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工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

请问你在多伦多那个学校上的ESL?可以告诉吗?我在MARKHAM 问过,没有免费的ESL,还是我自己没弄明白?你可以加我QQ928593402 谢谢。

Learn English or French as a Second Language
或者之前的skills for change也有ESL上,

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

谢谢!!! 我在温哥华,也有免费的ESL么?请问我应该怎样搜索相关资源呢?

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

4月18日收到。2年有效的OWP。 ( 我原有的4月28日过期,所以我觉得他们给签证都是算好的。)
现在准备办re-entry 的签证回国。

后来发现他们的公立Collage 的Parttime 不需要学习签证,而且费用也和加拿大人收的一样,觉得机会不错。现在只报了两门课。

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

各位姐姐 ,小妹我紧急发帖求救,有哪位姐姐已经用过online申请工作签证更新的了,online申请没说要scan 咱的合同,只是要咱的护照copy,我就直接scan了护照,没弄合同的,刚才在一个论坛上看到有的mm说这样会被拒绝的,因为材料不全,呜呜呜 需要从新申请,我超级郁闷,很想知道哪位姐姐已经用online申请了,到底需不需要合同的scan呢,不递交的话后果是什么呢,还有现在已经怎么补救呢。急等回复,谢谢啦
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

现在进度这么慢,大家应该齐心协力的想点办法了。上次我曾经呼吁过大家,可是遭到了某些人强烈的炮轰,不知现在大家都有什么好的想法和意见. ---- forward complain----

"Dear officer/supervisor,

For last four months, I found the online "check application process time
----live-in caregivers" Step 1 still shows the last recorded transation
Mar 21 2010. It didn't process any application received from Feburary to April.
Step 1process time has changed from 6 months to 12 months .

As you know, oversea nannies who join the program to live as live_in caregivers
contribute 2 years as an employee to take care of children,elder and disabled people.
Now the government has announced at least 25 months to apply to be Permanent
Resident status. Actually that make total 4-5 years to process before only 3years.
Can you consider this situation. Live in caregiver members of family
(child,husband) who are without their mother or wife for 4-5years rather than
a normal 3 years.The received case already doesn't processes for 2months and the
caregiver during waiting time will loss MSP (health care), and will not has some proof
to facilititate a normal life. Meanwhile, the new applicant will arrive in Canada to
replace the job.

I highly appreciate you considering our feelings continous to the process live-in caregiver cases."
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

齐心协力---forward complain-------

Dear officer/supervisor,

For last four months, I found the online "check application process time
----live-in caregivers" Step 1 still shows the last recorded transation
Mar 21 2010. It didn't process any application received from Feburary to April.
Step 1process time has changed from 6 months to 15 months .

As you know, oversea nannies who join the program to live as live_in caregivers
contribute 2 years as an employee to take care of children,elder and disabled people.
Now the government has announced at least 25 months to apply to be Permanent
Resident status. Actually that make total 4-5 years to process before only 3years.
Can you consider this situation. Live in caregiver members of family
(child,husband) who are without their mother or wife for 4-5years rather than
a normal 3 years.The received case already doesn't processes for 4 months and the
caregiver during waiting time will loss MSP (health care), and will not has some proof
to facilititate a normal life. Meanwhile, the new applicant will arrive in Canada to
replace the job.

I highly appreciate you considering our feelings continous to the process as soon as possible.
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

现在进度这么慢,大家应该齐心协力的想点办法了。上次我曾经呼吁过大家,可是遭到了某些人强烈的炮轰,不知现在大家都有什么好的想法和意见. ---- forward complain----

"Dear officer/supervisor,

For last four months, I found the online "check application process time
----live-in caregivers" Step 1 still shows the last recorded transation
Mar 21 2010. It didn't process any application received from Feburary to April.
Step 1process time has changed from 6 months to 12 months .

As you know, oversea nannies who join the program to live as live_in caregivers
contribute 2 years as an employee to take care of children,elder and disabled people.
Now the government has announced at least 25 months to apply to be Permanent
Resident status. Actually that make total 4-5 years to process before only 3years.
Can you consider this situation. Live in caregiver members of family
(child,husband) who are without their mother or wife for 4-5years rather than
a normal 3 years.The received case already doesn't processes for 2months and the
caregiver during waiting time will loss MSP (health care), and will not has some proof
to facilititate a normal life. Meanwhile, the new applicant will arrive in Canada to
replace the job.

I highly appreciate you considering our feelings continous to the process live-in caregiver cases."
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

NICY 您好!恭喜你得到PR了~我想问一下住家保姆申请移民时以前的LMO过期了有影响吗?LMO过期日是2010年12月份而我是2011年2月份才到温哥华的。




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