牛军:探亲人寿保险 江涛:探亲人寿保险 陈燕:探亲人寿保险 AlberZhou:探亲人寿保险 加拿大旅游保险无忧网

工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

5282 是清单
Instruction Guide [IMM 5290]
> also in PDF format PDF
In-Canada Application for Permanent Residence and Schedule 1 - Background/Declaration [IMM 5002 and IMM 5002 Schedule 1] PDF
Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] PDF
Document Checklist [IMM 5282] PDF
Fees Receipt

大家可以copy 下来将来用.
Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)

How to apply?怎样申请

Step 1. Gather the required documents收集需要的资料

Step 2. Complete the forms完成表格

Step 3. Pay the fees付费

Step 4. Mail your application邮寄申请

While your application is processed

What happens next?

Appendix A: Issuance or renewal of work permits (including open work permits) in Canada

Appendix B: Dependent children

Appendix C: Police certificates

Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)
This package contains all the forms and information for a live-in caregiver to apply for permanent resident status under the Live-in Caregiver Program.

A permanent resident is a person who can live in Canada permanently but who is not a Canadian citizen. A live-in caregiver is a person who:

was approved to participate in the Live-in Caregiver Program at a visa office outside of Canada; and,
has a valid work permit to work as a live-in caregiver for children, seniors or the disabled with an employer in Canada. 住家保姆是 被加拿大境外的签证馆认可的参与住家保姆项目的,有合法的工作签证来照顾经拿大的孩子,老人或者残疾人。
Who may apply?
If you answer YES to ALL of the questions below, you may apply for permanent residence as a live-in caregiver. 如果下面的问题你的回答全是YES,那么你就可以作为一个住家保姆来申请pr

Are you living in Canada? 你住在加拿大吗
Do you have a valid work permit to work as a live-in caregiver for children, seniors or the disabled? 你有合法签证吗
Do you have a valid passport or travel document? 你有合法的护照吗
Have you completed two years (24 months) of authorized full-time employment as a live-in caregiver within three years from the date you entered Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program? 你在加拿大3内完成2年的全职工作了吗?
Have you always lived in your employer’s home in Canada while employed as a live-in caregiver? 你是不是住在你雇主的家里工作作为住家保姆
Are you able to support yourself and your family members without the need for social assistance or welfare? 你和你家人是不是不需要社会福利救济[申请ei会影响移民]
How to apply?
Step 1. Gather the required documents
You and your family members in Canada must send all documents listed on the Document Checklist (IMM 5282) PDF.你和你家人必须邮寄 5282文件清单的所有文件

The following will help you gather the documents that are required with your application. Most points on the Document Checklist, IMM 5282 are clearly explained, instructions are provided only when necessary.

5: The Statement of Earnings must be provided by your employer. 雇主提供工资证明
7: To be provided by your previous employers, if applicable.
8: To obtain the Option C Printout free of charge from the Canada Revenue Agency税务局, call 1-800-959-8281. (好像是上一页的帖子说过怎样得到它,我的也快寄给我了)
Step 2. Complete the forms
You and your family members must complete and sign the following forms:

In-Canada Application for Permanent Residence and Schedule 1 - Background/Declaration (IMM 5002) PDF
Use of a Representative (IMM 5476), if applicable PDF

This section does not contain instructions for all boxes on the forms. Most questions are clear; instructions are provided only when necessary.

Photocopy the blank forms so that you and your family members each have two copies: a working copy and a final copy. Keep the working copy for your records. 我不清楚怎么有2个copy,我只是最近拍的一些pr 照片
Print clearly with a black pen.
Answer in English or French, unless you are instructed otherwise. If applicable, add your native language script for all names and addresses on your application. 不要不写中文名字和地址而返回来耽误时间
Use additional sheets of paper if there is not enough space on the form. Indicate your name, the form’s title and the number or letter of the question you are answering.
You must answer all questions that apply to you. If a section does not apply to you, answer “N/A” (“Not applicable”). If you leave sections blank or mark “N/A” in a section that is relevant to your situation, your application will be returned and processing will be delayed
Warning: You must provide truthful and accurate information. Processing will stop immediately if you give false or misleading information. Information provided may be verified. It is a serious offence to submit a false application.

