点播不成功。 昨天看了一个小系列, jeffrey epstaein: filthy rich,
请 @wodelaoba 写一篇纪念文章,
一条大色狼, 受害者自述, 一天被他强奸了四次,
而且, 他净干一般男人不干的事,
1,特有钱, 没正当职业, 玩Ponzi, 同伙被判了20年, 他没事,
2,朋友特多, trump, clinton, bloomberg, dershowitz, 维基说:Epstein was a longtime acquaintance of Prince Andrew and Tom Barrack,[203] and attended parties with many prominent people, including Bill Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, Donald Trump,[204] Katie Couric, Woody Allen,[205] and Harvey Weinstein.[206] His contacts included Rupert Murdoch, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson, Michael Jackson, Alec Baldwin, the Kennedys, Rockefellers and Rothschilds.[207] His contacts also included Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, British prime minister Tony Blair, and Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.[208][209][210] Both Clinton[211] and Trump[212] claimed that they never visited Epstein's island.
3,特好色, 好多受害者16,17岁,
4,出身贫寒, 高中没毕业, 就敢去大学教书,