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回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

Valid passport or travel document for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: 05/14/2011

All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.

是寄护照原件过去还是寄复印件? 要求补料的无刑,体检结果是寄原件还是复印件? 清华认证说了要Original. 觉得confusing的地方是 护照复印件妥投时已经寄过了,为什么还要寄呢? 求解答
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

问一下Rebecca629, LG是主申请英国硕士毕业,我是今年3月刚从澳洲硕士毕业回来的。今天接到ME的通知要求补料我俩在英国和澳洲的无刑证明,我俩现在都在国内不知道要怎么办才能拿到证明,不会是还要跑到国外去申请吧,尤其是澳洲的那个好像要验指纹的,希望指点一二。
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

恭喜Rebecca同学! 是不是你的澳洲无刑超过了三个月?我妥投时也是把英国无刑寄过去,现在也要补无刑. 原因就是已经超过3个月

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

问一下Rebecca629, LG是主申请英国硕士毕业,我是今年3月刚从澳洲硕士毕业回来的。今天接到ME的通知要求补料我俩在英国和澳洲的无刑证明,我俩现在都在国内不知道要怎么办才能拿到证明,不会是还要跑到国外去申请吧,尤其是澳洲的那个好像要验指纹的,希望指点一二。

天哪你还没办澳洲无刑?!速度,明天就去吧。。我来来回回用了两个月时间,一次指纹还不过关又做了一次。。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/asia-pacific/australia.asp 这里说的挺清楚,我是在北京长安公证处用他们复印的美国指纹卡做的,祝你好运。
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计


还真是问对人了,第二次办英国无刑了(第一次初审时递交,办完后才知道不用这么早办, 白白浪费2000银子),今天在弄第二次了.

http://www.acpo.police.uk/documents/PoliceCertificates/Application Form 11_CHI (S)[2]%2015-02-10.pdf 这个说明有你需要的所有信息. 不需要人在英国办.但需要你提供现在地址的证明(如水电煤单,带英文翻译,自己简单翻即可). 标准服务(35GBP) 10个工作日(不含邮寄路上时间), 加急服务(70GBP) 2个工作日, 我选的是标准服务. 所有的资料和汇票需要寄到英国. 它提供的是PO BOX地址,如果你想寄快递过去,需要另外的处理, 可以给我留言你的邮箱,我把他们客服的回答给你转发.
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

报告班长和同学们,我也ME了(03/16/2011)。要求补充美国无刑,当时自评74,曾在加留学1年余,10/07/2010妥投北京,烤鸭仅5.5, NOC 3111。中介说补料后最快1月,正常2月可有纸。祝兄弟姐妹们都早日过。班长辛苦了,强烈致敬!!!!!!
  • Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination for yourself, and all family members. This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011
  • If your residence period in the USA has been six months or longer since the age of 18, provide an original FBI clearance certificate Spouse This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011

  • Pay the Right of Permanent Residence fee for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011

  • Valid passport or travel document for yourself, and all family members. This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

报告班长和同学们,我也ME了(03/16/2011)。要求补充美国无刑,当时自评74,曾在加留学1年余,10/07/2010妥投北京,烤鸭仅5.5, NOC 3111。中介说补料后最快1月,正常2月可有纸。祝兄弟姐妹们都早日过。班长辛苦了,强烈致敬!!!!!!
  • Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination for yourself, and all family members. This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011
  • If your residence period in the USA has been six months or longer since the age of 18, provide an original FBI clearance certificate Spouse This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011

  • Pay the Right of Permanent Residence fee for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011

  • Valid passport or travel document for yourself, and all family members. This must be received at this office by: 05/16/2011

强烈恭喜!! 让我眼前一亮的是"中介说补料后最快1月,正常2月可有纸"--振奋人心哪!! 请问擂鼓墩同学,补料寄的护照是原件还是复印件?有好几个同学都有这个疑问.信中几句话简直自相矛盾:
"Valid passport or travel document for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: 05/14/2011"
"Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport."
"All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation."
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计



Valid passport or travel document for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: 05/14/2011

All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.

是寄护照原件过去还是寄复印件? 要求补料的无刑,体检结果是寄原件还是复印件? 清华认证说了要Original. 觉得confusing的地方是 护照复印件妥投时已经寄过了,为什么还要寄呢? 求解答
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

Valid passport or travel document for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: 05/14/2011

All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.

是寄护照原件过去还是寄复印件? 要求补料的无刑,体检结果是寄原件还是复印件? 清华认证说了要Original. 觉得confusing的地方是 护照复印件妥投时已经寄过了,为什么还要寄呢? 求解答
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

问一下Rebecca629, LG是主申请英国硕士毕业,我是今年3月刚从澳洲硕士毕业回来的。今天接到ME的通知要求补料我俩在英国和澳洲的无刑证明,我俩现在都在国内不知道要怎么办才能拿到证明,不会是还要跑到国外去申请吧,尤其是澳洲的那个好像要验指纹的,希望指点一二。

报告班长和同学们,我也ME了(03/16/2011)。要求补充美国无刑,当时自评74,曾在加留学1年余,10/07/2010妥投北京,烤鸭仅5.5, NOC 3111。中介说补料后最快1月,正常2月可有纸。祝兄弟姐妹们都早日过。班长辛苦了,强烈致敬!!!!!!
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计

buffalo 的vo是不是都死光了啊,全都阵亡了啊,怎么这么慢啊,bj的都这么多了!!!!!!!!!




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