In-Canada Application for Permanent Residence (IMM 5002)
Must be completed by:

You, the principal applicant
Your spouse or common-law partner if he or she is in Canada and is not a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen
Your dependent children in Canada who are 18 years of age or older and are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens
A - Applicant information
1: Category under which you are applying
Check “Live-in caregiver in Canada Class”. Your dependent children aged 18 years or over should check “Family member 18 years or older” for the above.

How many family members are included in this application?

This is the total number of people seeking permanent residence. Include yourself and family members listed in both sections B and C.

B - Family members in Canada
You must identify all of your family members on your application form. Your family members may apply for permanent residence as part of your application.

Family members include your:

spouse or common-law partner; and
dependent children.
Important: You must list all family members, whether they wish to be considered in your application for permanent residence at this time or not. Also list family members whose location is unknown (including those missing or presumed dead). Family members who are not listed on your application will not be able to be sponsored by you at a later date.

Note: Separated or former spouses and separated or former common-law partners are not eligible family members.

Common-law partner
A common-law partner is a person of the opposite or same sex with whom you are in a conjugal relationship and who is currently cohabiting with you and has done so for at least one year.

Dependent children
See Appendix B: Dependent Children for a complete definition.

If you do not have any dependent children in Canada, print “N/A” and proceed to Part C.

Seeking permanent residence:

If your dependent child is to be assessed for permanent residence, place an X in the “Yes” box, otherwise, place an X in the “No” box.

If you answer “Yes”, you must include the correct processing fees with your application. Refer to instructions in the Fees section. If you answer “No”, do not include the processing fees. If you want your family member to come at a later date, you will have to sponsor them and they will have to meet the definition of a “family member” at the time a complete application is received.

Type of dependent child:

Print an “X” in Box A, B or C. See Appendix B: Dependent Children to determine whether your dependent child is type A, B or C.

Passport details or travel document details:

Check the box that describes your dependent child’s document. Refer to Box 16 of section A of the form.

Client ID number:

This number can be found in the top right-hand corner of their work permit, study permit, or other temporary resident document. If they to not have one, leave this box blank.

C - Family members outside of Canada
If you do not have any family members outside of Canada, print “N/A” and proceed to Schedule 1.

Seeking permanent residence:

Refer to instructions outlined in Part B.查阅说明大纲在b 部分

Type of dependent child:

Refer to instructions in Appendix B: Dependent Children.

Name of guardian

If your dependent children are living with a guardian, indicate the name and complete address of their guardian.

Address of family member, guardian or dependent child

Provide a complete mailing address and current phone number for all your dependent children who live outside of Canada so that our visa office can contact them or their guardian with instructions on the forms to be completed, medical exams, security checks and, if applicable, interviews.
Background/Declaration (IMM 5002 - Schedule 1)
Must be completed by:

You, the principal applicant
Your spouse or common-law partner if he or she is in Canada and is not a permanent resident or Canadian citizen
Your dependent children in Canada who are 18 years of age or older who are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens
6: Read each statement carefully. Answer “Yes” or “No” on behalf of yourself, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children, whether or not they are completing their own background declaration. You must provide truthful and accurate information in relation to each of the statements.

11: Read the statements carefully and then sign in the boxes provided. If you do not sign this declaration your application will be returned to you.

Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)
Complete this form only if you are appointing a representative. To learn about who can represent you and for information about how to complete the form, refer to the Instructions Use of a Representative (IMM 5561).

Release of information to other individuals
To authorize CIC to release information from your case file to someone other than a representative, you will need to complete form Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475) which is available on our website and from Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates abroad.

