回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计
1、所有关于分数的审查工作都由CIO完成,VO只负责面试(包括背调)、行使自由裁量权(Substituted evaluation)和最终决定权。
不够分的:refuse the application (negative selection decision); record outcome and reasons; and send a letter to inform the applicant (see Appendix C for sample letter).
够分的:forward the entire application to the visa office identified by the applicant on the IMM 0008 for a final selection decision.(没说需要给我们些什么东西啊!FN?)
3、在收到FN之后ME之前可能收到VO行使自由裁量权时communicate their concerns to the applicant and provide sufficient opportunity to the applicant to respond to these concerns, through correspondence or an interview;