief.
Like the tree needs sun or rain to bathe it,
Like cloudy skies need the wind to blow,
Like the dusty heart needs a sweeping feeling,
No matter if the writing is like flowers blooming
Or like buzzing bees.
Old building
poem by David Du
The beautiful dress has gone
The body exposed door,window's eyes
Have blurred.
It looks the passer or loser
As if it wants to tell them the story of building
But nobody stops to hear its whispers
Until one day an earthmover comes...
Deer Thicket 鹿砦
Here on the barren mountain (空山不见人)
No people can be seen,
But the sound of the voices (但闻人语响)
of intruders you still perceive.

And here in the heart of the forest,(返景入深林)
The glow of the setting sun
Is entering,and a shadow reflects upon (复照苔藓上)
The carpet of green moss.

In Autumn, Evening Stays in the Mountain 山居秋冥

After fresh rain on the ethereal mountain, 空山新雨后,
it's so cool the gradual autumn evening. 天气晚来秋。
Through the pine woods shines the moon; 明月松间照,
Over the bare rock the rivulet is running. 清泉石上流。
Through the bamboo woods run whispers- 竹喧归浣女,
It's the washer-girls then going home.
The bobbing, dancing of the lotus flowers,莲动下渔舟。
That is the fishing boats dragging nets.
I let go at last of the fragrance of spring loam-随意春芳歇,
I would like to enjoy, as do Wang Sun as they roam,王孙自可留。
The wonder of the autumn sense.
Life Needs More Poetry
Poem by David Du
You have been here a long time,
Watching the blue sky standing,
The dove walking, the green lawn sparking,
Or the baby smiling,
And you have a feeling that you should write poetry
To express it.
As life is very hard for you, you need this poetry
For relief.
Like the tree needs sun or rain to bathe it,
Like cloudy skies need the wind to blow,
Like the dusty heart needs a sweeping feeling,
No matter if the writing is like flowers blooming
Or like buzzing bees.
Your words touched my soul my friend , thanks for sharing !
You are very welcome. I don't want to show up my poetry. Writing poem is my hobby. I don't care about whether if the writing is like sunshine shines the world or like shadow hiding in a corner. keep writing until one day I tird of it or one day I like a bubble flying in the sky. humanlife for me is no result. merely it's a journey! let's enjoy the journey with poetic dwelling!
You are very welcome. I don't want to show up my poetry. Writing poem is my hobby. I don't care about whether if the writing is like sunshine shines the world or like shadow hiding in a corner. keep writing until one day I tird of it or one day I like a bubble flying in the sky. humanlife for me is no result. merely it's a journey! let's enjoy the journey with poetic dwelling!
Totally! Some people say the best way to grasp internal turmoil is to write poetry. It streamlines your thoughts or your feelings to phrases or short sentences, also soothing the anxiety out of your body with the lyrical style.in a word, it’s good for your soul and mental health !
Happy writing my friend ! :)
最后编辑: 2019-08-17




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