The person you designate will be able to obtain information on your case file, such as the status of your application. However, he or she will not be able to conduct business on your behalf with CIC.

Step 3. Pay the fees
Processing fees
You must pay the processing fee for you and your family members in Canada before you submit your application.

Calculating your fees计算费用
Persons Amount

Principal applicant 1 x $550
Family member who is 22 years of age or older or who is married or in a common-law relationship, regardless of age x $550
Dependent child who is under 22 years of age and single x $150

Fee for an open work permit
If you are applying for an open work permit along with your application for permanent residence, add $150 to your total. See Appendix A: Issuance or Renewal of Work Permits (Including Open Work Permits) in Canada for more information on how to apply for an open work permit.

Right of Permanent Residence Fee
You will need to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee before your application for permanent resident status can be finalized. We will send you a request to pay this fee when we are ready to grant you permanent resident status. The fee is $490 per person for you and your spouse or common-law partner. Your dependent children are exempt.

拿我说,我有个老公,没孩子。申请费2个550+登陆费2个490=2080。 另外还有体检费,100多
open work permit 150,一般open 下来移民也就快了。

How to pay your fees
You have the option of paying your fees on our website or at a financial institution. 网上支付 或者银行支付
Option 1. Payment of fees on our website

To use this option, you need a credit card and access to a computer with a printer.用信用卡付,打印

Go to our website at
www.cic.gc.ca and select “Online Services” from the menu bar at the top, then “Payment of fees through the Internet”.

Once you have paid the fees, you must print the official receipt and fill out by hand the “Payer Information” section. Attach the bottom portion (copy 2) of this receipt to your completed application.

Option 2. Payment of fees at a financial institution 银行付费

STEP 1. Fill in the total

Enter the “Amount payable” you have calculated at the bottom of the Receipt (IMM 5401).

Photocopies of the receipt are not accepted. If you need an original receipt, you can order it from our website or contact the Call Centre. 不能用复印件

STEP 2. Complete the “Payer Information” sections on the back of the receipt

If you already know the Client ID assigned to you, enter the number in the box provided. If you do not know your Client ID, leave that box empty.

STEP 3. Go to a financial institution and make the payment

Bring the receipt with you. A financial institution representative will tell you which forms of payment are acceptable. There is no charge for the service. 带着收据,银行有相关付账表格

STEP 4. Send your receipt

Attach the middle portion (Copy 2) of the receipt to your completed application. Keep the top portion (Copy 1) for your files.

Do not include any other type of payment with your application.

Incorrect payment
If you have sent insufficient fees, we will return your application with instructions. You must then pay the additional fees and mail everything back to us. This will delay the processing of your application. If you have overpaid, we will refund the overpayment. We will issue a cheque as soon as possible.

To obtain a refund, you need to send a written request to withdraw your application to the processing centre. The processing fee is only refundable if we receive your request before processing has begun. Once we have started to process your application, there will be no refunds regardless of the final decision.

We will issue the refund to the person indicated on the “Payer Information” section of the receipt. If there is no name indicated on the receipt, we will send the refund to you.

There is a loan option to cover the cost of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee. Loans are not available for processing fees. To qualify, you must show that the loan is necessary and that you have the ability to repay it. If you have been in Canada for three years or longer, you must also show that you were unable to get a loan from a bank or other lending institution.

The Right of Permanent Residence Fee loan application is available on our website or by phoning the Call Centre.

Step 4. Mail your application
Send your application and the items listed on the Document Checklist (IMM 5282) [Acrobat PDF] in a large envelope. Do not fold documents. For your personal records, you should make photocopies of all documentation, forms and your fee receipt submitted with your application.

Address the envelope to:

Case Processing Centre
Vegreville, AB
T9C 1W3

Do not include pre-paid return envelopes. You may wish to send your application via registered mail or Xpresspost to track the delivery.

