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Trouble in Kronberg

Kronberg, a city of 100,000 residents, earned the coveted designation in 2007 as a one of the most progressive and intelligent cities in Canada. Among other notable accomplishments, the city had supported several programs to improve the city’s environmental record. In fact, Kronberg was the first city in the province to add stringent environmental requirements to their building code, demanding higher environmental standards on all new commercial buildings constructed. The mayor of Kronberg applauded the proactive, forward thinking of the Building Permits Department and encouraged other departments of the city to pursue similar ‘green’ thinking.

In 2008/09, the city had suffered many job losses and plant closures related to the economic downturn. The tax base was declining and the citizens were anxious for local governments to support new job programs.

The environmental programs and by-laws seemed to be readily accepted by many in the community until a large multi-national company decided against selecting Kronberg for an expansion project. They were planning to build a facility for a new hi-tech manufacturing centre and Kronberg was one of three cities on their short list. Local media jumped on the story and reported that the stringent environmental guidelines ‘scared’ away the business opportunity. Company officials confirmed that while they were interested in and committed to the environment, they could not justify the significantly higher costs associated with meeting the new building code in Kronberg. Local labour groups complained bitterly that the jobs that would have been generated by the company were the very ones the community desperately needed. To compound the problem, the Economic Development Department who had doggedly pursued the new business opportunity appeared to also be frustrated with the inflexibility of the new Building code. Meanwhile, environmental groups were outraged at the thought of the city backing down to ‘big business.’ They pressured the city to hold their ground and prove their commitment to progressive and intelligent thinking. These complaints and others dominated the front page news in the local press for weeks.

When pushed for a response, the Mayor stated publicly that the Building Permits Department followed proper process i.e. researched and proposed the standards, held a public meeting for discussion and presented the changes to City Council where they were passed unanimously. As such, it was beyond her jurisdiction to intervene. She referred reporters to John Beckham, the Manager of the Building Permits Department for any further questions and concerns.
Realizing that he had been tossed the ball but not knowing what to do with it, Mr. Beckham reflected on the situation. All of the department heads had been eager to introduce leading edge policies and he had been pleased to be first out of the gate. However, he had done so in a very short amount of time and in relative isolation. He hadn’t held any cross-department meetings and when he reviewed the minutes from the Council Meeting at which the new code was approved, he noticed that the Representative from Economic Development was absent. He pondered his options which included but were not limited to: waiving the new code requirements for this particular company, proposing revisions to the code or doing nothing until the furor blew over.
However, when he received a call from a National news reporter, John felt increased pressure for immediate decision and action.
Your group has been called in by the Kronberg City Council to advise them on this situation. Using the case study method outlined in the lab manual and in labs, analyze this situation and provided your recommendations for dealing with the current crisis and your recommendations going forward.

Adapted by D Pacey from Critical Incidents in Management, J. M. Champion and J. H. James, Richard D. Irwin. Reprinted by permission.

BU111/121 Informal Business Writing Tips

for Case Write-ups

This document provides tips on how to do a case write-up. As a case is a description of a business situation that you need to analyze and make a decision about, it is similar to being asked by your boss what to do in a situation and send him/her a memo with your thoughts. This is the nature of informal business writing, and is why we use it for writing up cases.

These tips are not a substitute for the other readings posted - both Chapter 8 of Impact and the McGraw-Hill e-text on Administrative and Business Communication, nor is it a substitute for talking to your Professor and/or Teaching Assistant and consulting your case guidelines and rubrik regarding style expectations. It simply highlights the problems that students most commonly have when writing informal cases to help guide you in the process.

Format: Informal business writing is not like essay writing

The biggest difficulty most students face is bridging the gap between the case analysis method/thinking process and the case write-up. Below is a list of the elements of the case method in the order they should appear in the write-up. The most critical point to notice is that your thinking leads you to a decision, but in the write-up the decision is stated first and then backed up by your thinking. You have already made the decision; now you have to communicate it.
(In informal business writing the decision is stated first given that the reader is interested and eager to hear what you think. In the majority of cases that you will do, this is the situation. You have been asked to deal with an issue and the reader wants to hear your response. When you are engaged in informal business writing and the reader is likely to be resistant, then you would build up to the decision.)

Memo Heading

- faced by the people in the case

- that you are suggesting to deal with the situation

Decision Criteria
- that you used to make your recommendation

- you considered, including your recommended solution

Analysis of your Recommendation (this is the "guts" of your report)

- an explanation of why your recommendation is the best option - how it meets the decision criteria better than the other alternatives.
(Check pages 142-143 of Chapter 8 of Impact provided on the course website for an explanation of the comparison approach to the discussion of findings, ie. your analysis. The comparison/contrast approach to organizing information in a report is also discussed in Chapter 12, pgs. 285-6 of the McGraw-Hill e-text on Business Communication. The link to the text is provided on the course website.)

Implementation Plan
- for ensuring the success of your recommendation

Contingency Plan
- to deal with the potential problems/contingencies that may arise and render your recommendation ineffective

This approach could also be referred to as a "What, Why, How" style. Begin with a clear statement of "what" is going on and what you recommend doing about it. Then justify "why" you have chosen this recommendation by comparing it to the alternatives according to the decision criteria you used. And finally, explain "how" to make your recommendation successful in your implementation and contingency plan.

