回复: 我所了解的多伦多学龄前教育(欢迎妈妈们补充)
有个提问想请教一下,你知道Mckee这个学校是full time 的JK和SK的吗? 你的儿子和我的儿子明年都可以上JK了, 如何申请学校和需要带啥证件呢?如果租房上学那边学校对租房合约有没有时间上的限制等条件啊?
你啥时出发去多伦多啊, 希望我们到时能在那里碰面啊!!
To register, visit your local school and bring the following information about your child:
1. Age (a birth certificate or baptismal record or passport)
2. Address (two pieces of identification that show your address, such as your telephone bill, driver’s licence, etc.)
3. Immunization (the card that shows a list of needles your child has received)
4. If your child was not born in Canada verification of date of arrival is required. Families who are permanent residents and refuge claimants may register directly at the school. All other families
should come to the International Program and Admissions Office, Toronto District School Board, 5050 Yonge Street, for a TDSB School Admission Letter.
For more information speak to your local school.