How to ensure your application is not returned to you
Did you:

follow the steps on How to apply?
answer all questions on the forms?
print “N/A” (not applicable) for questions that do not apply to you?
sign the forms?
include all necessary documents listed on the Document Checklist?
provide clear photocopies?
include certified English or French translations of documents written in another language?

While your application is processed
Updating your address or other information
If you change your address, let us know immediately:

on the Web. Use the electronic change of address form found in the “Online Services” section of our website.
by telephone. Contact the Call Centre.
If your personal situation changes after you have submitted your application, you must notify us in writing. A change in your personal situation can refer to any of the following: marital status, birth of a child, criminal convictions, change of employer, etc. You may also wish to remove a family member from your application or withdraw your application. Indicate your client ID number and your full name on all correspondence.

Send your notification to the following address:

Case Processing Centre
Vegreville, AB
T9C 1W5

If you live in Quebec
The provincial immigration authority, called the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC), must also approve your application. You do not need to fill out extra forms; we will refer your application to the MICC on your behalf. If the MICC refuses your application, we will continue to process your application for permanent residence provided you no longer live in the province of Quebec.

Checking your application status
You can find out the current status of your application by logging on to e-Client Application Status. You may also phone our Call Centre.

If you do not want your information available online, you can remove online information by logging on to e-Client Application Status. You may also call our Call Centre and ask an agent to do this for you.

Current processing times are updated weekly.当前审理时间每周更新

Leaving Canada
If you go on a vacation outside of Canada, you are not automatically deemed ineligible for permanent residence under the live-in caregiver program. However, it is important to note that if you leave Canada while your application is being processed, we cannot guarantee that you will be allowed to re-enter. Each time you re- enter Canada you will need to be re-assessed and meet all eligibility criteria for entering the country.

What happens next?
Medical exam
You, and all your family members who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents, must undergo and pass an immigration medical exam, even if your family members will not be processed for permanent residence with your application. Do not have an immigration medical exam until we contact you. We will provide instructions on medical exams after you send your application.

You will not be able to sponsor family members who do not undergo and pass a medical exam.

The decision on your application
If your application has been properly completed and includes all the required documents, you will receive a letter informing you of the decision on your case and what you must do next. If you qualify for permanent residence, your family members outside Canada will be required to undergo a medical examination, and you and your family members will have to pass criminality and security checks.

We may contact you to arrange an interview to verify or expand on information contained in your application. 最后有个面试,这天就拿身份

If your application is approved, we will contact you to arrange a final interview. You will likely be granted permanent resident status at that interview.

If your application is refused, we will inform you in writing and you may be asked to leave Canada.

If you still have questions after reading this guide, visit our website or phone our Call Centre.

Appendix A: Issuance or renewal of work permits (including open work permits) in Canada
This section contains information on the following types of work permit:

Work permit for a specific employer
Open work permit
Bridge extension

Completing an application for permanent residence as a live-in caregiver does not mean that your work permit or temporary status will be automatically extended. You must maintain your legal status in Canada while your application for permanent residence is in process. Therefore,
you must apply for a renewal of your work permit before it expires. It is illegal to work without a valid permit.

If your work permit expires before you submit an application to extend it, you must also apply to restore your status
within 90 days of the expiration date of your work permit. If you do not, you will be without st atus and will have to leave Canada.
别让签证过期,用imm 5553表格申请新签证

What form do I have to use?
Use the guide Applying to change conditions or extend your stay in Canada as a Worker (
IMM 5553) to apply for any type of work permit or to restore your status.

1. Work permit for a specific employer
Your current work permit allows you to work as a live-in caregiver for a specific employer. You may change employers, but you must apply for a new work permit with a new confirmation by Service Canada and a new employment contract. In addition to a valid work permit, you must continue to meet all other requirements of the Live-in Caregiver Program.

If you spend time outside Canada, it will not be counted towards the 24 months of required employment.