An example and further explanation of the format is provided on the course website as "Format Guide". The example provided in this guide is from the Impact reading by Margot Northey. It is not a case write-up, and is not to be used as a template, but it does demonstrate the nature of informal business writing, and the location where the different parts of your case format would appear are indicated.
Do not underestimate the importance of the contingency plan. It provides an opportunity to make your recommendation and implementation bulletproof. Even the strongest recommendations are not risk-free. Consider what may go wrong when your solution is implemented (including reactions other people may have to the plan) or what may happen if one of the assumptions you have made ends up being incorrect; these are the potential risks that need a backup plan. For example, if you were planning an expansion to a ski resort, one of the risks would be that there is lower than expected precipitation and hence lower than expected revenues for the season to put toward the expansion. A potential contingency plan might be a scaled-back renovation or a longer timeline for the start of the renovation. Look at problems that may make your recommendation more difficult to implement and develop ways to overcome them or at least mitigate them.

Do not simply choose one of the other alternatives as your contingency plan. If you do, you are discounting the merits of your recommended solution and in effect saying "If I'm wrong, choose the other alternative." A strong contingency plan anticipates possible problems and provides plans to address them; sealing the potential holes in your recommendation and increasing the credibility of your report.

Style: Informal business writing should be persuasive, concise and easy to read

Your first task is to persuade the reader that your analysis of the issue(s) and your recommendation to solve it(them) are likely to bring the greatest success. This is the purpose of the case assignment. Fight the urge to show an indepth pros/cons analysis of every alternative simply because you did the analysis to come up with your recommendation. It isn't persuasive - it's boring and unnecessary. You have chosen the alternative that you believe is best; now convince the reader that it is by showing how it meets the criteria better than the other alternatives. The alternatives therefore are only discussed in comparison, not on their own. You are not given grades for getting the "right answer". You are given grades for persuasively arguing that your solution best addresses the issues.

Even if you have a really good solution and you create a persuasive argument, if you don't communicate concisely in business writing you will lose your reader and your argument will lose its punch. Be concise. If you can say something in one hundred words or in ten words, use ten. You have a limited amount of space and you must assume that the reader is a busy person. Don't waste your time and his/her time trying to make your case write-up longer than it has to be. As in the first heading - business writing is not essay writing - this goes as much for style as it does for format. Make your write-up long enough to be persuasive, but no longer. If it is too lengthy, look for information that is less important or redundant and eliminate it.

Your writing must also be easy to read. Effective ways to create a report that is easy to read include:

headings and subheadings formatted differently than the main body of text

visuals - charts, figures, etc. imbedded into the text or clearly referenced at the end of the report - never include an appendix that you have not directed the reader to within the body of your report

bulleted lists - this is not the same as point form - the key is that if you have lists of any type, the best way to present them for business writing is to create bullets that have parallel phrasing (similar grammatical structure, for example all starting with verbs - wake up, have a shower, eat breakfast... - more information on parallel structure is provided in the McGraw-Hill e-text in chapter 4, pg. 98)

The key is that if you use these guidelines your writing will be visually appealing. Just think of how different you feel when you have a textbook page to read that is full of pictures, headings, and white space, and when you have a page to read that is top to bottom words with no relief. Readable business writing has plenty of white space created by headings, diagrams, and bulleted lists. Ideally, the reader should be able to visually see what you are saying by just the layout, without reading the fine print.
(Check Chapter 4 of the McGraw-Hill e-text on Business Communication for helpful hints to make your writing more readable:

pg. 85, figure 4.1 outlines how the most appropriate style for business writing compares to typical essay writing style

pg. 87 provides an excellent suggestion for checking the readability of your writing is provided in the section "Building a Better Style"

pg. 88, figure 4.4 provides suggestions on making your writing easier to read

pgs. 92-98 provides suggestions for building better sentences

You can't help but improve the readability of your writing by using these hints. Remember, business writing is very different from essay writing. Even the best essay writers can benefit from these suggestions.)

With respect to your headings and subheadings, it is important they contain "high information". This increases the ability of the reader to visually see what you are saying. Use a newspaper journalism mentality and add informative headings to clearly state the point(s) you are trying to make. If the reader wants to know more detail, he/she will continue, but it shouldn't be necessary. For example, an effective heading in a report for the Joe McBrine case might be New Policy Needed to Handle Future Disability Cases. A very poor title would be Primary Problem. The reader therefore would know what the primary problem is from the title, not just that the next paragraph will tell them what it is. So, be careful not to use any of the Case Format headings in your case write-up.

(More examples of high information headings are provided in the McGraw-Hill e-text on Businesss Communication in chapter 12, pg. 292-3, and referred to as "talking heads".)

Case writing is often thought of as more of an art than a science. Each case is different and every write-up is going to be somewhat different. Please consult the other readings and your Teaching Assistant and/or Professor if you have any questions.

BEST OF LUCK! The effort you put into this will be rewarded down the line, not only in stronger grades, but in separating you in the business world. The value of communicating well can not be overestimated!

As per Figure 8-7 in Chapter 8 of Impact…
?Use memo heading
?Start with the issue(s) and your recommendation(s)
?Outline how you made the decision ? lay out the criteria you used to make your decision(s)
?Outline what options you considered (and why) ? state the alternatives you considered
?Justify your recommendation based on each of the criteria and how the analysissupports your recommendations vs the alternatives
?Explain how the recommendation should be implementedto ensure its success, and what you recommend be done if certain contingency events occur ? do not choose a discarded alternative
?Use high information headings!
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回复: 枫叶之国面面观---一个投资移民眼中的加拿大


1 从市政府方面解决 比如全民投票决策、改变局部地区环保等级以容纳该企业、向上一级政府需求合作或政策法律支持、合理合法减低对方公司更多成本以期达到环保要求(个人认为这个是上策)等。
2 从合作方方面解决 比如技术革新的可能性、更换环保产品等。
3 另辟蹊径。利用环保环境优势开展诸如旅游等其他新兴产业、向上一级政府请求经济减压或者优惠政策等。




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