If you take live-out employment, the time you lived outside your employer’s house will not be counted towards the 24 months of required employment within a three-year period. If you do not have 24 months of live-in employment as a caregiver, you are not eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program.

If you work for more than one employer at a time, you could lose your status in Canada. The length of time you work without status will not be counted as part of the 24-month requirement and you may be disqualified.

2. Open work permit
What is an open work permit and am I eligible to apply for one?
An open work permit allows you to accept employment and to work for any employer for the time period specified on the work permit. It can only be granted once you have received first stage approval (approval in principal) of your application for permanent residence. You should submit your application for an open work permit together with your application for permanent residence. Write “open work permit” at the top of your application.


If you send your open work permit application with your permanent residence application and Then…
you continue working for the employer mentioned on your current work permit while the application is being processed you do not have to extend your work permit, even if it expires during the processing of your application for permanent residence.

you change employer after sending your applications you need to submit a new application for a work permit along with a new confirmation by Service Canada and pay the appropriate fees.

3. Bridge extension
If you become temporarily unemployed, you may apply for a bridge extension.

A bridge extension is an interim work permit given to live-in caregivers whose work permit is about to expire and who are between jobs and have not yet found a new employer. The extension is usually for a period of
two months. To apply, use the application mentionned at the beginning of this section and write “bridge extension” across the top of the form. Also indicate your request for a bridge extension (and the reason) in section D 10. This application may be submitted at any time.

Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)
Appendix B: Dependent children
Dependent children include:

Your dependent children
The dependent children of your spouse or common-law partner
The dependent children of your dependent children
Note: If you are a divorced or separated parent, a minor child of whom you have joint or sole custody is considered a dependent family member. This applies even if the minor child usually lives with the other parent and will not join you in Canada.

Type A He or she is under the age of 22; and is single (not married and not in a common-law relationship)
Type B He or she has been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority and depends substantially on the financial support of a parent either

since before the age of 22; or
since marrying or entering into a common-law relationship (if it happened before the age of 22).

Type C He or she is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition.

When must my dependent children meet the definition?

Your dependent children must meet one of the above definitions on the day we receive your application and, for types B and C, they must continue to meet this definition for permanent residence to be granted or for a permanent resident visa to be issued.
Medical exams
To protect the health and safety of Canadians, as well as reduce and prevent excessive demand on Canada’s health and social services system permanent or temporary resident applicants may be required to undergo a medical exam. If you are applying to immigrate to Canada, please see the link for permanent residents below. If you are planning a temporary stay in Canada, either as a tourist, student, or temporary foreign worker, please see the link for visitors. For a list of doctors in your country, territory or region that have been designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and are authorized to perform medical exams, click on the Designated medical practitioners link.
Learn more…

Medical exam requirements for permanent residents

Medical exam requirements for visitors

Designated medical practitioners


还有指模 和无犯罪记录,前面的帖子说过了,应该是上一页的。

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆







I feel shocked,upset and fearful now.

carolhome , 今天我又回头认真看一遍这个帖子, 发现了你写的这一段话. 不知道你到加拿大后了解到的情况也还是这样吗? ( 唉,怕就怕付出巨大代价,却竹篮打水一场空. 年轻的朋友还好,多的是扳本的机会我都奔四的人了,再浪费个几年就50了。 )
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

carolhome , 今天我又回头认真看一遍这个帖子, 发现了你写的这一段话. 不知道你到加拿大后了解到的情况也还是这样吗? ( 唉,怕就怕付出巨大代价,却竹篮打水一场空. 年轻的朋友还好,多的是扳本的机会我都奔四的人了,再浪费个几年就50了。 )
因为 虽然厨师什么的 属于技术工人,加拿大的确缺技术工人焊工,卡车司机什么的

决定来了 就好好考虑考虑,一般没什么大问题~~:wdb10:
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

还有 关于ece,early childhood education,2年full time 的college,我们做这个 已经有了至少2年的本地工作经验,然后如果有文凭的话,更容易找到工作,而且这个工作前景还可以

昨天我老板说,这边的学前班 ,今天改时间了,具体新闻我还没查到。学前班叫kindgarden,是属于公立的,免费的,一般1天2个半小时,改了后是早晨7点到晚上好像6点,具体时间我记不清了,时间长了,工作机会更大了。

part time上college的我还没仔细查,大体了解了一下
如果我们递交了材料,会很快下个fn,用那个给学校,如果读完拿到pr,有的学校可以减免部分学费。 没有移民身份的话如果读书,费用跟留学生一样,是当地的4倍。 part time 按门累计。

ut http://www.utoronto.ca/
http://www.centennialcollege.ca/ centennial
http://www.yorkcollege.ca/ york u
http://www.senecac.on.ca/ senecac
http://www.georgebrown.ca/ georgebrown
http://www.torontocollege.com/ 查这个

还有我们学英文,我们不属于移民,esl 有的收费,免费的也有,离家挺远的,总之还是要提高英语阿,不然读书很费劲,而且选专业也是个问题,选专业主要是为了将来的工作。有的人可能不会选这个专业,可以去幼儿园当义工看看。我现在迷茫的东西还挺多。我们自己的时间很少。姐妹们,平时多锻炼一下身体,运动一下,身体是革命的本钱。

ECE(Early Childhood Education)专业学习和找工体验谈

1. 首先就是各个学校的catalog啦。地球人都知道。最好到亲自到学校去拿一本。知道了都有哪些专业,对各个专业有了个清楚的了解,才好选择啊。
2. 各个学校的毕业生调查表。可以到google上搜索“学校名”+“graduate report”+“毕业年度”,例如“George Brown Graduate Report 2006-2007”。当然你也可以把学校的网站上去找,不过google搜到的快些就是了。这样得到的一般是个PDF文件,表中列出这个学校当年各个专业的录取人数,毕业人数,毕业率,就业率,和平均薪资。平均薪资是个很有用的数,不过你也不要100%地相信它,因为有些专业的薪水可能根据每年的就业市场的变化而变化,去年年薪高的今年未必就高;而且这个“平均数”也有一定水分,因为也有可能参加这个调查的毕业生都是找到了比较好的工作的那些,造成这个数值比实际值偏高。总的来讲,要竖着比较(把你中意的专业和其它专业比较),也要横着比较(同一专业不同年份相比)。
3. 到各个就业指导中心或学校的学生服务中心去,参加workshop, 听information session,以获取更多的信息,决定某专业是否适合自己。比如,我知道有些就业指导中心有专门帮助你决定今后职业发展方向的课程,根据你的性格倾向、特长和爱好等等帮你决定学从事哪一行适合你。而且,这些职业指导中心对各个工种的薪资水平也有一个比较客观的统计。这样的地方很多了,COSTI,YMCA,等等,这里不多说,大家常去图书馆看看就了解了。另外,有些公司或部门有他们自己的培训项目,很可能的些工种不需要你有高等学历,所以建议大家常去我提及的这些地方看看,也许你刚好符合用人单位的条件,如果能这样找到中意的工作(当然你很可能要先培训),省去一两年甚至更长时间上学的投入,不是很好么。
4. 那么究竟哪些专业就业前景好呢?可以看看这个: http://www.jobfutures.ca/fos/browse-...ood-2009.shtml 一看就明白,不用我多说。
下面说申请。其实申请这个专业不难的。到www.ontariocolleges.ca上去搜一下,很多很多学校都提供两年制的ECE Diploma课程。我有时在想是不是因为学这个的人太多了造成我们想找个好工作这么难呢??关于找工作下面再说。基本上,要求的东西并不算多。你在网站申请以后,学校会寄给你信件告诉你已收到你的申请,然后会因为我们移民多数是mature student,学校会通知你去考试(assessment test)。考试是要交钱的,所以只去自己最想去的学校考。考试的内容不一样。我当初去Humber考的时候就只是一篇essay而已,而去George Brown时就考了好几项,记得有阅读,有语法,还有essay。阅读不是很简单,不过好像我的成绩还可以。有的朋友问要不要雅思或托福成绩。这些成绩如果你有的话就交,对拿到offer会有帮助的,不过据我所知这不是学校硬性的要求。在学校这个专业的网页上肯定有写(Admission Requirements),大家可以去查一下。
还有,如果你拿到了学校的offer,接下来会是information session。在这个会上你会听到很全面的关于这个专业的信息,你会知道这个专业的学习难度和将来的工作情况。然后你如果决定了要上这个专业,交学费。
有的学校(比如Seneca)是一边上学一边实习,而George Brown是七个星期上学,七个星期实习。上学期间,学业很重,至少对我们中国人来说。阅读很多。我最艰难的时候,一个星期只有周末拿出一个小时的时间去买下星期吃的东西,其它所有的时候都用来上课或自习了。每星期都有大小测验和作业。作业一定要严格按照老师的要求去做,少一项也要扣分。每一课的难度和老师关系很大。有的老师要求严,我记得我有一个社会调查的作业,交上去两厘米厚的本子,我有个同学比我的厚一倍!而有的老师要求不严,本地的同学上这门课根本不看书。光带脑袋去听了,最后也能过。
开学后,除了正常的学业之外,你有几个任务:第一,First Aid & CPR证书(很容易拿到,但要自己交钱);第二,Immunization Form,这个表中列出了所有你需要打的免疫针,本地人都有自己的免记录,找家庭医生一填就得了;如果你没有自己的免疫记录,也不难办,找家庭医生或者去Walk-in诊所,医生会让你去验血,以化验你有哪些项目已经免疫,哪些还没有,然后把那些你还没打的给你补上。实际上,你去daycare实习时他们真正要看的就是tuberculosis(肺结核)。我们中国人小时候基本上都打过肺结核疫苗,所以mantoux(曼托实验,就是皮试)一定会是阳性,然后去照个胸透,证明肺部正常就行了。最后还有一个Police Check,也很简单,把表一填,寄出去就行了,不过还是要自己交钱:-(
首先,你实习的时候,就跟daycare上上下下关系搞好。也不用买东西送礼什么的,脸上常带着笑,每天准时到,认真做事,这就很好了。实习结束之前,留下你的简历,可以送一张小贺卡表示谢意。实习完了以后,时不时回去看看,回去之前最好打个电话,告诉人家你大概什么时候到。我这么做了,结果毕业后就在第三次实习的daycare做supply teacher,如果我坚持做下去,也能混到个全职的位子。
说到supply teacher,不要一听说是supply teacher就不愿意做。好的daycare的全职老师大多数都是从supply teacher开始干起的。我的同学们都是同时给好几家好的daycare做supply,哪家有机会了就升级为full-time了。我所说的“好的daycare”指的是硬件条件比较好,薪水比较高,福利比较好的单位。整个大多地区工资最高的大概就是City of Toronto的daycare了,City付的薪水是某些私立daycare的两倍。大概是那么50多家。你可以在网上发简历
- 各个学校的Lab schools
- Woodgreen Childcare Centres (http://www.woodgreen.org/)
- YMCA (http://www.ymcatoronto.org/en/index.html)
- YWCA (http://www.ywcatoronto.org/)
- Family Daycare (http://www.familydaycare.com/)
- 我现在工作的Upper Canada薪水也还可以(http://www.uppercanadachildcare.com/)
- 到City of Toronto网站上去找到家附近的daycare,http://www.toronto.ca/children/gcmapx.htm然后直接上门去递简历。不要以为递完了没消息就是没希望了,我递过一家半年以后才给我打电话。
- 打cold call。直接发fax或者email求职。
- Job Bank。http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/ 注意,在网上找工作时,如果招聘广告中没有写明薪水是多少,你就要不指望这地方会给得多;相反薪水福利多的单位会把具体的数字写出来。不过,这样的岗位竞争可想而知会是很激烈的。
- 推荐一个找工网站 http://www.wowjobs.ca/start.aspx 这个搜索引擎能把很多招聘网站上的广告一网打尽,很不错哦。
- www.childcareadvantage.ca 这个网站中只有daycare的工作信息,是专门给想在daycare找工作的人开办的。免费哦。
- 另外,学ECE或者ECA的还可以自己开家庭式daycare,本人还没尝试过,不在此讨论。

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

Frequently asked questions:
Working temporarily in Canada

Work permits
Live-In Caregiver Program
Canadian employers
Pilot Project for Occupations Requiring Lower Levels of Formal Training (NOC C and D)
Work permits

  1. How do I find out about jobs in Canada?
  2. How do I get a copy of a lost work permit?
  3. What is a Human Resources and Skills Development Canada confirmation?
  4. What if my work permit application was refused but the labour market opinion was changed afterward?
  5. Are there any conditions on my work permit?
  6. Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?
  7. Who are considered family members?
  8. Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children work in Canada?
  9. Can I find out why the application of my friend, relative or business contact has been refused?
  10. Can a potential employer in Canada or an applicant outside Canada appeal the decision on a work permit application?
  11. Will I need a medical exam?
Live-In Caregiver Program

  1. Can I study in Canada while I am a live-in caregiver?
  2. What if I need help?
  3. What is abuse?
  4. How are contracts enforced?
  5. How does the law protect me?
  6. How does hospital and medical insurance work?
  7. How does workers’ compensation work?
  8. What about benefits such as Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security?
  9. Does my employer take taxes out of my pay?
  10. What other rights do I have?
  11. When can I sponsor my family members to come to Canada?
  12. How much should I be paid if I am asked to work extra hours or during a day off?
  13. Can I refuse to work for personal or religious reasons?
  14. Can I return to my home country for a vacation?
Canadian employers

  1. Can I fire an incompetent employee?
  2. Am I responsible if my employee becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?
  3. What do the Temporary Foreign Worker Units do?
  4. What is the confirmation-exempt category? What types of temporary foreign workers are exempted from labour market opinion confirmations?
Pilot Project for Occupations Requiring Lower Levels of Formal Training (NOC C and D)

  1. My work permit is valid for eight months. How much more time will I be allowed to work in Canada?
  2. My work permit expired less than 90 days ago. Can I apply for another work permit?
  3. Why does my employer need another LMO if he just got one 12 months ago?
  4. I have a work permit under an International Youth Exchange Program. Can I apply for a work permit extension under the Pilot Project?
  5. I am a temporary foreign worker in a seasonal industry. Do I need to return to my home country for four months when my current work permit expires or can I apply to renew it and extend my stay?
  6. Under the new rules, if I have a 24-month work permit and switch employers just before it expires, can I get another 24-month work permit if my new employer has the LMO?
  7. I work in Quebec and I want to extend how long I can work under my work permit. What should I do?



回复: 想去加国做住家保姆



回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

因为 虽然厨师什么的 属于技术工人,加拿大的确缺技术工人焊工,卡车司机什么的

决定来了 就好好考虑考虑,一般没什么大问题~~:wdb10:

真是太谢谢nicy那么热心和真诚的解答了!! 在这里还真有一种找到了组织的感觉. 谢谢nicy !!
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


我.....也没结呵. 不知人家对这个年纪仍未结婚有什么想法没有. 会不会觉得不正常不给签啊?
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

因为我们来得时候 作过这个
但是日期可能与登陆之间 有空缺
要派出所开的原件 list上写的是15 originals of ur police certificate(s)




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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